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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Some people never learn. :/
  2. The fact he has replied to your posts before does not necessarily mean you are not on his ignore list.
  3. ^ That assumption is already wrong, because even at the stage VR is currently at, people who have tried it have been very impressed with it (in contrast to where you say people will never think it is good enough). I know @drahkon is one. What matters is whether people find it fun, not whether it currently mimics reality 1:1. I mean, you could say the same thing about the Wii, right? Until it completely mimics swinging a tennis racquet, nobody will ever buy it. Except, they did. Thus, enjoyment matters more than complete realism.
  4. Yeah you're definitely being old school and fuddy duddy . As I said, it gives games that might not have otherwise been made a chance to succeed, and people are complaining about it, which just seems crazy to me. Saying Sony should fund the whole thing ignores the probable high cost of not just development but exclusivity. Maybe it just wasn't worth the risk? Why should we complain if they are just chipping in rather than funding the whole thing? If their chipping in helped the game ever be realised; good! People should probably be glad Sony are propping it up because it gives it more chance it won't collapse, because Sony won't want that aftermath damaging their image. Godus is an example of how wrong things can go, then nobody would ever trust you on Kickstarter again.
  5. I've noticed a great deal of ignorance in terms of people comprehending this deal. Like, as if people have no freaking clue what it means. It's really weird! This is just about the best precedent we could hope for. Gamers are getting the game, that otherwise would likely never have been made if not for Kickstarter, for just £18.26. £18.26! Normally games cost £40-50. SONY ARE TEH SCAMMING US! They're advertising a Kickstarter for a game they obviously do not own the rights to, and we can get it for so cheap! How dare they!11
  6. Erm.... Their new content was disappointing, yet it's not like they did E3 wrong? You tokin'? Also E3 is all about showing the press and people watching what is to come to convince people to buy your console and games. Doesn't matter what it started out as, that's what it is now. If you think otherwise then plain and simply you are wrong.
  7. You mean like in every other game? Yeah, that'd be pretty neat!
  8. You haven't played the games, ergo, you don't know what you are talking about.
  9. It's a shame that rather than challenge criticisms and try to see why people are annoyed, yet again you go for "this guy has a problem, it must just be him." Like here, claiming I'm loving it; really? Why would I be loving it? You think I'm happy that Nintendo have screwed over a number of their good franchises? An Animal Crossing board game? And Metroid! Hell no! It's a shame that you're so bitter about it and see negativity towards inanimate games as some kind of slight (and before you start: you do). "This E3 won't mean anything in a month's time." Take a moment to digest this, to consider what you really said. Because I'm sure as shit you just made that comment without thinking about it. Future bro: "Hey, you know Final Fantasy VII/Shenmue/TLG that was announced a month ago? Those games that are fucking awesome and everybody wants. Well I was really gearing to buy a PS4 rather than an X1 because I'd eventually like to buy those games, and can only afford one console, but hey guys a month has passed so none of that matters now; X1 here I come!" Not to mention, this E3 sets the tone for the next; it's not just a 1 month buzz! As we've seen these games in development now, the next E3 will be a similar affair; the games will obviously still be in development, but because we're talking about motherfucking Shenmue 3, motherfucking FFVII and motherfucking TLG, people will be absolutely anticipating and subsequently lapping up their coverage at the next E3. And so there'll be more hype, and more swaying people to the PS4. To say it has just a one month effect is so incredibly, ridiculously naive. As for the second part...If Nintendo do release their next console before any of those games release then they'll have no hope. That would mean that the turnaround of the Wii U will have been so short that nobody will have any faith in the next one! People have so little faith in the Wii U anyway, and I think if the Nx came out in exactly a year (ie. before TLG) then that would not instill confidence in potential buyers. The only way I see Nintendo pulling themselves out of this one if they were to release another console that quickly is another Wii-like miracle. Absolutely pathetic. Do you realise that I make a lot of posts here because of bullshit like the above? The funny thing is - you are the problem, actively creating the problem, and then musing upon why the problem exists. It's like a really shit Inception. I've actually reported this post because it's pure and utter flamebait. It's not even an opinion about a game, an E3, or anything like it. It's just a snide and petty dig at somebody because you hold grudges against people who feel differently about things. It's just a bit sad, really.
  10. Absolutely. The Kingdom Hearts video was absolutely immense. Unlike the Nintendo conference which was all complete bollocks, unfortunately.
  11. Awesome! Can't wait to play this, can friends play in the same world?
  12. Your reason why the games would not do well on other consoles was due to the COD generation not wanting Mario. So, you're basically saying the audience of the other consoles is all COD gaming dudebros. You're forgetting that A) Nintendo fans would follow Nintendo where they went, B) Plenty of people with other consoles like Nintendo games but don't see the Wii U as worth it and C) We're not all dudebros.
  13. For about a day you had a head on you, as if a little bit of reason got in. Like the E3 performance ever so slightly greased a blinker out of the way. Now you're back to this shit again.
  14. I've noticed a couple of people say that and it seems to be mostly people who never played/got far with Ico/SOTC, or are only properly coming across the game the first time via this trailer. I think what excites me most from the trailer is the hallmark Japan Studio flair and it leaves me feeling very positive that we're in for a very high quality, beautiful game like we have seen before with SOTC. I think as well that you've got tons of games that are very action-oriented and this is a complete contrast, so at a cursory glance I can see why some might think it looks 'boring'. Mark my words though, I expect greatness.
  15. Somehow the two combined in my mind.
  16. Yeah, more nonsense. From absolutely everything I've heard, VR is supposed to be extremely fun. He's said himself he doesn't know what's on the show floor today, so why not shut the fuck up?
  17. Motion controls and fat gamepads? God no! Let Nintendo make their software and nothing else!
  18. It's actually a very poor example because of the financial situation Sega found themselves in prior to the switch. It's also only 1 example, which makes for a very poor indicator of truth. But hey, it's easy to just say "this happened to them, so this is what will always happen" if it happens to align with somebody's pre-existing opinion.
  19. Hogwash. Bungie are doing just fine, delivering the kinds of games they love making (and before you start, lots and lots of people that play Destiny love it). And now a group of Rare employees have splintered off from Microsoft, look at what is being achieved. Kickstarter is really good at getting these things off the ground, too. I could easily see Nintendo creating a Kickstarter for the ridiculous numbers of games we all want! Not that they couldn't fund it themselves, but still. No doubt you'll touch on your one example though (Sega), which went the way of the shitter before it ever went down that route and had so much other crap going on that caused them to end up the way they did.
  20. You know it was good. You know!
  21. Yeah, they did. You see, people were hoping for good games. Instead they got...well, what they got. That's shafting their fans. It'd be like if you paid to go to a concert (invested money in a console), then all they played was their less popular songs, and they played them badly (bad/unpopular games). You would consider yourself shafted.
  22. I cared until they tried to deny that they're apologising. If they're going to shaft their fans with a display like that then they can at least apologise for it. No backbone.
  23. Yeah, complaining about colours is fucking idiotic. Who would do that?
  24. If you're looking to get out of the shitfest that is academia then I'd recommend applying for some medical writer jobs (they require PhDs). Stay in science but without the bullshit, and still fly around the world attending congresses. Just got back from Vienna myself, t'is nice.
  25. It's fine; let them dig themselves further into the grave. They're so irrelevant right now that I'm past caring.
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