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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Oooh pick me! I’ll take Timeless River (that’s the black and white old timey one right). And yay, @Ugh first aid will be here to school us in the ways of Rosalina.
  2. Think I’m getting closer to the end, or at least two thirds though.
  3. I thought that at one point too, but it seems the game does have a somewhat linear route through the game.
  4. Villager just chasing a butterfly is nice too.
  5. Right some more play in and more impressions.
  6. Love the details. Wario and King Dedede reactions and Dr Mario and Game and Watch down in the corner there.
  7. Mine are slightly bent too but nothing to complain about. Been playing a few hours and I’m getting both frustrated and loving the game. I am; enjoying what I have played so far as it’s satisfying which you defeat an E.M.M.I
  8. I love that the game is in a bigger box than the Switch OLED Model. It really is a nice special edition. Just had a flick through the art book. 191 pages and lots to look at. It looks very impressive.
  9. How else are you supposed to read it? Lol
  10. I’ve had a pretty much 100% black out of this game and can’t wait to play it. I’m not a huge Metroid fan, never got into the older games, but the Prime games on GC really pulled me in and were great to play. I even ordered the deluxe set thing from the Nintendo store. I expect them to be shipping them real soon as I’ve still not seen confirmation that mine has been sent but it was like this for the last game I ordered there. It was sent Thursday evening and arrived the next day.
  11. The first thing that really comes to mind is the whole aspect of the Switch being both a home console and handheld and that switching from one to the other is simultaneous. I mean I’m playing on the TV, I take it out the dock and I’m instantly playing again. No delay or anything. This also makes it great when there’s a power cut as it just switches to handheld mode and no loss to the game I’m playing. As for games, Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey are up there for me. I was never into open world games and liked my games to have some kind of linear progression. But BotW really did change that. You can do the game in any kind of order and however you want, and even now, people are finding new things, new ways to kill enemies, and funny exploits. It’s amazing how many different ways I’ve seen people complete a shrine or certain parts of the game. Mario Odyssey was just the perfect Mario game for me at least. Visually stunning, controls were tight and perfect, and cappy was a nice new addition. Plus you get to go to the moon. (Yes Galaxy was in space too) I guess that’s why I love it so much, as Galaxy was my favourite Mario game before this. Oh amd you get to turn into a freaking T-Rex. I’ve also found that I’ve bought more indie games on the Switch than on any other console. Favourites include Oxenfree, Limbo, A Short Flight to name a few.
  12. Another fun night of Smash with @Glen-i and @Dcubed who joined in for the last 30 minutes or so. (Why is it so convoluted just to get the dang link for the video to paste here)
  13. They were a pain for me. We should have less tree bugs this month so they may spawn a bit better. I’d usually go round my island from 5:30 till 7pm amd usually only see 3 or 4 if I was lucky. Definitely walk by trees slowly, they scare easily and you’ll miss them. Best time was the first hour as the sunset makes it a bit easier to see them. Closer to 7 and it seemed a bit darker to see them. Otherwise just walk round and round
  14. The white variety looks awesome but like has been mentioned, I just don’t play in handheld enough to warrant buying it. If there was more addition than just the better screen maybe I would
  15. Yup, whilst the two new courses have layout like the Rookie course, do not be fooled, they are much more hazardous in the terrain. That special shot on NDC was just odd. I pretty much helped you on that hole it seems. And I still can’t tell what happened.
  16. 6 minutes of myself and @Glen-i from Thursday nights smash. Mostly KO’s from the matches with a couple fun bits. The final clip is possibly my best ever comeback and an amazing finish to that match.
  17. Nah. We’ll just get a cake for that like this year.
  18. Surely they have to make some mention of new Animal Crossing content, we know they mentioned that we will get new content but they need to let us know what’s happening, (and not just Halloween stuff) brand new stuff.
  19. Great games last night. Redshells stages still make for some of the best moments as well as the most frustrating. Shame you might not renew the subscription. Definitely won’t be the same on a Thursday.
  20. I’m sure I read it was for the Switch OLED model because it has the Ethernet adapter built in. So it’s probably for that.
  21. And renamed the “HamVerGonnaCrash” race. 😆 Great race weekend though. Fantastic for McLaren and Dannny Ric, lando raced perfectly too. Bottas did great to come from the back for the podium. Max has a 3 place grid penalty for the next race, but everyone is saying he’ll just take the new engine and be starting from the back anyway. (Which in my view defeats the purpose of the 3 place one) they shouldn’t be stacked. Especially where one pushes him to the back anyway. Should have to take them separately.
  22. What if that was Nintendo’s plan all along? Save the best for last.
  23. Great games. Me and @Glen-i had a great laugh over voice chat pretty much non stop cause of all the hilarity.
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