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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I'll get on now, if you're still around. Wasn't going on till later but can do it before to get it out the way.
  2. Yeah, I'd say part from maybe the top 5 or so guys, if you don't watch the product you won't know them. They seem to have picked a lot of guys that just don't get TV time, have been released or they seem to have a lot of legends on it. Glad you seem to be enjoying it. I'd love to give it a go, but I don't think they will be releasing any on Switch anytime soon after the debacle of the one they did put on it.
  3. I'm home and free from now. I'll try to check here as often as I can
  4. It is being given a lot of promos and adverts on their shows, and does seem to be getting some good things said. Don't think it's on Switch though so I probably won't get a chance to play. Haven't actually played one since probably GameCube days.
  5. If you're online later this evening I'll pop by and sell.
  6. Testing in Bahrain has already bought us the first moan from Horner and RedBull of the season. They having a moan about the Mercs new side pods, or lack of them.
  7. @darksnowman don't hold out on us, what you got today? I'm down to 57.
  8. OK, that castle is pretty cool. Could have been a cool normal build too, but this looks pretty good. Still need to start of the new sets, haven't gotten any yet.
  9. This is not promising at all, the last set of prices for a spike is Thursday PM. If the price is still going down by then, then its a decreasing week. I need t check mine still, but @darksnowman it may be down to you and your random price week. I've also thought that maybe the game hasn't uploaded the prices to the thing if you haven't gone on. Since the game does it's cloud save thing after you save.
  10. Thanks please do, I'm still heading lower and unless my PM prices have gone up I'll be on a decreasing week.
  11. Mine still heading down, I'm going to risk what tomorrow brings, Thursday PM prices are the last ones that can show a spike. If I don't get it I'll see what you get and take anything about 92.
  12. If only we could get more people online with it. I remember when the game was out and you had 30 racers per race and people imagined future F-Zero games having online with 30 people in it. Come on Nintendo, make it happen.
  13. How late will you be available? I won't get to check my PM prices till this evening now. But so far they are still heading down, and with last weeks high 500 spike, I'm not expecting a spike this week, so may take that 115.
  14. To me that suggest that you would be able to play on the course if it gets voted for, but if you don't have the pass you wouldn't be able to vote for it yourself though. So we'd need enough players to have the pass to make voting in our favour.
  15. I'm currently on a downward trend with a high chance of some kind of spike. Will keep you posted @darksnowman. Also, if you see that 135 let me know, I may come sell.
  16. Haven't checked my PM yet, will do so in a bit but I won't have a good price just yet.
  17. Yup, buy 300,000 bells every week, I'll keep an eye on the prices this week and let you know how it goes. 107 on a Monday morning probably means youre on a roller coaster week, so prices all over the place (though a small chance of a small spike in a day. There are a few trackers that you can use that will tell you the weeks outcome. Good for gauging what you should do and usually good if you have a roller coaster week to tell you the highest you could see.
  18. Well after sorting out all those connection issues (which really may have been the Online voice app) had a lot of fun in the end. I said can we top last week, well the final match and the animation I got did it. Wario rolling on the floor laughing after eating all those bombs. Thanks @Glen-i, @Dcubed and @Ike for the great games.
  19. Did you go back and get the last one (or try again). I got them all on the first go. I decided to give the demo a go, and I loved it, it's so full of charm and character. Even though I loved how dark it was when this game was originally shown, I'm glad they went with this style, it just fits better. Played through once on "Spring-Breeze Mode" and then again on "Wild Mode" Not too much difficulty change on the levels in the demo, but I could have sworn there were a few extra enemies. And of course Kirby had like twice the amount of life on the easy mode.
  20. Will it be as fun as the all guns nigh?, we'll find out. I didn't get many replays of the night last week but I had to get the all Kirby match and the last all female match, so here they both are in their entirety spliced together.
  21. Fun evening with @Glen-i and @darksnowman Also, there's always that one friend... Water, it's the quenchiest!
  22. OK just opening up. Octavian is also making a Knights Helmet
  23. @darksnowman I'm on the game now, let us know when you are on and I'll open my gates, Just going fishing. Try send an intake message if you can (or discord if you are on there)
  24. I just heard "get money", lol, I've never delved into all the EV and stats stuff.
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