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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. Weirdly there is something I'm finding quit enjoyable about the camera and finding new stuff framed by it in orange! I like that pictures you take go in the compendium - and I try to get at least a decent one(or retake it if not) but I don't always go for perfect framing on enemies and wild beasts - but I kinda like that too. Feels quite genuine. I've been caught on the raw side of death and forgetting to retake a picture for a couple times now tho.
  2. Do agree it's probably a poor/lazy port job - really expected them to fix it though. I imagine we won't be seeing it with the XBone/PS4 versions but it does make me feel a little happier knowing it's not completely kicking the shit out of my wii u version :p
  3. Gotten all the pink coin challenges as of yesterday(couldn't stop playing the damn thing!) and unlocked a lot of buildings etc through Toad Rally(the ticket limit at 99 is a bit shit, hit it a few times without realising) so I find myself trying to burn through runs on that - though I still do fairly enjoy it albeit playing mostly the same 'levels'. Need to see what my reward is for getting all them pink coins next!
  4. That's why I put 'respawn' in quotes and explained the problem - they're not technically respawning because they were never dead to need it; they literally just fade out halfway through a battle from a distance sometimes and return back to their original point fully healed. Whatever criteria they've chose to decide whether this needs to be done is imo much too narrow; as I haven't felt as if I drew them miles away from where they were or anything. I imagine it's been done via drawing a boundary of sorts for them rather than a loci of movement from their spawn point(in which case they'd presumably turn around and return and isn't without its faults itself) but it's annoying that it's happened to me a few times. I'd mostly been putting my orbs into stamina over hearts and so I ended up trying to fight a fair couple things at distance with bombs and bow+arrow - it's annoying that in a few circumstances me choosing to fight at a distance has cost me because of the game's implementation of it.
  5. So I totes just bought it so if you need a friend then feel free to add me! Didn't realise this was a bit friend codey but apparently my player ID is 4971-5213-0702.
  6. Apparently about ~170MB and on both Switch and Wii U from a quick google round. I'll download it before I go to work and hopefully get a look in at the weekend - tbh still on Wii U I've only noticed it most crucially during fights with certain enemies and depending on my weapon. I get a bit of it at other times but if it's general exploring it doesn't do me much harm. Not framerate related but a couple times I have noticed enemies randomly 'respawn' when I'm fighting at a distance - full healing and they literally disappear and reappear in their spawnish area. I've had it happen maybe 3/4 times now and it's tedious; one time I also had an enemy moblin spring out of nothingness and charge at me. Not sure but I think it was the same sort of thing in reverse(where I was at the spawn point like).
  7. Mod Note: Remember to stop complaining about complaining/praise guys. Everyone's entitled to their views - positive or negative and everyone has a right to express those views in a thread about the game. Complaining about complaining is NOT what the thread is for. Next time I'll issue an infraction.
  8. Personally I think this is unlike any other Zelda we've seen so far - but I find that both a good and a bad thing. I *know* it's Zelda, but then if I step back and consider it more - is it? I dunno. I find this game really tears me down both sides of it, it's good when I'm into it and get going but sometimes I just can't be arsed to - and sometimes I feel like I've done nothing but waste my time on it too. It's got so many niggles, but it's also got a number of plus points - and it's just a bit frustrating really. I think I felt a bit better yesterday as I went much further afield and found a few shrines+map towers rather than just wandering aimlessly but part of me's almost waiting for the next 'lull' in things.
  9. A few of my mates seemed to love Gwent and whilst it was definitely an aspect of the few hours I gave The Witcher that I may felt made most sense and I enjoyed I can't say that I found it especially enthralling. I wonder if it evolves a bit more later as you get more cards etc - but why would anyone who had The Witcher want to turn over to this particularly? I assume it'll have some online/multi options etc? Having said all that I'll probably still try and give it a test on the PS4 if that happens, if the online's good and enough of my mates get it(and the price is right) I might get sucked into it.
  10. I only gave it a few hours(got hooked on Overwatch instead) but I have to say I did quite enjoy Just Cause 3's ART STYLE. I like how they're given it a generally vibrant look rather than the darker/duller realism you might get in those sort of games these days. Something about doing so much random destruction and chaos in the sunshine and vibrance of the world feels really quite fun. Like you're just fucking up some poor bastard's absolutely banging sunday afternoon constantly trying to overthrow the powers that be.
