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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. They've said there's a warp drive so you're not travelling the same speed over a planet's surface as you are between planets.
  2. Shorty already looked up their IP address. They're using a proxy/VPN as it's not associated with any other member, yet obviously the guy knows people here. Internet, srs bsns etc.
  3. I'll be eating probably within the next 30-40 mins or so, will send you an invite when I'm about. Edit: will be on in more like 30 mins (20 past 8 ish)
  4. Yeah half 8 sounds good.
  5. Yeah I am!
  6. Btw that doesn't actually mean anything as separate browsers have their own cookies.
  7. Not going to go into detail here but I'd like to remind you, words are very easy to type on the internet and it's impossible to gauge whether someone is really 'emotional' or not based on this. Also generally calling people emotional on the internet is usually a way to troll people by acting like you've really wound them up (yeah, emotional can be used to describe any emotion, but it is almost exclusively used to suggest 'wound up'). Don't feed the trolls! Also, bwahah? Come the fuck on, that's the sound of laughter! Oh and damn right this guy deserves to be shamed. Signing up on another account to liken to people to Hitler? Let's find out who this dude is!
  8. Bwahaha, what absolute bollocks. The words of a true coward! You make a new account because you're spineless; you want to insult people, calling them obnoxious and 'like Hitler' without being judged or punished for doing so. You could easily have commented on the moderation team and got the gist of your message across on your main account without such insults, but I'm guessing being nasty and unnecessarily vitriolic is part of your deal. At least I can call out the problems here without being afraid of how I come across! It's funny that you would remark that I am emotional about this. I'm not emotional - I find this hilarious! Somebody cares about their online persona/reputation so much that they create a new account just to bitch about people. You're a joke, son! I do hope the mods can find out who you are and shame you because at the moment a few people come to mind. Dat mystery!
  9. What a fecking coward this person is - making a new account because they're too scared to post what they really think. Pretty darn pathetic! No clue how anyone could call Ashley obnoxious, and Rummy is obviously trying to help here (props to whoever predicted Godwin's Law a few pages back though). As far as I know, multiple accounts are not allowed anyway. They're probably proxying but it would be great to find out who made this post as they're clearly part of the problem here. People are clearly so bitter about this place to go to the extent of multi-accounting.
  10. I don't mean this in a harsh way but I genuinely do think you need to take a step back and take a look at your own behaviour before calling for actions to be taken against others. Regarding the bolded part, above...particularly over the past few weeks I have, on more than one occasion, seen you instigate arguments. And before you disagree on this, instigating an argument is, for all intents and purposes, creating an argument where there was none. Where an opinion about something has been posted, you can sometimes present a hostile response and make an argument out of it as opposed to having a reasonable debate. In terms of dealing with negativity towards Nintendo you can come across as difficult and bad at dealing with other viewpoints, and in some cases insulting when addressing the particular holder of that view. I remember an instance recently with regards to drahkon's opinion of the gamepad that I thought demonstrated these points pretty well. There is also some hypocrisy (which I think drahkon touched on earlier) in that you often enter the other consoles board to complain about something or other to do with the PS4 (I would estimate that most of your posts there are negative), but then are seemingly repulsed by people being often critical in the Nintendo boards. You can't have it both ways.
  11. It's funny you should say that because we are sometimes involved, but do you wonder why? It's because people get very defensive about Nintendo and can't help but flame people for being critical. Me and drahkon are two relatively critical people when it comes to Nintendo because of the choices they make. But you know what, that should be celebrated! Different people and different points of view and all that. I don't want to read that some people don't want to be here because they want a massive Nintendo circle jerk with no negativity. In fact, I'd rather those people did leave! I'm going back to the PS4 topic again, but just look at it. A number of times dazzybee or clownferret have made very strong critical comments there but there's just no such reaction. We're fine with people being critical!
  12. Yep! Still on.
  13. Haaang on a sec, you said I needed to be spoken to for my 'language'. And you present...this? That is also possibly one of the politest 'reminders' of past behaviour put towards anyone on this forum, ever! For the record, it wasn't trolling at all. I just found it remarkable, genuinely, that you would post a montage of images in exactly the same way I did back when you caused a several page argument about lack of colour in games on other consoles. In that particular topic, I put forward a montage of PS4 games in exactly the same way. You disputed that screenshots were cherry-picked and were not repesentitive of the truth (concerning games you hadn't even played!). I think people should take it in their stride when they get caught out like that, and really, become better people for realising they were probably wrong in the past!
  14. It's the lick at the end that does it.
  15. The thing is, I actually own the console, and I'm undoubtedly one of Nintendo's biggest critics on these parts. So such a move would achieve nothing.
  16. I don't think you could have explained why you are arrogant in an any more arrogant way. Plenty of people are 'mensa level' or whatever and don't behave arrogantly. That's not an excuse.
  17. Yeah, it pretty much never happens. To be honest, you still get people coming in and saying negative things about the system (e.g. dazzybee or Clownferret) or negative things about particular games (e.g. Destiny), but there's never a fallout over such negativity unlike on the Nintendo boards. It's a world removed from here.
