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Everything posted by bob

  1. I realise it doesn't matter all that much, but he always ends up looking like plastic or fibreglass rocks you get in theme parks. Is it CGI or a costume do you think? If it's the latter then I kind of understand as it would have to move, but if it's the former, then it's just shit.
  2. Seriously though, why does he look like flaky pastry and not like rock? Could they not have put a more rocky texture on him?
  3. He looks like a turd I once passed.
  4. I probably won't buy it, but my decision has nothing to do with voice chat. It just doesn't appeal to me.
  5. I never had a PS3! Oh but I don't have a PS4 either...
  6. I never joke.
  7. There's a bunch of people called J7 working for AXA? How bizarre.
  8. Isn't it 100% of Australian Netflix users? Since Netflix isn't available Down Under, but they all sign up and watch it through VPNs. That's a whole country worth of subscribers they'd lose.
  9. Aston Villas remaining fixtures aren't much better. I think even Tactics Tim might not be enough for them.
  10. Spent like 2 hours playing Wind Waker last night. Felt goooooood! Did the whole of the second Fortress dungeon. Might get to play some more tonight as well!
  11. It's hard finding an outlet for all my unused condiment jokes.
  12. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! *waves hands in the air*
  13. I am. She just doesn't cut the mustard as far as I'm concerned.
  14. I'm surprised Cameron has spent this long on stage without feasting on the blood of a newborn baby.
  15. I vote Slippy Toad.
  16. Colon vomit? Isn't that just poop?
  17. Managed to play another 30 mins of Wind Waker last night. I've got the bow now, but still toiling away in the Tower of the Gods dungeon. Games Completed in 2015: None yet.
  18. All white van drivers are arseholes. You are clearly not.
  19. I once saw two painters/workmen in Tesco, both wearing blue overalls, and one had decided to wear a red shirt underneath, the other, a green one. It was glorious, but i didn't take a photo unfortunately. Still, imagine what it looked like and laugh about it with me.
  20. If Greg Dyke gets his way, the amount people are willing to pay for half decent English players is going to be obscene.
  21. I think thatwasthejoke.jpg
  22. You could create a team of people who use voice chat and people who don't, finally put the argument to rest.
  23. Well yeah, but if you don't have to worry about actually doing any of the promises, you can just make up any shit you like to get elected. It just makes the whole thing pointless.
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