  11. Getting tempted by this dammit! The events/golden goombas and the general nature of the game seems to have my intrigued - so I think I'm gonna buy it by the end of today! Got lots of work to do so don't wanna do it quite yet, but I can see myself dropping something on it by the end of the weekend lol. @Kounan as far as I understand, if it's just a legit mirror of the original APK, you shouldn't have any issues. With my older phone I had to get a Pokemon Go mirror cos the store said it didn't support my device - but I didn't find myself having any issues with it bar the fact my phone sucked :p Ofc I wasn't paying any money for that but I'd say you should be fine. EDIT: Woops just seen you bought it - how are you finding the extra content? Maybe I will buy it now...GOD DAMN YOU NINTENDO
  12. For those of you it's happened to once so far - has it happened again or does it at least seem to be a one off thing so far?
  13. Personally I'm very interested in that arguable modular design with the joy cons - that you might be able to attach other peripherals such as GC ones with triggers/sticks to it. I don't think we'll see it in reality though due to the potential clunkyness of the GC 'halves' on each side of the Switch - though I haven't touched a Switch since the 3rd so I'm not best placed to judge that now. I think rather than having Switch remakes an up-scaled emulation of GC title will really be a pull for some people. The GC had some classic titles(including, as you mention TTYD, though I still place SMRPG above all) and the idea of GC gaming on the go could really pull me in - depending on the PRICE POINT of GC games for the system. Where would people's acceptability on costs be? N64 was ~£7 iirc with the Wii, and I wouldn't be willing to break too much more than £10 a GC game these days myself tbh. However it'd certainly be something to draw me towards Switch - especially if there were multiplayer titles going for it. I guess the real challenge on all of this moving forwards however is the internal storage - with just 32GB presumably not all of which is available exactly how many of these titles might one be able to acquire before resorting to deleting and shuffling etc? Easy access GC HD remakes however would definitely get me drawn in - give me some HD(even 480p) Melee with at least local multiplayer(maybe a grand excuse for GC-style joycons) or even with online multiplayer and you'll definitely sell a few more systems with it imo.
  14. Maybe consider discussing the actual potential of a Direct given the recent release of the Switch? It's hard to expect people to be positive about Nintendo on this forum if you're going to shut them down on semantics of days/dates for a Direct rather than actually having and fostering a conversation around the subject matter. Why should people bother to even post something potentially positive and speculative if they're going to be told it's not even likely possible before it's even had a chance? Why even bring it up - is it going to further discussion or just satify egos in being correct? Let's suppose it's true - what are you guys looking forward to potentially hearing about? Or not? What are thoughts of TTYD as a supposed HD title? Do we think it might be a Switch specific remake or potentially an up scaling of Gamecube games/emulation? I know ofc that Dolphin has the capabilities as an emulator of outputting greater definition than the GC actually did - so I wouldn't consider it technically impossible and in fact I think it might actually be quite a good draw for them if they can upscale the old GC titles without too much work.
  15. Ohohoho - I'm very easily entertained. Nonetheless - whilst I'm still continuing on my quest(few more shrines today, think 3 more than my post this morning before I went to work) and two more map towers down I'm feeling a bit more...reassured? I disagree on the stamina, as that's what I've maxed most and I do find myself occasionally running out just as I'm almost hitting a peak(without an X jump making the difference) but I do agree that if I was such inclined - an elixir or something could probably sort me out in a lot of occasions where I'm opting for a different choice. That's some of the great stuff about the game though - there are various choices(even in the cooking/crafting aspect, though I agree interfacing for the game generally feels quite clunky) - I recall doing the 'Impeccable Timing' shrine earlier and I fucked up with the thing - ended up just doing it via cryonis in the end which admittedly felt exceptionally cheap but I'd also clearly already understood the puzzles anyway. So I possibly disagree on the stamina/hearts thing but that's probably just how I'm playing - I do very much enjoy my time with the game when I sit down to it but I often feel like I cba to actually take that step to sit down with it(possibly more WiiU related) - but on the whole I constantly find the game rather constantly tedious in small ways that are always bothering me despite the goodness. I thought it even in my first few hours but even still now I can't see myself personally giving this over 7-8/10 though I'm still hopeful sometime might blow my mind as I haven't done any bosses/dungeons really yet. Still yet to find that prick Hetsu too - which just isn't conducive to the experience imo.
