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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Yeah, when she gets older people will think it was just a stroke. Seriously though, it seems as if they have made her jaw more square-like. I honestly can't make sense of that.
  2. £25 from Amazon. Been meaning to get this for a while and finally got round to it. It's an amazing series that apparently is one of the best examples of HD picture on the Blu Ray format. Should be a good watch.
  3. Woah, her eyes have sure shot up. She looks a bit like Droopy now.
  4. Sorry but I don't know how anyone could come to that conclusion... the 360 looking better than the PS3? I've always thought that the poor design of the 360 was because it was rushed in order to get it out and selling consoles quicker than the other companies. Apart from the PS3 being curved, it's a very slick looking piece of technology. The 360 in its matt plastic case and having an obtrusive hard drive really does look quite old and dreary. And yeah, the N64 is grey. No doubt about it. Nintendo are wrong if they call it black, since it isn't. TV, black; 360 elite, black; PS3, black; Wii, white. Wii is the only thing that clashes for me, but it looks good so it doesn't bother me.
  5. I thought this was pretty easy when I played it on the 64 last year, but I guess I'm just used to button mashing.
  6. By all means, let these retards beat seven shades of shit out of each other, but at least making it illegal won't give them the same sort of undeserved money and attention for doing it.
  7. I don't see why his city of origin has anything to do with it... Honestly though...boxing? I can't understand why it's still legal. It's basically adrenaline-fueled assault.
  8. Normally for breakfast, if I have time, I'll have either some Country Crisp and strawberries with bananas chopped in, or failing that, some chocolate Ready Brek. There's always Coco Pops if I don't have either of those, though.
  9. That would be correct! A PSN ID signature person like yourself cottoned onto the bronze part. :p
  10. I think you have to kill the FBI for 6 stars to get the army turn up, not sure.
  11. Nice reasoning, and an absolutely excellent answer. But it's not the one.
  12. Nope.............
  13. This member has won bronze 454 times.
  14. Because they're just so sexy. In opposite world.
  15. Me? Humm...
  16. Saw this on the store. The 1200 points works out at about £10, right? Seems a bit of a rip off to me (although the actual cartridge of Tooie is expensive, this is more due to rarity, while a download can't be rare). I'd expect it to be cheaper since N64 games really should be. Fair enough, it has been touched up a little. I guess I just don't value Tooie enough to warrant the purchase. Not one of my favourites!
  17. Because if he doesn't, there's no consequence to the guy sleeping around (chavs inparticular). Whereas with women, they can get pregnant. And abortion is often an ordeal that they would not wish to go through, and they may even believe the unborn child has a right to be born. Remember: sexual intercourse is designed for producing children. It's just us humans and certain other species such as the dolphin that decided to use it for pleasure as well. Many men have an 'invincible' syndrome (typical of footballers), whereby they stroll through life thinking they are the freaking masters of everything; untouchable. I quite like that there is something to keep the kind of guy typically on the receiving end of such pregnancy knock-up dilemmas (Jeremy Kyle ahoy) being spit-roasted by a giant government cock.
  18. And that's my day made. Happy Birthday chook.
  19. It's good murder. Gurder.
  20. But then every chav wanker in the country would use that excuse to get out of it and be able to live completely free of consequence, screwing every teenage Vicky Pollard in the country without fear. There's no solution to this that is equally fair to both sides.
  21. LOL, well said :p. There's so much bad spelling in this topic, even from people boasting about university degrees. A lot of immigrants know better English than they do!
  22. Yes - technically speaking they're not alive. Since a virus 'particle' doesn't meet the checklist requirements for a living organism and only activates once it obtains a host, there's no way you could really see them as living creatures.
  23. I found the part where they cut to a Question Time scene with a politician stating how working to a schedule would be difficult for MPs to be hilarious, because of the retort "What, like a job?". Cue the eruption of laughter from the audience, too, and you had a great moment. As well as that was Gordon Brown's comment of "I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately." What a toolshed! Good times.
  24. D. Kill myself. Nah, if there was a kid involved as well as the cheating I would very likely dump.
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