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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I still don't follow. How can you send records to the Mafia if you don't know who they are? And why would they assume you are an investigator? You're making a lot of leaps that make no sense whatsoever.
  2. @Sprout I didn't feel any bad effects or notice someone trying to make me 'mad'. Is there a reason why you didn't get anything other than a note last night? Did you set out to target someone? I don't understand what you're saying about people investigating to 'find' a note. I thought it was given to you?
  3. Yep, I targeted DuD; he targeted the deceased. Looking at the writeup, did @The Peeps target me?
  4. Sad news. He hadn't been well for a while, but that's still pretty young.
  5. Speakin' of wreckin'... Iggy's reckin' balls, anyone? No? Nobody? They gonna rek u m8
  6. Sweeet. Anyone else? @Shorty? I'm around whenever.
  7. Ah man. Another gets it. Meanwhile Xur sells the 2 new DLC pieces I already have. #ClassicXur. Anyone up for trials tonight? Or today? Let's get some games going! Also @Shorty not sure about that, might have turned it off (or maybe people need to select an option to record others' voices as well?)
  8. Anybody up for Nightfall and PoE? Also @Zell @Shorty - PoE tomorrow? Let's get another lighthouse like last week.
  9. I'm inclined to agree. The general feeling here seems to be that the ban is in place because it 'should' be on account of the existing rule structure, rather than any of us feeling like he should actually be permanently banned. When rules don't seem to be punishing people to a level that feels right then I don't think it's inappropriate to have another look at them. A short ban gives people the chance to change; if they don't change then you can permanently ban them. If this was a forum with incredible numbers of visitors like neogaf then permanent bans before temporary ones might make more sense. As it stands though, I think a month ban would be more appropriate, followed by a permanent ban if he reoffended.
  10. Sign me up if there's still time.
  11. That's not really odd at all. If Nintendo quit console gaming and went mobile only, making 10 times the money, would you be happy with that because they were making lots of money? Or would you be unhappy due to the direction they took? As gamers, we should care far more about the games and whether we like them rather than whether it means good sales for them.
  12. Any news on gameplay differences?
  13. Oh man. 2 of my favourite games. Couldn't wait for the final installment, sounded like it wasn't going to happen. Bring it oooonn.
  14. Our house exchange completed today. My girlfriend is picking up the keys in an hour. First house get, can't wait to go around later.
  15. To be honest, I think you're gobsmacked by it because you haven't really thought about it. After people have given you valid reasons why this could be a very good thing you seem to have ignored or dismissed every one. The caveats you have listed also don't really make sense. I don't see how large companies using Kickstarter type platforms "ruin it for everyone else" in any way; you can contribute to as many projects you deem worthy, big or small. It's not like a large company Kickstarter project somehow disables other Kickstarter projects by purely existing. I also don't see how it's a "wrong" use of the funding method. It doesn't matter how much money Sony or any other large company have because regardless of their capital, they're not going to want to fund games that make a loss. That seems to be what you're missing - this method makes sense because they can approach potential customers and say "we want to make this game, but it would need to raise at least this much first for us to deem it a viable cash maker". I guess the take home here is that just because a company physically can pay up front doesn't mean that they automatically should; especially not if they have reason to believe the game might not claw in a profit. By having this scheme, companies big or small can make games that they otherwise might have seen as too much of a risk to bother with. And you know what? I'm fine with that, because if I don't want to fund a game then I won't. The great thing is, it's optional. And on a final note, you asking if people would be bothered if if wasn't Sony seemed rather rich. I'll say nothing more other than if this wasn't Sony, I very much doubt you'd be anywhere near as rattled!
  16. Now put on your keaton mask and talk to that fox.
  17. Just announced for a PC release next year, so there is hope for you (if you have a PC). Can't imagine the requirements will be much. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-07-02-tales-of-symphonia-hd-coming-to-pc-next-year
  18. I was Meltigemini! Sorry, no idea why that was happening. Seemed ok on my end.
  19. Fans' money is used to fund games all the time. You buy games, and the money they make is used to fund the next games they make. That money doesn't just come from nowhere. The only difference is that now you're actually paying for the development of games you're definitely interested in. Not sure how you think it's disgusting in any way - either don't support it or buy on release.
  20. I'll respond to this later when on my PC as I believe what is being claimed here and there (particularly with regards to the conversation that has just happened) is being lost on a few. Edit - Looking back at the post here that started this particular discussion: The arrogance in the previous post was certainly something that triggered my response, but also the bolded part. Being knowledgeable about the series doesn't mean you 'know' a different entry in the series can't work. If you disagree, please discuss this with me as I'm pretty clueless as to how you can claim you know something to be true, then bring up Pokemon knowledge as an excuse.
  21. Knowing about this doesn't mean he knows a home console game isn't wise though. Keeping up with PR stunts, in fact, has nothing to do with the matter. I think this forum alone is a reasonable sample size to show how people would love one. As I say, it's his wants rather than him 'knowing'.
  22. You don't know you're the most knowledgeable person in the world though about Pokémon, do you? Unless you've interviewed every single person in the world. Can't you see how you come across to people when you say things like that? Not only that, but even if it were true it doesn't relate to the situation at hand. How does knowing Pokémon stats off by heart, for instance, relate to this? If anything, being very hardcore into Pokémon like you are means you see a lot more importance in portability than probably the vast majority of people who play Pokémon (who do not attend events). You're arguing how integral portability is based on how you feel rather than how most punters would probably feel. It's fine to express your opinion, but you should probably realise that a Pokemaniac does not necessarily know how the series should best evolve to suit the majority.
  23. I really don't want to get involved any more, but it appears someone is bringing an attitude to my door... Well considering you have named (nearly everyone here): and contrary to what you said here... you said this... You're a hypocrite. You left yourself off your own list, clearly. Claiming that Hero was making a provocative comment was honestly the straw that broke the camel's back after you made what was quite possibly the most inflammatory post I've seen in the topic so far. Saying that people were essentially mentally retarded and then calling for infractions over people getting angry is not helpful. I get that you want to see something done, but is totalitarian moderation really the answer? Nobody would want to be on a forum run like that. I don't think anyone on that list truly is in such denial that they think they've never been part of the problem. It's very easy to get into arguments when you're in a heated debate. I see this topic as an opportunity to vent, and for self-reflection. Some people may have more reflection to do than others. There's no doubt. But this topic feels very much like a self-help group, with the intention that people come to realise how they're affecting others and how they can help make this place better.
  24. They've said there's a warp drive so you're not travelling the same speed over a planet's surface as you are between planets.
  25. Shorty already looked up their IP address. They're using a proxy/VPN as it's not associated with any other member, yet obviously the guy knows people here. Internet, srs bsns etc.
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