  16. Done a few more bits yesterday - gone wandering a bit more than I previously had. Somehow found 2 more stables, and done either one or two more map towers(think I was en route to the next one). I found a stalfhorse at some point that I nicked off a stalchild and got excited too! Sadly he disappeared shortly later from right underneath my haunches Killed a Stone Talus or two on my adventures - quite fun. Also trying to use my weapons a bit more and got 7 orbs for a spending(probs going stamina+heart or double-stamina for moving around more). Think I got to the edge of the map at one point - bit disappointed to see the weak way they've enforced it after making the world feel so naturally there - a simple pop-up message and you falling off walls with it telling you can't go any further -.- I actually didn't properly realise it was because it was a boundary at first! I've still yet to find Hetsu, and done some dying amongst groups of mobs(a few I gave up on eventually). Think I'm gonna go for the next map tower I can see and hopefully find a shrine a long the way...
  17. Well after a few days of it I apparently zen'd the fuck out yesterday and did 1 purple coin challenge and the 3 remaining black coin challenges I had for the first 4 levels/free side of the game. With nothing but Toad Rally to sustain me I am tempted - but I'm sometimes still getting connection issues when trying to start it up, which is annoying, and puts me off paying much money for something that could, at any time, decide not to be working. I think it's been fun, and it'll be fun to have on my phone too, but I'm gonna continue holding off for now. Might do a bit of daily toad rally - if I find myself still thinking about the game in a week or so I might just go for the purchase. Can't believe I have less trouble spending money on OW loot boxes than I do on this -.- I do wonder as well if they could have gone for the incremental freemium mode - aim to make the same £10 per app but make each world cost like...maybe £1.50 to unlock? With 7 world that's gonna clock in at £10.50 - but I think the model may have leant itself to getting more out of more people.
  18. IN b4 just revealing Wii U again.
  19. @dazzybee - you're in the wrong here. Don't get upset when people interpret your English language the way it is supposed to be used; nobody should be expected to make assumptions on your meaning - if you wish to make your meaning clear then make your language clear or risk being misinterpreted. If you don't mean something absolutely do NOT make the statement absolutely. If you do not understand what an 'absolute' is then it's up to you to go and learn - but I'm definitely on the interpretation side of the language here that 'everyone realised' is far more absolute than 'controls tend to'. The absolute on the latter would have been 'controls always' and the relative on the former could have been anything from 'a few people realised' to 'many people realised. Mod Post: The first bolded part - is incredibly dismissive, imo. Ashley has already made points about going forward and NOT being dismissive of people's posts. I'm tired of arguing - though you're free to do so via PM or on my wall; but I am banning you from this thread for 3 days.
  20. Maybe it's time for me to head back somewhere else for a bit then - wouldn't mind finding another Stables(and Hetsu) although I've already boarded 3 horses at the first one you find before Kakariko. Completely agree on the inventory - yes I can see the inklings of original motivation or thinking for it but it feels pretty arbitrary in practice. Maybe it's just me but I'm ending up absolutely hoarding my weapons but yet somehow not really struggling to fight stuff I come across any more than I do with my strongest(even if I don't use it) - but maybe it's because I tend to try and fight mobs one on one rather than as groups etc. I get through them just as good - just maybe a bit slower but I don't mind that too much so far. Did come across a Hinox whilst exploring yesterday though - seemed interesting and wish I had enough patience to keep bombing the crap out of him but it was really slow work and I eventually fell down the massive hole to get chased off by him anyway. Think last thing I did was jump off a cliff elsewhere and hope for the best. Also totally wanted to get some Ancient somethings to get my bombs upgrade - apparently one of the few things you can't track with the Sheikah Sensor(and yeah, I can understand why, but it's weird I can find a mushroom nearby in a forest but I can't find a piece of something else in a dead guardian thingy etc).
