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Everything posted by bob

  1. Looks very promising but daaaaaym is it ugly! It hurts my eyes...
  2. I've not seen Cars or Cars 2. I want to though. I suspect i will enjoy them.
  3. Erm...no not really, there are only spoilers for the first season i think (and who doesn't know what happenes to Ned by now anyway)....its more for readers of the books to be honest.
  4. Like football? Like Game of Thrones? Then this article will be positively alright: http://www.thefalsenine.co.uk/2013/06/10/footballs-iron-throne-game-of-thrones-meets-the-premier-league/
  5. If Magnus is hurtful, I'm out.
  6. Mine is white with silver trim but only at the front. On the back the trim is the same white as the rest of the phone
  7. Happy birthday Danny Boy!
  8. Having three up front isn't a joke...
  9. Can't believe they got rid of Hilario. He was always my back up keeper in Fantasy Football. Absolutely hilario.
  10. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went, she wore it as a throw.
  11. 'Pug in a beret' is actually a suggestion from Google, and it does not disappoint:
  12. Seriously guys i don't think the XBone is that bad and you should all think about buying one.
  13. The Voyage of the Beagle 2: Mount that ass I have no idea...
  14. bob


    It's hard to say really. It's supposed to be for beginners, but they do start off pretty difficult. Having already known lots of German before i started, i found the first few rounds really easy, but i don't know what it would have been like for someone starting from new...
  15. Ok, i think that's long enough. I think @MoogleViper edges this one with his second comment. It seems to be far cleverer than at first glance. Although i'm not sure how....
  16. bob


    Swears like a trooper?
  17. Thanks very much. I browsed the 'wtf' subreddit for a while looking for a picture, but decided against a picture of someones horrifically gory eye injury and went with this instead:
  18. Gotta love Dominic Byrne! (I do).
  19. There are loads of duplicate photo programs out there. I used to use one, but i can't remember the name of it, but they all do pretty much the same task. Maybe search for one that find EXACT duplicates. A quick search brings up this, which has an exact duplicate option. I don't know how good that one is, it might not have a good visual method of browsing through duplicates....
  20. bob

    Pacific Rim

    And I love spending time with you!
  21. bob

    Pacific Rim

    Anything with giant sea-monsters is a must see for me.
  22. Thanks guys. I've done some research around the company and i think i'll know a fair bit about them come the time of the interview - but daaaaym, i'm a bit of a nervous wreck already.
  23. Got myself my first ever job interview next week. I was moderately shitting myself, until i got the email form the recruitment company saying it will be with the MD of the damned company. Now i'm bum-destroyingly shitting myself. But i suppose it is good stuff, so it goes in here.
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