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Everything posted by Rummy

  1. You're a strange lady Pancake but I like you nonetheless.
  2. Probably enjoyed that quote of his more than anything else I know about E3 2017 so far :p Don't know much about him tbh but his passion in that quote, and comments on E3 being opened to the public, kinda reminded me how great it is to be a gamer sometimes; even if I am incredibly lapsed compared to my younger days As for the actual event etc - interested to see what Nintendo bring but not going in with much expectation. Not much particular love or loyalty to anyone else but will obvs be interested in what stuff gets announced for PS4 and if any of it's up my street - think it's probably only that Spiderman game I can think of that excites me about it atm!
  3. Thanks for the shout on Stardew Valley @Tales - gonna pick it up this evening methinks! Might use it as an excuse to spur me back into playing BotW which I haven't touched for about a month. Damn PS4 just keeps taking all my gaming attention with Overwatch and now Alienation!
  4. I didn't go last year but a couple of my friends did - I'm not sure if I will or not as it's also my birthday weekend and I think people down here are expecting me to do a celebration for that too. Might look into tickets and prices today and go crazy though... Btw in other tabletop news - started a game of Seafall: Legacy earlier in the year; which I believe was a kickstarter. My first legacy game, and whilst I'm pretty consistently bottom two across the campaign total I'm rather enjoying it - though Marcamillian was exceptionally salty yesterday :p
  5. No! F you! I did wonder myself but didn't have time to consult - but I was essentially gonna say the same as you Ash. So if Ashley's fine with it, I too am fine with it! I would say next time to check with us first @ncfcrulz but I see no harm in the threads atm and hopefully they'll get some positive discussions going, plus as a new member I think it's worth allowing it this time On that note - welcome to the forums ! If you need anything feel free to get in touch with myself or other blue names(mods) or red names(admins).
  6. So yeah I'd basically never realised this -.- think I've been missing out on some my Nintendo rewards/points too as a result! Anyhow I've still be playing a bit each day - basically not touched single for ages tho just keep macking out on toad rally - tokens really ain't hard to come by compared to my time to play with the bonus blocks/houses etc. Do wish it wasn't a 99 limit tho. Saw a guy like a day or two after the update with 25kish Toads already - can't even think how they found all that time so fast!
  7. There's a new update - Toad limits from Toad Rally upped from 9,999 to 99,999 iirc. Also a MK8 deluxe celebration 'event' with some new buildings to get, and a global prize of things depending how many people play Toad Rally during this time. Also some shit about being able to put items from Miitomo onto your Miis in this(something I've got little to no clue about so meh). Out of interest - is there an easy way to tell if one has linked their Nintendo Account? I can't find the option and I can't change my language in the settings which suggests it is linked, especially as I have my Mii on my SMR too so I must surely have got that from a linked account - but for some reason I don't have Toad as a playable character and I'm sure the game keeps telling me that I would get Toad if I linked my NNID??
  8. Voting Labour partly for JC and their policies, but more so because I'm anti-Conservatives and it's the only real alternative I can see carrying any weight right now. If we're lucky JC might shake up the voting system to allow a much better representation of the people's wishes going forwards in future; I don't feel FPTP does that particularly well right now.
  9. Hoping Le Pen doesn't get it. I haven't followed too much of world politics but from what a friend was telling me she seems to be another one of these pop-up fascists we're seeing/hearing a bit more recently. I find the current global political climate both bizarre and interesting.
  10. Whilst not stricly Switch related i got so fucked off every time they fixed my 3DS because they reset the whole system - lost all my streetpasses etc for the two system crashes I had. That really shouldn't be the case in these days.
  11. I agree it doesn't - but i feel the media is being quite unfair to him. I don't mean it to excuse other issues and his handling but it's certainly not helping. Thankfully social media is helping other voices be heard and I'm grateful for it as i see bits about Corbyn that i probably wouldn't otherwise. I was personally very impressed with his handling of a question about Syria at the recent business conference thing he was at but i don't think I'd have seen that if it wasn't for Facebook etc.
  12. But what if the media are covering him with a bias? How does he overcome that?
  13. Weirdly I've actively done rather little since the pink coins bar playing Toad Rally and going after gold Goombas - but it's been a good excuse to try and coin up the levels they're in. Mostly I've been smashing the shit out of Toad Rally given I hit the limit on tokens and there seems to be so many ways to keep getting them! I'm surprisingly impressed by the game given its mobile nature and its price - but I think I'm increasingly coming to the point of view that it isn't a bad buy for what you're getting. I enjoy the 'moreish' nature of Toad Rally in telling you what building you've got next; and whilst I wondered early on why I'd play any stage but a particular two on Toad Rally it's all making sense now - very interesting balance of things there for me. It's barely been a week, and maybe if I consider it in that time aspect that it's been costly - but I've been on this bastard on my phone so much in the last week(also thank god for fastcharging) that I'm almost glad I have both a.) a semi-acceptable phone and b.) paid the money for SMR. I can't deny it's very much the game's design getting me over the gameplay(very more-ish/one more go sort of style) but I'm generally impressed with it for what it is. I can't be sure I'll say it's £10's worth of work into it or that the price is great for it; but I do think for those who take the plunge it should effectively deliver enough.
  14. Don't feel the need to be restricted by that! The thread is about what you want, it doesn't need to be technically possible :p Anyway for me it'd be most of the main titles so that I could pick up a Switch as my main gaming system/machine. I think ultimately I'd make more use of smaller/downloadable titles than retail - stuff like Stardew Valley etc which is already coming. I'd definitely like to see a new AC; tho I wonder without StreetPass(a lacking feature of Switch that I don't understand why?) how it might fare. I think I still think of the Switch mostly as a handheld/portable rather than a home console though; so that's affecting my thinking somewhat.
  15. I think it's safe to say this thread is done as it's not really yielding much in the way or useful nor particularly Nintendo related discussion, so I'm just gonna go and lock it up. Any objections send through on PM or post on my wall.
  16. The nightmare may be taking a turn for the worse? Trump last night authorised the firing of almost 60 cruise missiles on an air base in Syria believed to be where the Sarin attack was originating from from what I understand. I also understand that No.10 have released a statement 'fully supporting' Trump within the last half hour. Now ofc I understand the fact that a Sarin attack is hideous and there's a reason certain 'weapons' of 'war' are banned(how ludicrous that seems in itself lol) so I agree something had to be done globally to say that Sarin and other nerve agents are NOT cool - but with Russia being an ally to the Syrian regime I'm wondering quite just how or why this has to be done so quickly, and I wonder almost with worry how Russia might next respond. I've joked about war since Trump came in, but with Michael Howard talking of going to war with Spain, with Trump's recent activities and Brexit; I feel the political climate is getting riper and riper for said war and it's actually scary to think it's not just one big joke. I don't think anything will happen anytime too soon mind - but I do feel this has been a bit silly/rushed. Curious for Russia's response - but I actually expect we might not hear from them straight away; probably keep the rest of us stewing after the US's action as the ball is effectively in their court now. EDIT: seems that Putin's administration have commented in last half hour and Putin is possibly considering it as an act of aggression against international law.
  17. I heard there was a trolley robot from Kent? So southeastern lol. Watched/catched up on this with my mate the other night - I fell asleep during the last episode tho and gotta catch up on that(believe it was Pulsar's too) but I've been quite happy from what I've seen of the series so far! Some very enjoyable battles in places, if a little controversial(here's looking at you, Cherub!). For me being a bit of a nerd(as I'm sure I've said before) - it's really quite interesting to see the robots of today compared to the ones of old. Even Thor coming in on this series with a complete re-design leading to a smaller body with the same size weapon - would you have seen that before? Thor's a one man army, similar in some ways to Pulsar's lead designer - what accessibility would they have had to these sorts of advances and technology 20 years ago? I find that side of things really interesting and enthralling to see. The meta evolution into more of the super spinner drums is also interesting - it's like the S2 SHREEMECH innovations etc all over again. Despite all this love for innovation I do have to say it was also fun to see proper old school roboteers Behemoth back in the competition too.
  18. The delightful irony of it is that you're still probably having a relatively easy ride given the chain-free circumstances! Just pressure your conveyancers/solictors to keep chasing things up against their ends. Hopefully you'll be out of the hard parts soon and it'll all pale into insignificance until you do it again!
  19. I'm not sure if I can recall any block puzzles in the water temple??
  20. I'm liking the new avatar!

