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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Shovel Knight, Splatoon, Mario Party. These 3 are enough example that real gameplay is being locked behind these (yes I am aware Shovel Knight is not a Nintendo game, but there is no way Nintendo did not have a say in this). That this content is available D1 tells me enough; pay more to have the full game. Cue you saying the content would not exist without amiibo, cue me calling you naiive, cue nobody caring, etc. Btw, as amiibo is something Iwata no doubt ushered in, this is totes on topic. We don't know whether the season pass DLC was made post release. We do know the amiibo content isn't. There's your difference.
  2. Season pass is for DLC made post release. The amiibo content is already on the disc. We've already had this discussion before though, so unless there's anything more to add...
  3. Yeah Splatoon was the finished article.
  4. Give me the complete games at day 1 over buying the games and £15 toys any day. Is this what we're doing now? Comparing reality with something else to make it seem a bit less shit?
  5. Nintendo must love you. You're justifying their DLC in perfect marketing language.
  6. But in respect to this part, if you look at darkjak's argument again, he commented that there was short term success (which is what I believe you are referring to, above) in place of the long term. As you said; people rushed to copy Nintendo in terms of motion controls to skim some of that hype cream off the top while it lasted. In respect of darkjak's comments about the Wii and long term, he is right; the Wii is where they took the generational leap backwards, in terms of power. That decision in part closed third party doors (at the very least, many of the games that were multiformat on other consoles stopped coming to Nintendo's home consoles). The console just couldn't run them. Worst of all though was the image. It separated Nintendo's console from the rest; it was no longer seen as a similar product, or competitor, to the other consoles. That worked for them while they were popular with the Wii, but now it doesn't. Again, that's the long term effects of it.
  7. Had my PhD graduation at UCL today, was fun seeing everyone again as well as wearing a pimp getup.
  8. Sure they do, they locked gameplay out with Splatoon. Maybe they were the ones who wanted Shovel Knight amiibo to have more meaningful stuff locked behind it? We'll never know, but they have precedent. And we for sure know Nintendo ok'd this decision. They're compliant with it at the very least.
  9. Same with me, I always seem to not watch for a while then have lots to watch. On the Dressrosa arc now too, at episode 683 or so. Love the voice acting and music even though pacing of the anime can be slow. Really makes it for me.
  10. I'm guessing none of the poor taste stuff it does now?
  11. I'd say it's worth playing the other games because it is quite a story focused series, and games like MGS3 are very much worth playing. It also gives you quite a bit of investment in the series, having followed the story and characters through. Although the story is quite convoluted it is quite enjoyable to piece together throughout the games.
  12. lol, PS4 boards are the least defensive boards in existence. What really is there to defend? The console is doing gangbusters. Anything we don't like we quite rightly air here. Like wankshaftery DLC prices. We're not insecure like that. I'm confused. Are you asking for people's opinion or not? Like here, you're seemingly asking for an opinion, but not...an opinion about what to do with your money? Surely you understand when people are telling you not to buy a game it's not because they fancy being your finance manager, right?
  13. Not in my experience - you tend to get very thoughtful responses here all the time (this being an exception, and only because you're being such a negative Nancy). Like, very detailed explanations about games, questions about your tastes, and generally being helpful. You see people asking questions here all the time about the PS4 and games, and whether it would be for them. This board is generally a lot of fun - in all honesty, when you are negative people don't tend to flame you either. It's not like the Nintendo boards where negativity is met with personal remarks (for instance Serebii, who recently got himself banned from a topic for flaming me...) Another way to see this is that you're asking for people's opinions again but when you get them, you often don't listen to them. Like when Hero et al. suggested you shouldn't buy a PS4 as it probably wasn't for you, then you did, and then you complained about it. So...yeah.
  14. Yeah count me in for the first raid too.
  15. The thanking was because it was a short and sweet response to someone being typically negative towards games on these boards. It sometimes seems like you want to be offended by games so you can have a moan about it, especially when you make opening posts like that... Also, like Goafer says...the sarcasm just makes you look a bit silly.
  16. With Witcher 3 and Bloodborne it has easily been one of the best first half of years ever, although perhaps just not to your tastes.
  17. Sorry man, just on a train to Manchester at the moment. Won't be back home until Monday!
  18. I'm guessing because if they don't deliver early, people will just order with another company that does instead.
  19. lool. Cereal number. Shoulda poured a litre semi-skimmed over that bad boy.
  20. I really want this. Beacause Cloud....
  21. I was hoping the Asian release of Zero would have an English subtitle option but sadly not. It sounded quite cool as it was set in the 80s.
  22. Yeah, no plans for Europe. Expected.
  23. Still gutted that there's still no Western Yakuza 0 PS4 release (or even announcement); it seems like a pretty ideal entry point for the series. What with it being the first chronologically and all.
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