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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Pokemon Smash battles are manic. I remember on Smash 64 I would put on 1 hour long matches with just Pokeballs set to high. Fun times. Anyway here's a good 15 minutes of fun from last week with @Ike. Many silly antics and close matches.
  2. Finally got the videos from two weeks ago done, better later than never. I'll try to get last weeks ones done before tomorrow nights games. Anyway here are two vids, 11+ minutes split over two vids for your enjoyment. Featuring one of the great finishes to a match.
  3. And yet you still only lost half a heart. If that was Breath of the Wild, you would have rag dolled for 10 minutes, lost all your hearts, had Mipha restore them, then rolled off a cliff into water and died.
  4. But will it have the best celebration ever.....
  5. I really hope they do. Mirror mode is one thing, but reverse mode makes courses feel entirely new as opposed to just "its a left turn instead of right". Could add so much more to the game along with all the new tracks.
  6. Would reverse Mode work though with many of the tracks in 8? A lot of track are built in a way that if you try to go in reverse you can make it all the way around because of jumps and ramps. I'd love them to bring it back if they had thought of making it though.
  7. I loved both of those games, if you can call them games, I'd put them more as an interactive experience. But yeah great atmospheric games and great prices.
  8. Another great session. Got a decent amount of games played, and it seemed to be fairly rotated from the three. It seems that the sword frighting will go to a final forth round if you get tied. My first match was 1 round each and then a time limit tie. So tense. The final round makes the base shrink and it's literally one hit and you're out. I took a risk and lost, but so much fun. Tried the other two matches with the double sword but couldn't quite grasp them yet, Tennis. Think I had three games, It seems that. even if there are only two people it's still a doubles match. I hope there's singles in the final game. Anyway, some great matches and very close games. Last game I played went to 9-7 in my favour. I got to like 6-3 at one point and squandered so many match points. Great game though. I saw one person do a strong serve, it had a purple line behind the ball, never could do that myself and I guess you just have to time it right. Bowling, this is still the star of the game, and people seem to be getting good, or at least knowing how to get them strikes. First game I did poorly and didn't make it past the first round. Second I think I got to the next round. On my final Bowling game I was on form, 90% of it. Got a Turkey spanning the first and second round. Had a few rounds where either I weren't spinning the Joy Con enough to get the spin or something funny happened as the ball went the wrong way. However I still managed to hold it in there and finished second in that match. It really stands out as the best game in the game so far. I hope there's other pay modes and it won't just be the elimination mode.
  9. The final play test is at 11 UK time, 25 minutes time for anyone still wanting to try it.
  10. Yeah some of those SD's were a bit too close. I think we must have been pretty much 50/50 all night though. Thanks for playing.
  11. Thanks @Ike. 1v1 really does lead to some great close matches especially at 3 minutes. Who'd of thunk it, Gannondorf is better than Captain Falcon. lol And even with all the close stuff and amazing moves we both still did some stupid things too. It won't be Smash without the stupid moves too. Also shout out to us both getting KO's by throwing a bomb.
  12. Yeah not sure what would be next, think it might be theme. so going with timed. Forgot how long they usually are so I'll go with 3 minutes we can adjust if needed.
  13. Cool, will play till 10 like normal and I'll just do timed matches, unless you have a preference for one of the others. 3 Stock is always fun.
  14. @Ike If you still wanna play some games I'll get on around 8:30 so we can have a few matches
  15. @Glen-i What's tonight? Haven't seen the usual "Timed matches at 8pm" post yet.
  16. Maybe that's why Nintendo don't want us sharing any thing from the playlets LOL, they don't want the not-Miis taken the mick out of.
  17. Sneaky Nintendo. I wonder if that's just the Switch doing that? I wonder if you can get them off the card put them on your phone or computer and post them that way.
  18. See, nearly totally forgot about this. Managed to get three sports in though. Sword fighting up first. Fun, seems basic but a lot of strategy needed. I beat the random 2-0 though. Next up was Tennis, there were three of us in there so it was me (with a ghost me) vs two other randoms. Not sure how I felt about how that played as its essentially two vs 1 even though you are controlling two people. The problem I had was that most the time I would just focus on one of me. As such if we ended up a bit too close both would swing and it could mess it up. If you wanted to swing with the guy closest to the net ut missed, you've then not got a lot of time to get your actual other person to swing before they miss it. Fun and smooth though, I lost in the end but by 1 point. Will definitely be better with four real players and not one having to do double duty. Got a Sword fight again but it disconnected before the start. So last up was bowling. Definitely best of the bunch, but I think that was true for Wii Sports too. Got into a lobby of a full 16 people. Already pretty impressive there especially if you can do that with friends when the game is released. Anyway first ball, STRIKE! It plays just like Wii Sports bowling, which was pretty perfect. You can move your guy from side to side then just the angle of them. Bowl and put spin on the ball by rotating the joy con. Managed another strike and got through to round two. Unfortunately went out in the second round, was all pretty close. So sat spectating as I didn't think I'd get another game in as it was close to the allotted time limit. Spectating was pretty good though, all went smoothly and it focussed on everyone playing. Connection was fine, and apart from that one disconnect which may have been the other person not wanting to play the same game again, there were no issues at all. I did managed to use the capture button to take a video of my first strike on the first ball, but I wonder if Nintendo will take anything down as they said weren't' allowed to talk about it 😆 I'll see how things are and then post it later. Overall I think this could be a great party game and it does seem to retain all the fun and charm of WiiSports. I'll try to remember to play one of the other sessions, but will probably forget them.
  19. This is true and I doubt I'll even touch that mode, but have you seen speed runners of games? They pretty much play without a hit so I think if anyone it'll be those that play it.
  20. So it seems all the new cars have been shown now and there are a few leaked videos coming out of on track testing. What I've been liking so far is that most of the cars are not carbon copies of each other. Some very different designs coming out.
  21. Fine by me. I know world records are set by certain Kart combinations, but in all honesty Ive never seen a difference in handling on set up except for when you do "worst theme ever" those setups handle like the Titanic.
  22. When is it happening? There will be five sessions in total, each one lasting 45 minutes: Saturday 19 February 03:00 - 03:45 (UK time) / 04:00 - 04:45 (CET) 11:00 - 11:45 (UK time) / 12:00 - 12:45 (CET) 19:00 - 19:45 (UK time) / 20:00 - 20:45 (CET) Sunday 20 February 03:00 - 03:45 (UK time) / 04:00 - 04:45 (CET) 11:00 - 11:45 (UK time) / 12:00 - 12:45 (CET) From the page when. you register. I suppose those times take into account different time zones, so the early morning one will be more for Japan, and the others are good for us and Americas.
  23. Guess I'll stick my memories now I found where to see them. Neither of these are surprising to me. MK8 is up there because of the NE League. And yes AC New Leaf by a million miles on 3DS. Played the heck out of that game and had many evenings playing online with friends for hours at a time. The island mini games really made that great.
  24. So the games been updated to 2.0.5 no big news but this has to be one of the best and funniest bug fixes ever. It's literally a bug fix. Here's the full patch notes.
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