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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. This would be the only reason I’d get the game, love Avatar, there should be more games made of it.
  2. Real perfect and dynamic painting in Redds today. I have both so am letting others have the opportunity to buy. First replies get it, I’ve also mentioned it in the discord chat so be quick.
  3. She is supposed to turn up once a week. So not on my island till next week now.
  4. @darksnowman Celeste is here. You want to come over? I’ll open my gates for a bit whilst I wonder around.
  5. So anyone who is gonna do the long grind for the second set of power star golf sets for all characters, I’ve found (or rather read) the best and quickest way to go about it. I’ve seen people say about doing one hole over and over restarting it but that no fun, but this way is. Speed golf, you and 3 CPU make sure special shots are on though, you need that for coins to show on the course. Now just play as normal but collect every coin you can, use your dash and special shots as much as possible to hit the CPU’s and have them drop coins. Then like Mario, pick em all up, this is key. The points towards the clubs are all based on how you play with birdies and eagles and the like, but also every coin gives you points too, I think i read like 10 per coin. So pick em all up and play the round as normal, finishing holes with birdies still nets you the 1st place most the times as the others usually take more shots. I just played a round like this with Bowser and took him from just over 2200 points to over 4000 points. Usually a normal 18 hole round will get me 200-300. Plus you can get moments like this.
  6. Awesome shot. And yes, I don’t think you’ll get better. Here’s two of my favourite shots from our play session last night. And this shot from a play session today Toad rules The game has its faults and I hope there will be some DLC to add new modes and courses. As well as fix a few things. For the love of golf, take the flag out when I’m putting. It’s a fun game in multiplayer online as we’ve been having some good game, though @Glen-i needs to sort his controller out 😆. I have noticed that unlike past games all characters have the same shot. As in they just hit it straight, and you can ad curve. Previous games, each character had a trait to their swing and shots. Mario was usually straight but not as far as the rest, Bowser was power, but had a large fade shot. Some had low shots and some had higher shots. Where’s this kimd of thing in this game? It’s things like that that the previous games will still beat this one with.
  7. Don’t normally go for Marvel sets but this was just too awesome not to get.
  8. Myself and @Glen-i will be playing some rounds of golf from 8pm onwards this evening. Anyone is welcome to jump in. Also just seen this awesome official trailer. 😂
  9. Some fun games and moments. Wasn’t a great night for me but I won one. And curse you @RedShell for hiding on the WiiFit stage. I thought I won that with Bayonetta for a moment there.
  10. Well it looks awesome and the screen update is cool but since I play mine 95% in docked mode I don’t think I’ll pick this up unless my Switch breaks.
  11. Nice round @nekunando I really should try motion controls more So I completed the main story and while it was fun it could have been so much more. I don’t think I bought nor used any of the extra clubs you could buy. The only one I did was the mushroom driver for spin. Right now I’m just going through the characters getting the Star Clubs unlocked then I’ll try for the even better ones. Seems like 3 or 4 18 hole rounds is enough to unlock the first set. Hopefully getting online with some of you will make it more fun. Playing against CPUs is just way too easy unless I’ve missed the difficulty setting. I’m always winning the round by 5+ shots at least and I’ve never seen one of them finish under par. Finally yay me.
  12. The demo was about 20-30 minutes long if that for me. I decided to download it from the trailer and just hearing the talk here and just gave it a go. I liked it, I think I’ll get the full game before getting into this new one.
  13. Ok here’s my vids, first is from one of RedShells custom stages and it was just absolute mayhem I had to get it recorded. Second is just a mix of a few fun moments probably mostly seen in Glens video.
  14. I’m surprised there’s not another disclaimer saying “please do not jump off cliffs or your couch to land on a loft wing” like that lady is doing at the start of the video. (Well I’m assuming she did as they seem to be really showing off the motion controls) 😂
  15. That should be normal. The way it’s set is that you should see all the visitors at least once every two weeks.
  16. I’ll try to pop on t check in the evenings after 7 for you to see if she is on Kyoshi.
  17. Awesome work @Glen-i yeah sudden death I was like hold on *presses B* winner. 😂 don’t patch that combo sandwich. That was awesome.
  18. I’d like to point out how Maidens kept whipping all our butts as non Kazuya, so yeah it was just you 😂 though I do agree his moves do insane damage and have massive launching power.
  19. I’m sure I’ve done that a few times and you’re right, no water splash. It’s like there’s not really water there. Just a “no you can’t go there message” plus all oob areas are just called penalty area. Not water hazard, or something.
  20. I know there’s a PoGo thread but since there is Bidoof talk going on here I just wanted to say what happened in the game today. Bidoof everywhere. Almost every spawn was a Bidoof, over the past days there’s been Bidoof that knows certain more powerful moves and best of all, every raid today was Bidoof. Not just 1* raids, but all raids up to 5* ones. It’s been pretty funny. Long live the almighty Bidoof.
  21. Great games. Wasn’t sure I’d like the character, not knowing anything about him and not ever playing a Tekken game, but by the end of it I’m sold on him. He may not be able to jump and recovery is not the best but hitting some of those combos is satisfying especially the 10 hit one. Also has some amazing powerful moves for great KO’s. I know both myself and @Glen-i got this saved but best moment of the night goes to me and Glen with that almost endless combo with the other guys stuck in the middle. We were hitting the button at exactly the same time with resulted in some great noises from us over voice chat.
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