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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Some good games, even though I was only there for a short time tonight. We should submit our own wordlist (1500 words minimum), possibly to do with N-E. It could be awesome.
  2. Yeah, but, you never know. Every so often franchises take a reboot. Resident Evil did it quite successfully. But really this wouldn't even be a reboot...just a minor change, I think. What I proposed wouldn't really affect the gameplay at all.
  3. That is quite possibly the ugliest controller I've ever seen! I've never seen that one before. It looks like a controller that swallowed a cake. :p
  4. Hey. I'm one of the more mature iSketch players. :p
  5. They could just make it so water Pokemon can naturally swim (because they can) but before they will let you ride them surf style (and this excludes small water Pokemon that couldn't carry you) you have to 'prove yourself' to them with gym badges (which is the case for making high level Pokemon obey you). The same would be for strong bulky Pokemon with strength, or flying Pokemon. It's just annoying having to give them a move that is usually crap and takes up one of their 4 moves.
  6. I'm up for a game. I'll create a room called N-Europe.
  7. Yeah I remember first bumping into Suicune in an area where a L50 shouldn't have been, and thought WHAT the hell! The Pokemon looked quite different to regular Pokemon. I think realised I could check its location to see where it was after I couldn't bump into it again in the same area. I then found it it was constantly moving...after ages of chasing it and bumping into it one more time I couldn't even get it to a state where it was weakened enough to catch!
  8. Normal Pokemon players don't really even notice stuff like that, though. I mean, anyone can trounce AI trainers with their highest level Pokemon anyway, so no one can really tell if it's unbalanced. The only way it might seem unbalanced is if you play someone in real life...but who still does that. :/ On that merit...all the Pokemon games are easy! I'm yet to encounter one where I can't rinse the whole game with only my starter Pokemon.
  9. On a semi-related note, I used the homebrew channel on my brother's wii to run VBAGX so he could play his Pokemon Fire Red full screen on the 37" downstairs. :p Really was quite something. Surprisingly though, it didn't look bad, as you'd expect for a stretched game. You can also run it choosing to maintain the aspect ratio. The program UI is really smooth and you can controll with the gamecube pad, classic controller, wiimote and even mouse and keyboard. Thumbs up!
  10. lol, Yosh means ok in Japanese. :p If you weren't being sarcastic...
  11. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It really is a fantastic game, and it often sells for over £20, too.
  12. Yeah, that's what made me dislike this game a little. I suppose if you were to just play this game casually you might mildly enjoy it, but for people who like to play the whole game it's a freaking ballache. I can't stomach playing this game so soon after 100%ing it some months ago...
  13. I think you're being pedantic here...obviously we are talking about an evenly matched fight, level-wise, and using their natural movesets after they have picked up some moves. Water beats fire, yo. Can't deny that fact. Also IIRC, they must gimp the rival's Pokemon at the beginning as I always beat it no matter what I choose, despite us being the same level and me just using tackle.
  14. True, but then if you were to consider purely fire and water starter pokemon I still have a point. Charmander was also a shit choice in R/B IIRC because of the earlier gyms not being weak to fire... And then after the R/B games I'm sure they gave Charizard a double rock weakness. Bleh...
  15. I always found the water Pokemon to be the most über. Need I remind you...Blastoise...had mounted turret guns on his back. And mudkip...need more be said. I also had Pokemon Blue back in the day, which makes me lean to the water side. Also...who would really win in a non pro-move maxed battle against fire and water?
  16. Barely used sansa clip 2GB MP3 player with radio: £20 from a friend. 2GB RAM for my NC10 netbook, costing £13 new.
  17. I would love to play this, but it's the monthly charge that puts me off. Admittedly I did pay a few times to play PSO online on the GC but what with already paying for Live gold (I know it's not essential to have Gold to play this, but I want Live anyway) means I doubt I'll end up playing it online. And online was definitely where the original PSO was at.
  18. Isn't the storyline almost the same in all of them? Like, become t3h Pokemon Master? Then some extra stuff related to Legendary Pokemon... I wish Pokemon would reinvent itself at least once, or break the mold a little. They are all pretty much the same games (handheld main titles).
  19. Hmm, I don't believe I described it as that; rather a case of you putting words into my mouth. I just said it's the best show ever, because I think it is. Other shows may have better production values, ratings and higher quality scripts, but at the end of the day if something genuinely makes you want to come back to it again and again, and leaves you with a far longer lasting impression, is that not grounds for saying it's the best show ever? It's only like how people on this forum say that comic books like Invincible are the best thing ever, or the best written thing ever. A lot of us would probably snicker at the thought of reading comic books in your twenties, but that doesn't change the fact that some people love what they love for their own reasons. But of course this is obviously opinion, so there's no real point to challenge in the first place, since everyone has their own views and so there's no point in acting as if other people wrong.
  20. And through brilliantly detailed elaboration I have been left utterly defeated.
  21. Scrubs is easily the best show of all time. It really never took itself seriously and has to be one of the most loved shows of the past 10 years. Cox has consistently performed brilliantly and particularly shone in the finale for me. It's all quite sad as I remember starting watching it in the first year of sixth form, and now 8 years later I'm finally letting it go. Although they weren't real doctors becoming more experienced in their field, they naturally became more confident and acquired maturity through the progression of series. It does actually feel as if I have watched them grow up. There's just so many little skits that I'll never forget from this show, especially floating head doctor, JD hanging up his pants and becoming unconscious, Hooch, Rowdy and, of course, Cox rants. Truly a gem among all the generic shit that comes out these days. Bravo, Scrubs, thanks for entertaining me for all these years.
  22. Honestly, did anyone not think G/S would be remade? G/S can't link up with the most current games and they're clearly another generation that could do with graphical improvement (like B/R).
  23. Yeah I remember this from the past. It's simply awesome. If you know how to play Pictionary, you can play this.
  24. Tonight we shall dine in hell.
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