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Everything posted by bob

  1. I watched it; looks great! I thought my laptop had borked though for the first 10 seconds or so.... I don't think it gives all that much away spoiler wise, but i suppose its quite hard to tell having not seen the film... I've been listening to the Man of Steel track on Soundcloud all morning and it's getting me all fired up for this. I wish they had the Zod theme available somewhere as i wouldn't mind listening to that some more.
  2. According to this article: http://gizmodo.com/xbox-one-all-the-nerdy-details-you-dont-know-yet-509381624 The new Kinect doesn't recognise individual voices; it recognises your face, and then works out which face the voice is coming from with a directional microphone. So hopefully, it will only listen to certain players in certain situations i.e. someone in another room can't keep pausing your game for funsies.
  3. I brought in Cunt #1 just at the beginning of his drought. And then dumped him shortly before he ended it. But that's just how i play the game.
  4. i do not like Nick Robinson, he is a dick. However, in this case, he was directly quoting a statement by someone else. Check his twitter.
  5. That is awful Eevil, my condolences to you...
  6. I have absolutely no idea. I don't really pay attention to the publisher. At a guess i would hazard maybe 1 or 2? For this generation anyway.
  7. Kinect 1 did not really work as advertised unfortunately, but if this one does, it will be quite impressive. It's really the games developers that need to stop it becoming a gimmick - i.e. by not using it as a tacked on gimmick in the game. Perhaps since every Xbox One will come with a Kinect 2, games developers will be more likely to try and integrate it? I'm all for new technology and new experiences - that part of the Xbox One i like. It's all the other things that are currently putting me off.
  8. Not sure if this will work, but it's a video about the new Kinect. I have to say it look pretty damned impressive. I know people think it's just a gimmick, but if games were made that actually used this technology well, i think it could be amazing. https://dp8hsntg6do36.cloudfront.net/519aa11f68f9da9c2000002b/low.mp4
  9. Christ, is it speeding up? It's giving me vertigo every time i scroll past...
  10. I think it would just be useful to just have one box under the tv rather than two (or to get the second one out of the loft every time you wanted to play it). It's not a dealbreaker for me, but that's why people care.
  11. Who has the problem of having too many of the same console - and not being able to transfer their data between them? #firstworldproblems
  12. Don't be silly, Iron Man grew in a cave, eating boxes of scraps. Superman grew up in Atlantis.
  13. bob


    Are you trying to catch up before 30th June? I envy you, i wish i had the time to watch all the previous seasons again. Maybe when they're all done and dusted i can watch the whole thing from start to finish...
  14. Watched The Great Gatsby last night. Unfortunately i had to go the a Vue cinema on a Tuesday, which meant i got ripped off, and then insulted as they repeatedly asked for my ticket and double checked i was sat in the correct seat. Then they had 30 mins of adverts (not even trailers) before the film. I fucking hate Vue cinemas. Anywho, the film was good. I really like Baz's films (well the few i've seen) - his style works really well with this one. I haven't read the book so i can't comment on that, but i enjoyed the film quite a bit! The 3D was actually surprisingly well used as well.
  15. Did i dream it, or did they mention that the Kinect would notice when you picked up a controller and switch to game mode for you? Who asked for that? Why would we need to save precious milliseconds not navigating to the 'game' menu, and need the console itself to guess what we are going to and pre-empt it? I don't understand, that is technology that literally nobody asked for...
  16. It may be all about money - but surely the flipside is that you get more games of football with the group stages etc. Isn't that what people want? Why are you complaining about getting more football? Football football football? Maybe they should just have one game a year.
  17. "The very early Cylons were fairly easy to distinguish from humans." What is it with this thread and Segway pictures?
  18. Yeah i kind of thought i'd be struggling to choose which console i wanted out of the three - but now i'm in the situation where i really don't want any of them...
  19. Hmmmm, well i hadn't even considered the public sector to be honest - i'm assuming if i did, i would end up doing sewage or something horrible like that (my degree is in Fluid Dynamics). I'm just a bit worried i won't really be qualified for any job when i start applying.
  20. What sort of Engineering do you do? Civil? What sort of things do you do day-to-day? Is it fun? (Other than management being crappy)
  21. Can someone fill me in on what i just saw? Was that a giant mecha-samurai? Looks good though.
  22. I need to start looking for a job soon. This thread is making me terrified.
  23. Indeed. But seriously though, i don't get why consumers would want exclusives. Exclusives are what the CEO of Sony or Microsoft want, as it makes people more likely to buy their console rather than someone elses. As a consumer, why the hell would you want a game that only plays on one console but not the other? You should want ALL games to play on ALL consoles, so you only have to buy one. Obviously that is never going to happen, but that doesn't mean we should be hoping for games split down the middle so we have to buy both consoles. I don't want to have to choose between the new Xbox and the PS4, i just want one of them, and not have to worry about the games i won't get to play on the other...
  24. Yeah i wondered at first if moving was allowed, but then i thought if you were suddenly transported to a new place, you wouldn't exactly just stand still and crane your neck trying to work out where you are. I suppose that is 'hard mode' though. EDIT: Danny's is pretty impressive! The Mexico one ruined your score though!
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