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Everything posted by bob

  1. You can delete local data for old games right, without losing the save data?
  2. I agree about the lack of a delete post button. Have we just missed it, or is there genuinely not one?
  3. This is both the best, and the worst one in this thread.
  4. Its definitely worth £10 I think. Especially with all the extra stuff they added, although I haven't played it since all these updates.
  5. Nah, I actually wrote this long rant about what I thought was a misable glitchy side quest, but then managed to solve the problem an hour later. I couldn't work out how to delete posts after that. Tearblaster still the best weapon in the game, shortly followed by the tear blasting arrows.
  6. I probably would watch an actual pile of garbage if it had Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in it.
  7. That actually looks quite good...it seems only related to the original in vague premise only, and the cast looks top notch.
  8. You can't prove that.
  9. Never mind.
  10. Do not want! But they seem like popular choices with others.
  11. @Charlie just wanted to low-key brag about how high his post count was. Look at this baller with his posts in the high thousands!
  12. Septuagenarian Colander Guaranteed! Happy birthday though.
  13. Goodness me, what happened in Japan 5 weeks after the Wii U launched?
  14. Can't you put down some sort of membrane underneath the slabs if you're repaving it anyway?
  15. I expect that in German you probably have just one word for this though, right?
  16. bob


    I'm actually going to Japan in a month. Do you think I'd be able to learn anything useful in that time?
  17. But how will people know that you are excited to see Sin City, in cinemas now!
  18. OK, who had them end of June? That sounds great though, do something that you're interested in and don't get threatened every day.
  19. I don't think there is a problem is there? Kav just wanted to use them desktop version, and he can. Others are fine with the mobile version. It's all good?
  20. I presume Kav wants it to look like the first picture rather than the second? I realise it's the same website jiggled about a bit, but there are still two versions of it.
  21. bob


    Against@Shorty 's recommendations, I went and watched Luke Cage. It was as slow as described, but I quite liked it. The writing and dialogue was very clunky and cringy - specifically everything said by Misty Knight, but overall it was reasonably enjoyable. Clearly a rung or two below DD and JJ though I. Starting Iron Fist now. The first episode is quite interesting. Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
  22. Just finished watching Steins;Gate@drahkon. It was really good! Loved the time travel plot, which didn't get too bogged down or have any ridiculous paradoxes. My only gripe was the sheer number of names everyone has - was really confusing at the beginning. Everyone has a full name, some people have a nickname, others have unwanted nicknames, some have code names and pet names. It's probably easier if you speak Japanese tbf.
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