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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Resident Evil 5, I'm up for playing! Completed this today and absolutely love it...Add Meltigemini on PSN if you want to play with me. Online now actually...
  2. Yes but to do so the changes they have made are ones that appeal to a bigger audience, and less so to gamers like us. I preferred Nintendo games back in their day compared to right now.
  3. This is why you don't read about the game on every news resource so that it isn't spoiled for you.
  4. Got this in the post earlier; just got Fallout 3 yesterday which kind of makes it hard to chose! I'll no doubt be playing Resi though after I grab a quick snack...
  5. ShopTo sent it yesterday...good old ShopTo. They always get it out quickly, cheaper than the rest usually and free recorded delivery? El bargaine.
  6. The drunkenness is desired for certain reasons, therefore achieved by drinking. That's what I meant when I explained the actual purpose of consuming alcohol itself. I don't mean the desired result of the whole night, I mean the direct purpose for drinking. Obviously there's a reason for becoming drunk, otherwise people wouldn't do it!
  7. This is a side effect of being drunk. The essential point is that people do drink to become drunk, for various reasons. The most popular reason is to enhance socialising (when I say enhance, I more or less mean their ability to socialise). Otherwise they'd be drinking coca cola together. It's madness to suggest that people drink beer or vodka for anything other than the effects of alcohol that ensue, and fun times. I was merely pointing out that some people act as if people aren't drinking for the effects of alcohol to assist them in some way, rather that they're doing it for the hell of it.
  8. Yes, so like I stated, people drink to become drunk. Being drunk, even lightly, then enables them to loosen up and socialise more easily.
  9. Preordered, hopefully should be a bit of fun since I loved RE4.
  10. Everyone take note of these words...and it's not often I agree with him. You would essentially be paying a chunk extra for a sandwhich tin, some trinkets and a few videos taken while the devs were making the game. They bring these versions out to make money off chumps all the time, and it works.
  11. I have to say, Square Enix have absolutely played DS owners. :p Not content with the paltry sum they'd have received if it had gone to the virtual console, they add touch features and some extras to sell it as a full price DS game. It's a great game though, and since it's never come to Europe before it deserves to sell for full price here once. One of my favourite ever games.
  12. Woah, her quote was pretty much invented for that vid.
  13. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  14. Apparently Japanese people don't have 360s...
  15. Probably because it's a microwaved cake. I've had microwaved hot sort of cakes from supermarkets before and they're just not like real cake. I'd try this but most of the pictures look kind of disgusting, plus it's just as easy to make a real cake except you come back to the cooking appliance 30 minutes later instead of 3. :p
  16. If you had something to gain due to invested time and effort then you would have clearly lost said time and effort.
  17. There's no reason why you couldn't just get to know people while drinking soft drinks. Yes, people go out to socialise. But please do not kid yourself on this one - getting drunk is the main reason people drink a lot of types of alcohol. As for wine, that is a different matter.
  18. lol, you write them a blank cheque?!
  19. There must be a lot friendless orphans in Japan, as I'm not sure how anyone with relations to people could shake off the shame.
  20. Chill, Winstan. You're clearly very pro-drugs while she is very against. When two polar opposites collide there is always mass annihilation, or wonderful sex.
  21. Many of these pram people are usually adolescents who got knocked up, at least in my case. This inevitably means that they never had any intelligence to begin with. I find that even when you see pram women that are older, they never seem to have shook off their chavish, look, often retaining their traditional favourite 'hula hoop' earrings and slurred speech. My girlfriend's town is full of young women pushing prams about. Bunch of country bumpkins, they are.
  22. Actually in terms of resolution Blu Ray is easily a bigger boost in quality from DVD than VHS was to DVD, but most people aren't that bothered about further jumps in quality, at least not at the moment. DVDs don't lose their picture quality like VHS did, aren't fat and clunky, are cheap and can easily be recorded by anyone with a cheap DVD writer, so they'll stick around for many years. Many video DVDs are a tenner when they come out, whereas they're usually a fiver to a tenner more than that on Blu Ray - but since people with HDTVs are likely willing to pay more it doesn't matter much to them. But one thing you can guarantee is that anyone buying new TVs (of reasonable size) in the UK these days are most likely buying one that is HD Ready, so it can only get more popular. It has nothing to do with being rich; it's entirely people's attitude to money. There are so many pissheads our age in the UK that simply cannot keep onto money for more than 5 seconds, since as their title suggests; they are pissheads. Many of us are living rent free (or not paying the rent for a good while) either due to parent ownership of the house/being young, or having student loans. I found it extremely easy to afford a HDTV after little more than a month doing a few-shift part time job while I was at university. Meanwhile, people who go out too often tend to have little money to afford the little luxuries like these things.
  23. The only difference in this case regarding legal and illegal methods is that it hasn't been outlawed yet. :p This is the mentality that needs to be eradicated. People are so damn greedy and selfish; it's unreal.
  24. Um, you said you had no problem with people making profit, when clearly there are several ways of making profit that aren't acceptable. Touts should be banned too and all eBay sales removed (except those selling tickets at retail price). The Arctic Monkeys procedure sounds great - they should adopt that for all gigs.
  25. Digging up human remains and selling on organs. That actually happens, so are you ok with that?
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