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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Poor Zelda and Link got nothing. Game is looking good though, Ive never been much into the Kirby games but I'll be picking this up for sure,
  2. Yeah, that's the one I was on about and it's actually really good. Had another play around with it and wanted to try something a bit more "made by me" than copying. So came up with this. I know there's lots of micro Titanics but I thought it may be a nice easy one to do. I think it turned out quite nice.
  3. Happy Birthday us! I joined in October of 2006, so 15+ years, I can't remember what brought me here or how I found it but it's been fun. I don't post a lot in many of the forums so I seems to be upping that a bit. But because of this site I have made some good gaming friends and get to enjoy some great nights of gaming with a bunch of you.
  4. As always great games last night guys. Some real close ones and lots of laughs. I totally meant to win in that match where I was Alex (or Steve) with what ever move I pulled of at the end there, was not a lucky win at all, 😆
  5. Yup, I believe that Bricklink is like the official reseller site of Lego, or rather market place.
  6. Yes, it did seem to just fly by. Not sure what it was but one minute it was Easter, then it was Christmas. Personally for me, 2021 ended on a high. 2020 ended with me in a relationship, but because of all the Covid stuff we hadn't even had a chance to meet up. 2021 was making it harder when Boris started locking it all down at the start again. Middle of the year we were getting a bit fed up and some miscommunication made us both think the other didn't want to continue. But we finally managed to meet up in October and managed to talk about what we wanted and where we wanted things to go. We are now happily together and enjoying as much time as we can get together. Other than that my 2021 was fairly run of the mill. Work, play and sleep. But I expect it was similar for many people, as much as we thought it was all going to go back to normal it seemed that things just carried on as 2020 part 2.
  7. Does anyone have any experience with the Lego Studio program? The one that lets you create things in 3D. I've been meaning to look at it and just recently downloaded it and had a play around. It seems a bit daunting at first, but it doesn't seem like it could be too hard to use once you play around with it. I'm not up to creating something new from scratch but wanted to try something more than putting a few bricks together to make a wall 😆 So I took my Lord of the Rings set, Riddles in the Dark, and tried to recreate it. You can import sets and the pieces are all laid out so I used that to have a play around. I think I did well that really is a render from the program after I built it up in there. I can see having a bit of fun with it when I really get used to it.
  8. I know next to nothing of this really but it was one I was interested in when I saw the first trailer for it. I've gone and preordered it from the Nintendo store as I wanted to. From what I've read on these last few pages, if it plays like people are suggesting, then I may like it more than others. I like the collecting aspect of the games more that the constant battles. I like them, but when the games have a huge following and you need the best mon with the best move, and everyone has that one only, I just don't find that appealing. So if it's more about collecting to complete a dex then I may like this. I see Pokemon Go comparisons and well I still enjoy that game, but again I enjoy the collecting part. I do the occasional gym battle to get in and get some coins, but I just can't be bothered with the Rocket battles of PVP stuff. So this Pokémon game may be what brings me back into it.
  9. Oooh I like that as a gimmick for courses. Imagine racing through/around Hyrule and Hyrule castle and then a portal or something appears at the beginning of lap three and the final lap is maybe set in the past or future. (I'm thinking OoT 7 year span) or something like Mario courses set in normal times and then a future like time similar to the level in Smash which is all old and worn away.
  10. Definitely don't see 9 (or 10) being released on the Switch. But I do think we will definitely get a new one on the next console. I know people say Tour is classed as 9 but then what would that make Home Circuit? maybe that was the Switch entry. As for what they can do with it, I don't mind the style of the games, so just polish the graphics with the new one. Add an adventure mode, this is a must, Mario Kart needs a great single player game its becoming pretty much a multiplayer game now. Add in all previous tracks from all games and all characters we've had, plus some new ones, lets expand the roster to include some more non Mario universe characters, AC, Link and Squids have shown that they can fit in the game and not look out of place. Thenonly gimmick I can potentially see being added is something similar to Diddy Kong Racing with the planes and hovercrafts, but then I don't see Nintendo doing that, they should just make a new Diddy Kong Racing for that. But I do see a possibility of some kind of flying mechanism (not just gliding). Other than that, I think I've mentioned this to @Glen-i during our MK nights before. Just give us Mario Kart Ultimate. All previous characters/trracks along with some new ones in one big hurrah of a game. Knowing Nintendo they have probably been trying to come up with an idea for a new game but haven't been able to find that new gimmick to make it work. Maybe they have something up their sleeves and will surprise us all when they announce it.
