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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. May not get on for the full two hours tonight, girlfriend is up with me. Will try to get an hours worth of play in though. Can't miss out completely on the fun.
  2. This makes me feel like I will enjoy it more. I don't mind the battling but it's not my favourite part of the games.
  3. See this is why I asked. that's one of the games I wanted to play and tried it out when I got the expansion pack, but wow, I wasn't getting the hang of it. I think that really does need a N64 controller. That's no issue for me. I have both the GC controller connected (pretty much for Smash) and my pro controller for every other game. Thanks guys, no to play the waiting game for Nintendo to get the N64 controllers back. Ain't no way I'm paying scalper prices on eBay. (the lowest price I've seen is £70)
  4. How are these games when played with the Pro Controller or JoyCons? I really want to be able to play using the N64 controller but until the Nintendo store gets some more in that won't happen. What's the best alternative?
  5. Great games as always. I think we all got a nice spread of wins and stupid kills in I had a shocking amount of first stock self KOs at the start of the night there. I believe I got my Hero kamikaze in and it also KOed a couple of you guys too. Also Peach for the win with a frying pan is always going to be the most satisfying thing going.
  6. I would like to point out that I called this in the PM that I was sent. I guess I should have picked the characters I don't like.
  7. Back in my day you used to get posters like this for free in the gaming magazines. Many were double sided too. I remember having a few up in frames in my rooms.
  8. That's true @Ashley. There's been a few like that where The songs where catchy though.
  9. Those are actually pretty good. I'm still waiting for them to get the N64 controller back in though. I'm not holding my breath though.
  10. I watched Encanto last night, really enjoyed it even if it was terribly predictable (but then most films are) A fun film though, with some catchy tunes that at first didn't seem like they should fit but actually do. I guess thats the music of that genre though. I still have yet to watch Luca, so that's next on my list.
  11. Just watched this this evening and I get how you meant what you said there now. we've gone from Iron Man (clearly set in our reality and following what we know, to Eternals which you kinda have to let your imagination take some control and not get wound up in it not being a grounded in our reality film. I don't know if some of these would have been attempted early on in the MCU as well. though they are standalone films in a sense, I don't know if the risks would have been made to make them if the MCU weren't so heavily established. As for the film, I enjoyed it. Didn't know anything about it so went in blind with nothing to go on. Had heard that it wasn't getting great reviews but I've never really taken any note of them in the first place. May have been a tad overlong but it didn't feel like it was too bad time wise. As stated it is very much a different feel than many of the current Marvel films, there's a few lines that tie it to the others but again, you could easily watch this without knowing too much about the universe. Looks like there will be more and I'll be looking forward to seeing where things are taken.
  12. I now have all of the first wave. Managed to get Boos Haunted Yard and the Fortress for next to retail price. Was going to get them from Lego store just after the new year but they have stopped selling them on there. Have been lucky to find them elsewhere. So I have some of the second wave to get and the new Luigis Mansion ones. I may not have room to set them up at the moment but I want to keep on top of them so I don't end up having to pay too much.
  13. I think I remember doing this a lot more than I do now. I think the most I ever used a guide on was Links Awakening on the GB (and this was in magazine form, no mainstream internet back then) I actually remember getting to the start of one dungeon and that was as far as the magazine did the guide that month, so it was figure it out myself or wait a month. Nowadays I try not to use them, as I really do enjoy that moment of figuring out the puzzle or how to beat the boss that it brings. The last time I had to look something up was when I recently played through Bowser's Fury. Usually when the Giga Bowser appears you can just avoid him and he will go away. At a certain point he won't and I had been running around avoiding him for about 10 minutes and needed to see if I had done something wrong. Other than that I can't think of when I have had to resort to one mid game. I'll look things up later to see if there are other ways to do something or an easier means, but I try not to. The only time I may do it is if I'm stuck on a part and have been for a few hours and see no solution or where to go. there comes a cut off point in it being a test to find out what to do, and it becoming unenjoyable.
  14. Yeah, pretty sure it was Hero now. It was the only time I remember getting him and I don't recall getting Shulk.
  15. Ah yes, Mario Kart: Breath of the ....... petrol fumes coming out of the exhaust.
  16. You may be right actually, (do you have that match saved @Glen-i?) I was thinking I had selected "jump" with Shulk, but it was probably Hero's jump thing. Stupid match never gave me Kamikaze at all, that's no way to play as Hero. Anyway, here's a video from me. Lots of multiple Smash attacks going on in this one.
  17. Ah yes, stupid Shulk (waits for @Glen-i to respond) I've just never got the hang of those Monado powers, but tat's why I enjoy the random picking, you never know who you will get.
  18. Good to hear, I know nothing about it, been hearing a lot of bad reviews, but will watch It and see for myself. Iron Man was 2008 so 14 years. That's insane in itself. But yeah it is amazing how far visual and special effects have come along in that time. I mean Lord of the Rings was 2000 and that had some amazing work in it. Can it go further, I don't know, I think it'll just be refinements. It's when we get realistic and not able to tell the difference in CGI created humans that will be the real moment.
  19. Well that was a night of many self destructs 😆 Seemed to be a lot more than usual and one game there were it was won with all the other falling off the stage. Always a blast, some really close games as always and some not so.
  20. interesting read. I like some of those ideas, I do wonder about the costumes/variations though. I doubt I play as more than half the characters in MK so adding a bunch of costumes may seem overkill. Though I haven't played Tour lately so no idea on what they are. Maybe they aren't the usual reskinned characters and might be fun.
  21. Just a short 2 minute one from last weeks games. Didn't get a lot of replays but these two matches had to be done. One for the ending to the match high atop Hyrule, and the other just for the sheer amount of hammer hits I got in.
  22. And with that all Cat Shines Get! I can say that in the end I have really enjoyed Bower's Fury. For what it was it was the right sized game. Can Nintendo make a full open world Mario game? We will see. The last few Shines were possibly the ones most people I'm guessing have the most issues with. The Cat's that you need to reunite with their mothers. The Cat Shards on Meow Meow Mountain (that last one behind them walls was the final Shine in the game for me) and the final Lucky Island one that is closest to where Bowser spawns each time. I did it by jumping off the long pier and using the helicopter box to fly over to it. Other than those, I really didn't have many issues finding shards nor getting shines. A fun little game that was pretty much a free add on to the already great Mario 3D World. Oh and I don't know if they took ideas from Breath of the Wild in how to approach Shines but I'm sure this is not the intended way to do this one. I just don't know how you'd get up the rotating platforms.
  23. Ah yes, they got that port of a remake of a port of an old game of a port of a remake (too much? lol) For such a huge franchise I really thought Zelda would get more. that's what it was that I couldn't place. Shame as that looked awesome but who knows if that may still play a part in it.
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