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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. ^ Which is why they shouldn't charge full whack for it I think. If they haven't put as much time and resources into it then they shouldn't really be selling it for £40.
  2. A trip to the Wii boards will instantly validate your previous assumption. Anyway, backwards compatibility isn't such a big deal so long as you keep your PS3. I'm sure that PS1 games will still work
  3. I really don't think as many people with PSPs went down the piracy route as you think. In the early days memory stick sizes were small and expensive so a lot of people were still buying their games as UMDs. Also the first model was a fat brick and a lot of people either hopped on board with the later models or upgraded. The act of installing custom software was itself not straight forward enough for your casual or average gamer to be on board. I remember at the time that it was somewhat complex to perform (running an exploit using GTA Liberty city Stories) and I knew it wasn't going to be something that everyone would be doing. Especially with the publicised risk of bricking your PSP by doing it. Anyway, the Wii had a 'no hardware required' softmod method and from the point it did, the Wii still shifted far more games than probably anything else at the time. The PSPs failings were not mostly down to piracy - it's probably safe to assume that really good games that people want will attract a lot of pirates, but also a far greater number of people who buy it legit. If not a lot of people want the games then the console's failings can't really be attributed in any major way to piracy.
  4. That's not really the case as you needed to screw around with custom software and update it often (since I found that a lot of games wouldn't run on the older custom software). Regardless of whether you needed anything else or not, with DS it was far more simple. With PSP you needed firmware version 1.5 to even install custom firmware or else you needed to downgrade it, which was a bit of a faff and on some models was problematic. With the later models you would need a Pandora battery (battery modified using a fat PSP that you probably wouldn't have). So you would have to probably purchase something far more obscure to get those models cracked. Contrast this to a cheap R4DS which would cost less than £10 with a MicroSD and was available from god knows how many places. Not only was this simple drag and drop of files, the wet dream of Casual Joes, you could fit far more DS titles on the card than you could PSP games on a pro duo. Flashcards really were the ultimate idiot proof pirate tool. And it didn't take them that long to surface. For those reasons I don't really buy that there were more PSP pirates than on DS. It's all about simplicity and for many people PSP pirating was not simple. Obviously there were tons of PSP pirates, but I still think there were more people with DS flashcards. PSP largely suffered from a software drought and generally not having a unique draw like touch, or being much different product from home consoles. I think that had a bigger effect on sales than piracy. People just preferred the games on DS (me included).
  5. Woah congratulations man. That's great news!
  6. Really? DS was the single easiest thing to pirate ever and most people I knew had a flashcard. I thought PSPs problems were lack of killer software and generally not distinguishing itself enough from consoles (such as lack of a unique feature like touch).
  7. https://www.boundless.com/economics/monopolies/production-and-pricing-levels/monopolistic-firms-versus-competitive-firms/ And as a lot of the recent discussion has been pointing out, games like Zelda and Mario mean it's more like a monopoly than perfect competition when it comes to Nintendo own brand games. (That also goes completely against your argument that even monopolies abide by S&D) Can't you just admit that you're wrong on this one?
  8. The difference between his 'agree to disagree' and mine is that I was arguing this point ages ago while you guys were insisting it was a standard supply and demand model, which it wasn't. I was doing you guys a favour by saying agree to disagree, because it was like a never ending argument with planks of wood. :p In short, Nintendo's model can't be described as supply and demand, which is what you and Zechs were originally arguing. Supply and demand models assume perfect competition (before you say nothing is perfect; the closer to perfect, the better this model applies). Yet now you are correctly arguing the opposite; that you can now see Nintendo's games are far more differentiated from the competition than say a can of beans; the latter of which ascribe to the supply and demand model better. Pretty obvious U turn really, but at least you got there in the end.
  9. Yup, posted recently about Gone Home. Really enjoyed exploring the story and the feeling that you're actually delving into real people's lives. Loved how they set it early 90s too. Outlast I've seen videos of which were pretty cool. Definitely something I'll get round to.
  10. Current handheld consoles really aren't for going in pockets...they're too big. The same issue exists for the 3DS XL. Most people travelling have a bag though so it's not an issue. I agree with Daft - Kindle is the ultimate portable book reading device, eliminating the need to carry thousands of books. Still doesn't fit in your pocket.
  11. Really liked the concept of this game, felt very fresh. Unfortunately I couldn't get much of a handle on anyone here, what with anyone being able to do seemingly anything. Also Diageo you beetch. Fancy outing me as town so early on... my death was definitely on the cards after that. Also shame on the remaining town for not sussing one of either Jonnas, Peeps or ReZ was Mafia. You just know that at least one of those players out of the remaining selection was going to be Mafia. :p
  12. I played a bit of FFXI... not much though. I was thinking it'd be cool if the forum could adopt a ping system. You ping a player (ex. ping @Sheikah) and if they fail to reply in topic in that day phase on more than one occasion (ie. fail 2 pings) then they are removed. Also I'll play.
  13. Sounds like a plan. Can't say no to inner London £2 drinks...
  14. I'm at UCL doing a PhD there.
  15. I think the fact he's using a children's picture to argue his point says enough.
  16. Take your key stage 1 syllabus with you and learn some science!
  17. Yeah I think dungeon content and progression is a big one. There's a lot of things they can keep the same (races, towns, rupees etc) to maintain the Zelda theme, while also considerably shaking up other things like dungeons, how Link fights, make it so nearly all the items are new (heck, even game changing stuff like a portal gun - not an actual portal gun though, heh), ditch musical instruments, leave Ganondorf out, etc. There's a big gap between keeping things in that are part of the Zelda theme, and reusing tired old mechanics. They need to jump that gap.
  18. So making Windows 8 functional seems to be all about making it as much like Windows 7 as possible.
  19. But so long as it just emulates previous games it will never be better than them. It's a case of been there, done that. I keep going back to RE4 because it was doing something new and it did so well, both critically and commercially. Just doing the same thing every game gets boring and stale - something that is really apparent with Zelda. You're literally going through the same motions game after game! The dungeon structure and basic gameplay has stayed the same for like 5 or more games now. And you get the Master Sword and defeat Ganondorf what seems like a hell of a lot. There's no reason that they can't try do a lot new and return to roots after if people don't like it. I'll bet you that's what Resi would have done if it 4 totally bombed. It takes courage to try something new.
  20. Don't mention it.
  21. I wanna know, who was the guy in charge of naming these things after Chain of Memories? Death by birth by death by birth of a sleeping flamingo... Divided by 358.
  22. ^ ReZ
  23. I'm guessing he runs a trendy wine bar and plans to use them as materialistic drink coasters. Who knows, in a couple of years the console might have gone bust so he might be able to afford it. :p
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