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Everything posted by bob

  1. One time i got dropped off next to a lake near a coniferous forest, and i couldn't move. There were no roads, it was just a single spot in the middle of nowhere, with a frisbee on the floor. I'm not even joking. Seeing as i couldn't move, and the frisbee didn't have anything written on it, i went with Canada - but it turned out to be Ukraine. It's really just luck.
  2. Yeah using another tab with Google Maps in it is cheating. Any googling is cheating i think. Imagine you are just transported to a place with no internet at all and just a map with a pin in it. Still....0.001km is pretty damn impressive! Don't think that is beatable...
  3. Why would anyone WANT exclusives? That's just ridiculous.
  4. Reports are coming in that Bale has signed a new contract to stay at Tottenham...not sure how true they are, they're from the Evening Standard.
  5. Dude, how did you get Norwich confused with Arizona?
  6. This is pretty cool, you get a random location off Google Maps, and you have to guess where you are. My first attempt My second, better attempt. Challenge me! It's kind of like being in Quantum Leap, only instead of helping some girl achieve her Prom dream, you just have to work out where you are by shuffling slowly down the road looking at things. EDIT: Mwahahaha - can anyone beat ?! Admittedly, i got lucky, instantly recognising it as Scotland and then finding a road sign, but still, only 5km away. EDIT2: Saw a random sign that said "Something - something: Tip Of Africa" ended up with this:
  7. I would say that it was both a foul and a dive. Give them both a yellow card, and a penalty for Spurs.
  8. I don't have a sexy car stereo... I don't even have a sexy car... I don't even have a car...
  9. I tried and tried, but eventually gave up about 6 games from the end. All my players kept getting injured. Did a bit of rejigging for the last round though and ended up with one of my highest weekly point totals! Completely by luck! I only transferred in Nolan as i neede to use up some money. Left him on the bench and he got subbed in with 19 points! Also had Lukaku so i had both of the hat-trick scorers in my team this week. :/ Anywho, i wish i had kept going for longer (or was just better at it).
  10. Jesus Christ they're only fucking vegetables, it's not like they're expensive?!
  11. bob


    Trailer looks good, but it seems like it's going to be a miserable season for sure. I hope they try and have at least some lighter moments in it....
  12. Yeah.....never mind.
  13. Yeah i got that one. But why would he do that......odd.
  14. Hmmm, didn't work that time....
  15. Yeah so apparently when Wii (the user) swore, it counted as my name in this post. Does anyone know what happened?
  16. bob

    Iron Man 3

  17. A bit off topic, but apparently that swearword at the end of Wii's post counts as my name and i got a notification accordingly....
  18. I agree, somewhat. I do think people occasionally vote for their neighbours, but most of the time a good, catchy song does win, so overall the voting does work. We never win it because our songs are always very boring indeed.
  19. bob

    Iron Man 3

    But where will Paltrow feature?
  20. Yeah sorry i didn't make any sense at all.... You both 'type' a word, and then when you have both inputted a word, they come up on the screen. Then you type the next word, and try and get the same word by homing in on words that are similar to the two previous ones. If you were playing at a dinner party, i suppose you would write them down on bits of paper etc. Link if i'm still not making any sense.
  21. Eurovision is a perfect activity for sitting around and making fun of silly people. It's also a time for perpetuating European stereotypes and laughing at ourselves and each other. I love it. Unfortunately i will be missing it this year (we usually have a Eurovision party, with dressing up and themed food etc) because some dick proposed to my girlfriend and now we have to have an engagement party. I hope it as ridiculous as ever, and Graham Norton is on top form (our voice over guy who takes the mickey out of the contestants).
  22. Not sure if this qualifies as a 'mobile game' but has anyone tried 'Say the Same Thing'? It's a cool idea for a game (not just a mobile one, seems like it would be good for dinner parties or something) that apparently was thought up by Ok Go (the band). Basically you and another person (friend or anonymous) both say a random word at the same time, and then when you see those two words, you have to then both say a word in between them, in order to try and get you both saying the same word (hence the name!). It's quite hard at first, but reasonably fun.
  23. bob

    Iron Man 3

  24. bob

    Drive Club

    I do think it's weird how they advertise car games. It's basically just car porn. Can you imagine if they advertised a new Mario game with a close up of his shoulder? Then a shot of his feet as he careers around a corner...
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