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Everything posted by bob

  1. The YouTuber CPGrey has done a couple of great Brexit round up videos which show just how futile the negotiations are. I recommend everyone watch them (but I'm not going to actually link them because I'm lazy).
  2. Just got back from seeing this: thought it was da bomb. Really enjoyed it. The Stan Lee tribute at the beginning was a really nice touch, at it just got better from there. The SLJ youngification was just incredible, no uncanny valley at all, it's seriously impressive. Ben Mendolson stole the show I thought. Regarding her power levels, I feel like they won't just use her as a Deus ex machina. They've been too great with the writing and plotting up until now - I trust them not to fuck it up at the final furlong. I think they'll utilise her (or possibly find some way or nerfing her power a bit) but ultimately they'll defeat Thanos in a way that feels justified and reasonable.
  3. So I finished the main story last night. Absolutely amazing. Probably one of the best stories in a game I've played in a long time, if not the best ever. I don't remember being so engaged in a games plot before. I couldn't wait for the opportunity to fight that smug turtleneck prick, and finally getting to do it was so satisfying. I was actually complementing the developers on managing to create such a punchable face, but then I found out it's a digital version of the actual actors face, and now I feel a bit sorry for the poor guy. I've not played the other games, but I'm assuming the reason Majima suddenly gets a shit haircut and a horrendous jacket is because that's what he looks like in subsequent games? Seemed an odd change of direction for him. Going to do a few of the substories now and see how far I get before I get bored.
  4. You make him sound like some sort of consumer genie who is only willed into existence when games start getting too expensive.
  5. Why not? Why haven't you been and congratulated all the women yet? There's only like 3.5 billion of them.
  6. Do you mean you've never feared it would happen, or that you don't fear it if it did happen?
  7. I don't trust them not to end up with No Deal due to incompetence. Assuming they do avoid that, I'm hoping we get an extension, with a second referendum lined up. Put deal or remain on it (or no deal?) and just do whatever gets voted for.
  8. Oh man, I didn't think anything would beat the end of Chapter 10, but I just got to the part of Chapter 16 where you
  9. The karma of Ramos admitting he purposefully got a yellow so he could miss this game and be back for the quarters makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
  10. Yeah sorry guys, I just don't have the time at the moment.
  11. If there is a third game this time round, I'm guessing it'll be called Arrow
  12. Yeah I understand why it got recommended - they both have a similar sense of humour, but OPM has a better plot and is generally more exciting all the way through. The last three or four episodes of MP100 is actually a lot better - they needed to use the character of Reigen more, the interplay between him and Mob is hilarious and the focus of the show should have been on those two imho. Anyway, I'll watch MHA next since it seems to have consensus.
  13. bob


    Watched Behind the Curve - a documentary about the flat earth movement. Went in expecting to have a right old laugh at some morons' expense, and ended up feeling really sorry for all of them. When lots of them said that they'd basically lost all their friends and family because they were flat earthers, and the way that they had all basically become social pariahs because of it, it's just a bit sad. Still laughed a fair bit though.
  14. The story keeps getting better in this. I'm up to chapter 14 I think, and it's great. However, the rest of the game is far too busy and confusing. I only just worked out how to equip a weapon during combat - it doesn't tell you anywhere how to do it! I only found out by accident. Also, how do you acquire extra properties? I've only got two, but can't figure out how to buy more. Also, the missable trophies are such bullshit. I saw one about defeating the afro dude in the highway, so when the highway level came about, I was ready for it. I still missed him though. He zoomed past and fucked off down the road, and that was it. Have to restart the game again to get that trophy? The fuck?!
  15. You're welcome Trung!
  16. I probably will. I found out yesterday that there are only three episodes of Mob 100 left, so I doubt it's going to get that much better.
  17. Where's that South African guy? Will he be playing this week?
  18. I think I actually prefer these as a 2D sprite style. They don't look so blob-like and actually seem different from one another.
  19. You only need a triangle for that one battle with your rival at the start though. You could drop that and then give three (or even more!) random type pokemon to choose from at the start.
  20. Couldn't they hire a few more people? Their bank balance could probably stretch to it. The rest of the game looks ok. Having not played a mainline game since the Gameboy Colour, I am interested in trying this. Still think the starter Pokémon look like amorphous blobs though. I wonder how many catchable Pokémon there will be in it? How does it usually work, do they have just the new ones, or a smattering from all the old games?
  21. Downloaded the CrunchyRoll app and started watching Psycho Mob 100, since I'd heard it recommended if you liked One Punch Man. It's definitely not as good as One Punch Man.... Not bad though. Seems to be really slow in getting going; I'm on episode 8 and not a huge amount has happened yet. The Claw has just shown up though, so hopefully it'll pick up.
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