  21. Downloaded and tried this a bit on Friday. I was initially hit with some connection and linking issues repeatedly(despite being on good home wifi) which initially put me off a bit at first; but they seem to have cleared up now. Done all the basic coin challenges on the free levels, and some of the purple coin challenges. I can see the potential depth to the game but I do think it's still priced a bit too high - £5-£8 would have been a better PRICE POINT for it imo, and brought in better revenues. At the moment I'm debating making the full purchase as it's only a couple of pints really, but on principle I'm not feeling too keen. I think about paying £10 for this; or paying £12 for Stardew Valley - and I feel like the latter is going to offer me far more value that I wouldn't get this for £10. Having said that - the draw of Mario and a novel new control scheme for him(for me) is tempting, and it does have that edge of Nintendo quality feel to it. Gameplay wise I've been enjoying the small bits I've played - I enjoy the multiple coin challenges for each of the levels and the potential of varying characters. I've enjoyed Toad Rally more probably - and that's also what's tempting me to unlock the full game so I can move on to the other extras of characters and toads and stuffs etcetc. I've think I've decided I'm going to try and stick it out on the free mode until I do at least all of the purple coin challenges and maybe 2 of the black coin challenges; if I've managed to let it keep my interest to that point then I reckon I'd be good enough to drop the dime on it.
  22. I spend relatively little these days tbh. I've just bought some old WiiU games but that's more for padding the collection so I won't count them. Last few big purchases I can think of outside of that - Overwatch, BotW and...PS+. Maybe I'll get a downloadble or two in the sales here and there. My monthly on games is definitely less than Flink's, but I'm quite similar in my approach in that I'd wait for deals or buy impulsively. When/where I can I probably still lend/borrow games(or at least planning to for my ps4). I want lots of stuff but I've come to realise I never get round to playing it all - and sometimes end up just sticking with firm favourites like Overwatch instead. I think I'd be much more on the gaming game if I had a Switch or other portable device. I just don't feel inclined for sitting in front of a console sometimes - whilst not the case I feel like I'm committing for hours and that bugs me these days(even if I'm not) yet I can jump onto Overwatch 'for just a quick game' at 8pm and sometimes still find myself there at 3am too.
  23. I didn't mind the motion controls in the original, but then I wasn't looking at the screen built into the control device. I can't imagine quite what it'd be like trying to do motion controls on the Switch whilst in handheld mode? Also still perplexed about how it can feel the same when you're a whole screen down with no separate map screen! So have you played and seen that the option isn't there like before without leaving the lobby? Or is the test-fire too bare to know that as yet? The loadout thing really bugged me between matches. Also although I wouldn't have considered it I can see the argument for mid-match changes but I'm not 100% sure if I'd quite want that. Maybe semi-changeable out of a preselection of loadouts would sit ok with me over full flexibility.
  24. Any Wii U owners seen the sale? Celebration sale or something like that - noticed that Terraria is going for £9 and it's a great sort of 2D-minecraft(the comparison always drawn) and is up there in one of my most played games everywhere - maybe one for anyone who never picked it up or is Wii U only. Also some other great titles in there like Steamworld, Runbow(great title for the price imo with some great local co-op) and probs some others I missed.
  25. Every time I play this I do somewhat enjoy myself but I feel like I'm constantly doing a lot of nothing. The route from Kakariko to Hateno found me almost fuck all in the way of shrines, and I've tried to stick within the Hateno region finding some but without much joy. I've finally headed to one far in the distance(always amazed the visual distance on my scope compared to the actual map distance - so often tons farther than I expect) and it's some sort of test of strength which I don't think I'm ready for. I feel like I'm not ready because I haven't found enough shrines to get orbs etcetc. I might just fuck this whole thing off and go after the waypoints and hope for more there. I might go down the H-o-T route of just mapping out the whole place and then go from there - I didn't want to go chasing the main waypoints too quickly or obviously but I'm really getting bored of the amount of climbing and looking off mountains I'm doing for essentially nothing in return! Btw how soon again am I likely to find Hetsu? I've not seen him since the initial meeting in Kakariko but I've got a few more seeds since then - I was sure he told me he was on his way to Hateno but I've yet to find him again. Feels somewhat silly putting what is almost an essential feature in just one non-stationary place across such a vast map -.-
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