  11. No new games for me for a while, but I've been going back to some I never got completed. Last game was Luigi's Mansion towards the end of October last year and I decided to finally go back and try Bowser's Fury again. I think I maybe played about a couple hours when I first had this. I was spending more time with the main 3D World and then never went back to finish it off later. Well with all the spare time over the New Year I decided to go back to it. I hadn't really played much but from what I did at the time, I wasn't feeling it that much so wasn't really holding up much hope. But that all changed within the hour of playing again. At first I was still unsure, not having a direction to really go in, but I soon started to feel at home again. I think you just need to go in and play it like any other Mario game but the world is all there at once. The game still played the same, get a shine, go get another, but without the constant returning to a hub. So it did feel a lot more natural. Soon found myself running around the game just doing what came to me, From the slightly longer shines to the one that was found accidentally. I don't think I need to put this in spoiler tags, So I got to 47 shines and Bowser appeared again, I did my usual of just avoiding him and waiting for him to give up, but it seemed to go on and on, so as much as I waited I got annoyed and had to do a quick search to see if this was normal or I had missed something. Nope, he does that. You need to get to 50 shines, well you gotta put up with fireballs reigning down and Bowsers fire breath. Luckily I had three easy to get "Break the Fury Rock" shines that I decided to go after. Did these with ease and onto the boss fight. I did enjoy the boss fights and they weren't at all that hard. And the final final fight was just a bit of fun really. No trouble with it in the slightest. I have to say that I think a full Mario game like this could work if they made the world just right. It works in Breath of the Wild cause the world can be huge and it fits. Would something similar work for Mario? I like how the game is set in this smallish sea with the islands representing the normal worlds in previous games. It works for the scale of the game, which we all know was a test or made as an experiment. Could it be widened or made that much bigger to fit a full game. Bowser's Fury is no more than a 10 hour game to beat the boss (if that). I do hope we see something like this again though. It's a refreshing take on the series. I wouldn't even mind if it was just a added on game to any new Mario. the small world seems to fit what they were trying to go for.
  12. Ah yes, more new sets. Really need to get the older ones before they start to become harder to get too. But I do love the look of these new Luigis Mansion sets. At least they are not all of the £50+ price range.
  13. This was the digger I had, actually still have, It's built up somewhere.
  14. I can't help with that. I haven't bought a Technic set in forever. I only have two, one is a yellow JCB digger with pneumatic pumps that operate the rear digger and the other is a really old car that has gear that change, two seats and a moving engine. This set here (8860) This was when we didn't have separate bags and the steps didn't tell you what pieces were used in that step, you had to figure it all out from the image.
  15. Great end of the year session there and great to see a couple extras join in. Have to say player of the night was easily @Ugh first aid for her exemplary prediction game. Also my Para game is still on point and Bowser has the best dropkick going in the game. Thanks to everyone that has played this year, be it weekly or joining for the one off new fighter nights. I hope we can get just as many fun nights going next year. It's always a laugh when voice chat is enabled and people do the stupidest things.
  16. I didn't find them too bad but did get that a few times yes. Would be clinging to the ceiling in stealth mode and one would walk under me, turn around or somehow climb up to me then I'd be detected. Pain but wasn't too bad once you got to know their routes and could just bypass them.
  17. and that ladies and gentlemen is how to solve an issue 😆 Well lets go for tomorrow as a year end Smash night just incase anyone is busy New Years Day
  18. @Glen-i and @Ike What's the ideal time this week as Saturday is New Years Day, not sure if either of you are busy that day. Thursday again? then back to normal next week?
  19. This reminds me of the Architecture sets, Which in all honesty would make great ideas for both Sonic and any more Mario sets. Those I'd pick up for sure. Never was a big Sonic fan so will probably be passing on this.
  20. She's a keeper that's for sure and not just for the next round of presents. There was one present that wasn't in the photo. She had made me a small present herself. she had got one of those deep frames, put in four Lego minifigs of superheroes and my name in the middle. Its such an amazing present and I love that she did it. @Happenstance if you are not already, let your niece know that that is an amazing piece of art and encourage her to continue drawing. She could easily make something out of her talent.
  21. I got some more Lego Mario sets for Christmas. Got the remaining wave one sets I needed that are retiring soon, so that was Toad's Treasure Hunt, Piranha Plants Puzzling Challenge and Wigglers Poison Swamp. And I also got the Bowser's Airship. It looks awesome and looks like the best one that can be displayed as a standalone and not looking like it needs to be a part of a level.
  22. Got a great haul this year, mainly from the new girlfriend. got the remaining sets from the first wave of Mario Lego, so should have all of them now (lucky as they were retiring soon. And lots of other cool little bits and bobs. Love the jumbo Gizmo Funko Pop.
  23. That's an awesome looking train @Sméagol probably one of the few trains I'd get. Got a couple of small new sets for Christmas and four more of the Mario sets. Minions, Unstoppable Bike Chase, and Captain America Mech Armour. Along with Toads Treasure Hunt, Piranha Plant Puzzling Challenge, Wiggler's Poison Swamp and the new Airship.
  24. Is there ever a night that is not hilarious? Thanks @Glen-i and @Ike for the games. You cannot play as Hero and not just have a Menu Fight, though if Kamikaze comes up then you have to use that, whether you are near someone or not, it's just the law. Thanks for using the Pokemon theme too, makes for some manic and "what just happened" moments.
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