  18. I have to agree with this. I don't remember who posted this recently, but someone basically said this video was what it must like to be Wii. And I don't really understand it. @Ronnie, if Wii is ignoring you then he can't see your posts, but then everyone still gets to see these constant snarky remarks posted directly after him. You were warned not to mention him but for some reason you still quote him, for all intents and purposes. I genuinely think if the mods told Ronnie not to quote or respond to him in any way or else get an infraction/whatevs then the problem would go away. The problem with this particular situation, IMO, is that there has been no real deterrent to stop it. He was told not to mention him and he just found a way around it; he still essentially mentions him and clogs up the threads, just he does so for us and not Wii. And @Serebii, that isn't really the truth. I have on numerous occasions seen you put people down, just recently telling Daft he didn't know what a word meant. The biggest problems I have is not that you like Nintendo, it's the way you go about posting. You can be quite arrogant in terms of telling people what simply 'cannot be' or what is 'illogical', and you can be quite blinkered in the way you argue (in that you ignore truths or evidence off hand). It can be very annoying to have a debate with someone who ignores things that are not convenient, and IMO that's why things can often get heated. It's difficult to have good debates with people who have that mix of traits. Another person who has at least recently been giving me grief is @dazzybee. I mean, sometimes he is fine, and we can have a bit of a laugh. But on more than a few occasions recently, should I post anything negative about Nintendo, he's often there using the fact it's 'me' as a reason why I should be ignored, or pointing out that I'm the one with the problem, as if my points aren't really valid. Recently he went through my last 50 posts in order to basically have a dig at me, rather than consider why I was unhappy with Nintendo's offerings recently. And time and time again I see the following comments made, or near enough, which are frankly infuriating: "You don't like Nintendo, why are you posting here?" "This is a Nintendo board, y u be negative?" Or the worst - "This site says N-Europe, don't like Nintendo? Get out!" Suggesting any of those should result in a ban. Before people think this sounds like a one-sided rant, I'm going to admit that my comments aren't very passive. Just recently, I said that Fire Emblem looked to be selling the fuck out. If you really like that series still, even after the changes, I can see that that comment might be at complete odds to your own. But please! Engage me, I like a good debate. Why does your opinion differ? Don't just assume that I was dropped on the head to think this way! I am sometimes colourful with my language and I do take issue with a lot of what Nintendo does these days, but I enjoy the ride and finding out where we're going. I think a lot of the problems here, like Rummy rightly pointed out, is that people disagree with others but don't go about challenging the people in the right way. Like telling people that their opinion, essentially, doesn't matter, or taking part in a debate and pretty much ignore people's points (or being arrogant about it). And let's be honest, it's almost always people who don't like negativity kicking up a fuss. The way to move forward, IMO, is people being more accepting of other opinions (both sides) and maybe taking a moment or two to think before replying.
  19. Yeah, unfortunately it's an annoying one, the fortune spheres (the most annoying one). You can also get 4 slot armour with ribbon and break HP limit already on it by downing Dark Aeons (particularly Dark Yojimbo). A great way to avoid farming another 99 dark matters. I agree with your armour choices but not everyone needs Auto Phoenix (but then again, not everyone needs Ribbon, so feel free to pick and choose).
  20. It'll probably be £20 (as it's $20) but we don't know for sure yet. Apparently the class items give an exp boost. Crappy pricing though. Insane to charge the same as what they do for an expansion, but for a few piddly items.
  21. It would be great if you could do things like throw a message in a bottle in the sea of a planet or bury a stash under a specific tile. Shame it's going to completely reset as everyone leaves!
  22. Ah, that makes more sense. Bit silly to look at just the day of the Microsoft conference (or the day directly before it?) and then remark that there is more Microsoft discussion going on.
  23. When you look at their breakdown: That seems absolutely unbelievable (but then again, it includes before E3 I guess). Literally all you hear people buzzing about this E3 is Shenmue III, the FF7 remake, Minecraft, Uncharted and TLG. Not just here, but on gaming sites, reporter reactions at E3 (dem vids) and other big sites like Neogaf. Very weird indeed that people are apparently mentioning the next AC game more than them!
  24. I don't think you should. Really a reviewer should say in their review how great the game would be for a newcomer or people who are not that familiar with a series, and how they should definitely check it out. That's pretty much the case for any title in the NSMB series. But it would be silly to review every NSMB game as if it's the second coming loaded onto a cartridge. And the reason we don't review every single one as a masterpiece a la original Mario Bros is because it's not new and exciting anymore; every review is inherently meta. A game that stops innovating or offers less entertainment to people who have played the last 3 games or so should really be noted as such, I think. In Nintendo's case this is mostly down to comparing within series, but like I said, a lot of us do have expectations about features or gameplay that may have come about from other games and could actually apply to Nintendo, too (esp with regards to online). Ultimately it's all an opinion piece of one person, but will be read by many different types of people. There are the people who don't get bored of the same content, and the people new to series. Then there are the people who have played it all before and can't be sustained on the same kind of content indefinitely. Ultimately it's up to their reviewer to get their points across well and suggest who the game might please most!
  25. And if those expectations arise from playing games in the previous series? e.g. expecting a game's formula to be shaken up after previously playing four or so earlier games in the series that all played an awful lot like it? Those expectations don't come about just from playing other games in the same genre, but also games in the same series.
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