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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Can we at least hold off until we find out how Dedede thinks it's a flying Pokemon who killed despite not getting a PM back? This seems like such a glaring impossibility yet no one but Diageo and me seem at all bothered about it. Considering Dedede is adding fuel to Moogle's lynch I would like to hear why he thinks this is the case. Second...ok, just remembered. Ground attacks do nothing against flying Pokemon. Is that what you're getting at Dedede? Are you some kind of rock bodyguard that can fend off attackers, but have no effect on flying attackers? That could explain why you targeted Peeps but had no beneficial effect. In which case your move would have failed, and you would have got a PM back surely.
  2. Good point, that doesn't make any sense. Dedede, PM or no PM?
  3. Yeah, same...I went and bought this today. I'm also a bit disappointed with the quality of buildings, there's a really sense of 'filler' to them. All the buildings are plastered with the same kind of low-rest textures and patterns (even in the place of a lit window, which just looks really shabby. You know, I wouldn't mind a smaller world if it meant they put more effort into it.
  4. You're talking to people who spend pages of the thread debating the choice box art... :p
  5. How do you know he redirected your roleblock? While it's possible that he redirected you to himself to learn your power, there's also the possibility you were a cop which would be a pretty dumb move.
  6. Why are you saying to vote Yvonne?
  7. But you can parry like a boss!
  8. I think it's pretty scummy, but the person I targeted had some level of protection too. It seems to me that Moogle probably wouldn't admit this if he was Mafia and would instead want people to waste moves targeting him.
  9. Legal tender applies to all payments, and there's a few other sites that go into this in more detail. But just as a source for what I was saying before.
  10. "Throughout Australia" Anywhere
  11. In fact here is the Reserve Bank of Australia's own say: Thus: - Guy still has fine - Guy behaved like douche
  12. Everything I have been able to find out suggests that in Australia to pay for that amount of fine with such small change renders it non legal tender. For that reason the woman is completely in the right to refuse it.
  13. Yeah I meant some kind of roleblocker.
  14. You guess you're a gangbanger? Surely you'd know from your role?
  15. Yep. It's not legal tender since the change is too small. In Australia the max for paying with 5 and 10c coins is 5 dollars. So his fine will grow. What a self-righteous douche.
  16. Yeah it does seem that way. Not that I agree or disagree with the score since I have no idea how good it is. But they must know people expect the top score and not giving it a lower score will get more people viewing. Hilarious nonetheless.
  17. Did you mean you forgot to send a target Rummy or that you got stopped?
  18. The person I reached last night had some sort of protection/evasive power. I'm not sure why Peeps would have done anything but investigate but I've no idea what planting a seed does. I'm guessing if a player was illuminated then instead of it saying a pink Pokemon it would either say the Pokemon or the player.
  19. I think the fact you're having to tell me what these issues are when I completed these games shows just how devastating/noticeable these problems were to your average gamer. :p
  20. Most HD remasters I've played have been really good. Beyond Good and Evil and MGS I had zero issues with, so I'm not really sure what you guys are talking about.
  21. They clearly have done a lot more than your comment gave them credit for. Watching comparison videos, the difference between FFX original and HD is a lot more noticeable than WW and WWHD (well, apart from the bloom, but I didn't like that). Anyway, my point was that you summarised FFX's work done in a shallow way, then rattled off a load of features of WW that could just as easily been grouped. That's ridiculous. So discussion must always be praising a game/company/decision, lest you be called a fanboy?
  22. But in saying they have the same amount of effort put in you've just ignored the whole point about it being 2 games, and the fact that FFX alone is a bigger game in terms of areas, enemy and chacter models, etc. The more game there is, the more work that needs to be done. Surely you can see that? This all comes down to the acceptance that because you really like the game, you're happy to pay an amount of money that is not justified by anything other than your desire to be bathed in nostalgia. Certainly not its production cost. Also your last comment is rather lol. Regardless of whether you prefer WW to FFX or not (I certainly don't), they're comparable in that they've both garnered considerable praise and been held up as great examples for their relevant genres.
  23. Simple, they're putting more work in because the game is A) Two games, and B) FFX alone is a far, far larger game than WW. In fact most of WW's perceived scale is nothing more than a trick. Either way, you just said they're comparable in scope. Yet the price is not comparable, which agrees completely with the point I've been making. Edit: Ugh, just re-read your post. Such a fanboy whiff from the small 'touched up' comment regarding FFX relative to your waxing lyrical about WW. Please don't be so blatantly biased when trying to compare things. =/
  24. You only need to look at the FFX + FFX-2 remaster to see that so much more work is being done on an equally epic game but will cost us just a fraction of this to buy. I mean, if people are happy to pay it because they really want it then that's fair enough. I'm not here to convince you against buying. It's just that the fact remains that this won't have cost them anywhere near as much as a new Zelda to design and develop, yet they're charging the same price for it. And lol @ 'no one is forcing you to buy it'. Such a weird comment I see a lot. So what? You can still comment on whether you think it's overpriced or not. It's a forum and we're here to discuss.
  25. Actually they are. GTAV cost a lot to make but obviously they will get a huge return. Anyway no one is saying Nintendo can't charge what they want. We're just entitled to call them greedy cunts for it.
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