  21. I think it was for me too! Amazed when I think how much I struggled as a child to play it; I imagine I could ace it pretty quick these days(he says...getting tempted...). I agree on the tunes too - I used to love the kick in of the World 2 theme and one of the reasons I wanted to beat World 3 so hard everytime was just to get to the awesome asian theme of World 4! Given that I'm playing a lot of Mario Run atm it feels a very apt game to think about going back to considering it was probably my first introduction to our favourite italian plumber!
  22. Oh really? How interesting! I just thought Sony or MS would have pushed against it given the capabilities of their systems to surely handle much shorter times? Wouldn't you even want to do it as dev/publisher knowing it was one of the biggest criticisms of the original release? I realise you said they're shorter though and I don't know exactly how much shorter but I'd imagine they're still going to be a bit annoying. Good news for the Switch if it's on-par though, and makes me feel even more better about my Wii U version :p!
  23. Rummy


    I may be asking a stupid question - but is one's light level somewhat limited according to what expansion they have? Like I wanted to get RoI but didn't cos I didn't feel I had anyone my level to play it up with - so I recall just trying to get back into it WITHOUT RoI and it felt like unless I paid to upgrade I wasn't going to get much more than I was before in the way of higher light items etc. The constantly evolving nature of updates(which is good) just throws me off a bit.
  24. Rummy

    Destiny 2

    How many copies did Destiny eventually end up selling? I think this is going to take off huge off the back of that - I'm already planning to be on it from launch. What does kind of irk me is the Destiny model - though I have to concede it does do them some great business I can't help but think it surely was a bit frustrating that later DLC and content so thoroughly makes earlier content obsolete for end users? I mean I jumped in with TTK and it wasn't terrible and I definitely loved the game(almost 10 days in game time, which is a lot for me and especially where I jumped in) but seeing RoI come out and feeling like I basically had to have that expansion or not play just felt kinda sucky. Obvs it's complicated with the way Destiny is designed etc but I do wonder if it will put anyone off. Despite my complaint I know it won't put me off as the experiences are kinda there to be had when they're there to be had due to the social etc but I could see myself getting annoyed by it. If any of that makes any sense.
  25. I realise I'm always doing this but if you're gonna trade in the PS4 let me know the value you're getting for it as I might be able to beat it on cash (not for myself so no promises but if I can fix a good deal for both you and someone else then why not!). Also do let me know how the backup/restore between then two goes as I've still not upgraded my own PS4 drive and interested to see how easy/well it all transitions across. Did you go through the process for the 2TB upgrade or did you just upgrade before you had too much on the PS4 to save the hassle?
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