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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. If there's a nightstalker, let them grab the relic. #ConstantlyRechargingInvisibilitySmokebombLad
  2. 281 is definitely enough for the first few parts of the raid, I'd say. The enemies themselves in those parts are recommended light 280.
  3. Oh right, cool. I sorta levelled Vanguard to help and didn't bother too much with the factions be for TTK so I'm miles away. Seems like you get a lot less faction experience now (half that of Vanguard?). Looks like that one will take me a while. Guessing there's a similar thing going with the other factions.
  4. How do you get Dead Orbit to pop a quest?
  5. Yeah, I can. Can be on from maybe 7? Then when I do that I can help @Zell (in fact, Zell, fancy doing this too?)
  6. I'm in, put me down for a spot.
  7. I was thinking about getting the FF7 one earlier in the week, but the random omission of 2 of the party characters kinda bugged me.
  8. Clearly the best level right here lairds
  9. Would you be able to make it Friday 8PM? I might be ready before 8 but can't guarantee it. Other than that, the date is good with me.
  11. Android has pretty much all the apps you'll need, trust me. I just got a new LG G4 for under £300 and I love it. Amazing display and camera, with a stylish leather back too. The good news about this model is that it supports microSD to cheaply expand your memory as well as replaceable batteries. None of the other main flagship phones have these features; they usually charge you an arm and a leg to get the same model with more storage instead.
  12. A question to both you and Ronnie - does commercial success seem to dictate your opinions on this one? I have seen Ronnie post sales figures, and you talk about smash hit sales. Does any of that really matter to us? My opinion, but I personally think the Wii and Wii U were the worst home consoles Nintendo ever made, and he oversaw them both. The Wii was the turning point at which Nintendo started making consoles that couldn't compete in terms of power/online and also when they seemed to give up on fostering good third party relations. They focused on motion controls, which was entertaining for a short time, but eventually overstayed its welcome; intruding into series and games where at the very least we wanted a choice over the controls. The 3DS, in my opinion, is a somewhat derivitative, safe product with a tacked on 3D feature that didn't really bring much. It has some decent games but felt outdated within a couple of years. Indie support has also been pretty poor, which to me is a big deal. The only console that launched under him the I adored was the DS. To me he only scored on 1/4, while at the same time set Nintendo on a path that I completely disagree with. I'll give him credit for the DS and the games he was involved in, but from a long term perspective I don't think he has done much good.
  13. I just don't know how you can argue the Wii U is the anomaly when we have seen the same sort of decline (some of which from when Iwata took over; remember the GBA and NGC too, which Iwata was President during...) with Nintendo for several generations, bar the Wii/DS generation. Surely you can see that as the anomaly, no?
  14. I think lumping handhelds and home consoles together to point out that the Wii U is an anomaly is rather dishonest, and I'm a bit surprised you're taking that angle. At first I thought you perhaps misinterpreted, but now that doesn't seem to be the case. Like Daft says, most of Nintendo's past home consoles in the last 20 years have not been majorly successful; ergo, the Wii is the anomaly for being a rampant success, rather than the Wii U for the opposite reason. You're acting like Daft is being unfair to Nintendo, but I don't think that's true at all (in response to Ronnie), and I really doubt that's his intention. Put it this way - if a company made phones that sold like hotcakes and also tablets that never sold so well, and then they released another tablet that didn't sell amazingly, you wouldn't say "this new tablet is a real exception as the company normally sells bucket loads of units'. You'd be like "the company's tablet didn't sell much, just like the previous ones it produced". Lumping together less relevant but more successful things in arguments is frequently done by marketing to prop up less successful ventures (e.g. when reporting sales such as Sony with the Vita+PSP combo, Microsoft with the 360+X1 combo). Let's not do it ourselves!
  15. Yeah, seems a bit of a misunderstanding on Kaepora's part. You weren't trying to put down Nintendo, just explain that the Wii U isn't really the anamoly (as Ronnie was suggesting); rather the Wii. I think mostly everyone would agree on that.
  16. Had my Nexus 4 a while and wanted a new phone. Is sleek.
  17. I usually have something always plugged in. I have 2 controllers and a headset; whenever one controller gets low, I switch out. I have my PS4 set to charge them while on standby too (for 2 hours) which works pretty well.
  18. The main reasons for complaint with SM64 as I can see were that a) people were unfamiliar with the 3D perspective and 3D camera control back then, and b) the camera was adjusted in increments with the 4 buttons, rather than with a stick as it is now. It was more difficult to get the camera as you wanted it. None of those really apply now. A huge number of people are proficient with 3D camera control, and even if they aren't, they can learn. The answer shouldn't be dumbing down.
  19. Seconding this, especially as the HDYT tags don't work in Tapatalk.
  20. Everyone should get this game. My favourite indie game of all time.
  21. Depends how you see it - some people want the content and see no value in the toys.
  22. Yep, I agree with you on the exclusive DLC thing. D1 console bonuses are bollocks. I feel for X1 owners who couldn't get some weapons/strikes for a whole year in Destiny. No arguments with me there.
  23. @Serebii It's not third party policy though, is it? Nintendo own the amiibo, they allowed it to be used in the way it is currently. Their ok'ing is direct confirmation that they are happy with gameplay modes being locked behind it; something we already knew anyway from Splatoon and Mario Party. I fully expect more of these sort of amiibo unlocks in the future too. They also turned down the original proposal for how the SK amiibo would be used, so it's pretty clear they had a heavy hand in it. Anyway, you rightly point out this happens in other places but that's not really the point. I don't like this kind of thing, and in my eyes Nintendo were good for not going down the microtransaction route when other third parties were. It's sad that Nintendo seem a far cry from what they were back in the 64 era.
  24. Classic Serebii. When confronted with an argument he can't defeat, bring up Sony and Microsoft! Shitty practices for shitty practices, whoever does it.
  25. It's using Nintendo amiibos, so we can definitely point a light at least partially at Nintendo here. They ultimately ok'd its use to unlock gameplay.
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