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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Do us all a favour and ask for F-Zero please.
  2. Kirby the meme machine. I\m so glad I have kept all my old games from the SNES era up to present day. My N64 collection could be worth a few thousand as they are all pretty much in their boxes still.
  3. Damn, I've been playing since day one and I still have two statues to get. Stupid Redd!! Well done though, I know the Art section has always been the toughest of them all to complete.
  4. Played a good couple hours or more just now. Finally saw some of those rifts and entered one. Dang they some mean Mons constantly coming off you. Next up for me is off to the newest area after getting the forth star.
  5. I get that, to be honest I don't think a single one of us took it seriously though. At the end of the day it was nice to have a running tally in the scores, but it really was just a fun evening of playing MK. I don't think you can try to take it too seriously when you could be winning a race only to be Mario Karted on the finish line and end last 😂
  6. Yes it was during a league night match. Such a great match. With the added team thing in this new one I can see us getting a few together to take on the world,
  7. I think @Glen-i might know my answers. 1. YES YES YES 2. I have evenings free with my job so any day is fine by me, the previous 8pm starts was perfect time. 3. I loved the scores being tracked and how they were done, making it fair for everyone, however I see some people just want an evening of Mario Kart without it being a league, I'm perfectly fine with both. I just wanna get back to throwing shells at people. 4. I have no issues with them being bought in occasionally to spice things up. It does allow for lesser picked tracks to get used. I think I can recall certain tracks never getting picked. If people aren't keen on certain things, such as bikes, then maybe theme night will be battle night instead. I did enjoy Thursdays being games night from 8pm to usually around 11 with Smash afterwards. Smash in on a Saturday now so maybe we can combine this again and try to make a NE games night similar to that. And with interest in other online games such as Strikers ic could be fun to get a weekend of gaming.
  8. They are N64 games, so some hold up and some don't. Remember the N64 was one of the first machines that gave us 3D gaming so some games are rough around the edges. But then we have games that really did take advantage of the hardware and looked incredible for the time.
  9. If it weren't for Kirby, Mario Strikers and the MK tracks that would have ben a dud for me, too much RPG stuff as those are not my games, However some good stuff in there that I'll be getting.
  10. Awesome news and didn't expect this. I have the NSO Expansion pack so this has paid for that and then some. I didn't think any Mario Kart news would come out, especially this after so long. Looks like MK will be getting dusted off.
  11. Day one purchase for me. Loved the original on Wii and had some great matches with fellow NE'ers back in the day. I'm sure me and @Mokong had an amazing close match once. I think he was winning and I equalised with like a couple seconds left in the match, it went to overtime. He won, but damn it was a great match.
  12. I think this may be a purchase for me. I enjoyed the original and with this having online, (it did didn't it) should get more out of it.
  13. If you're going to play the N64 and Sega games and want this DLC it's definitely with it. Plus since they have already released the AC HHP DLC like this, there's a chance future DLC will be included in the price too. I already got it for the AC stuff and wanted the N64 stuff so this is literally free MK DLC for me. Also, YES. Mario Kart League is coming back, make it happen @Glen-i we've more than enough new courses to make some fun new theme nights.
  14. Do you need to have reached a certain point in the game for the rifts to start appearing. I don't think I've seen one at all since I started playing. Just got the third mon you can ride and heading to the new area.
  15. I predict everyone will be disappointed, then pleased, then back to disappointed when Nintendo don't reveal any big names in this. Then at the end, they will drop a mega BotW2 "to be released right after this presentation" and everyone will then wake up from their dreams. LOL OK, so I expect the normal kind of thing. Start of with a small new game reveal, not necessarily from Nintendo, then a good 10 minutes of games we already know about, stick a new Nintendo game in the middle, come on Strikers of F-Zero (I won't hold my breath) some more info on games we know, then the usual "that's all for now....oh wait just one more thing" megaton announcement.
  16. Maybe I'm not far enough for those outbreaks yet so hopefully my shines will come soon. I've not seen one yet, I am. only just heading to the second of the Frenzied Pokemon though.
  17. Yep and it was pretty much an instant "that was not deserved" declaration too. I had an unfair KO too at some point, Can't remember who I was but I remember I had got smashed far off the stage but was just about to recover, then I got star Ko'd. Seemed that I had some clicky bits on me from Sephiroth that activated right when I was at the highest point.
  18. True and a lot ended by stupidity too, lol. Some great matches as always, some close tense ones and some not so close. My continued victory with Pyra carries on even though I'm not entirely sure what that finish was.
  19. So probably not as far as everyone else here, but I'm enjoying this.
  20. Mixed tag was what I thought it would be. Not that it was bad, just expected. Roman and Seth was easily match of the night for me. I'm with you on the mens Rumble finish. I'm glad they didn't try to hide the fact that Kofi's feet did hit the floor. It was pretty clear and I don't think they could have got away with it.
  21. Got around to starting the game tonight. Played the first couple hours and am liking what could be a more laid back and take-your-time game. At least for me anyway. Love that you can either just try to catch or battle the wild Pokémon. I haven't really gotten into a Pokémon game in a long time, but I think this is the one that is getting me back into it.
  22. @WackerJr what was your reactions to in after seeing it? I thought it was an OK show, Bit annoyed about the mens Rumble though.
  23. Great games as always, couldn't do the full 2 hours but had some laughs. So here for the viewing pleasure of @Glen-i and @Ike if he wants to see this again. The very first match of the night that Glen didn't get to see. I was Mr Game and Watch, Ike is Ridley
  24. Guess we are waiting on @Glen-i. You still playing tonight?
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