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Everything posted by bob

  1. Spoilers all over the place in this thread.
  2. I hope so. Want to get TF2 for Christmas.
  3. Mate, Supes is dead...
  4. I see what Ronnie is saying. Back in 1996, it cost £50 to buy Mario 64 (and many other games). Adjusted for inflation, that is £83. So games are generally getting cheaper, but the cost of production will go up.
  5. Agreed. Changed the game way back in 2007 when Assassin's Creed did it.
  6. Cannot wait! I will though. Actually, Shield is one of those shows that it pays to save a few of them up and then binge all at once. Might do that if I can resist long enough.
  7. I'm enjoying the story, but the sheer size of the game is kind of overwhelming. At this rate, it's going to take me months to complete, and I'm not sure if I'd rather play several other games in that time. I thought I might just play the main quest, as that's really engaging, but you quickly get behind in terms of levels, and need to do side quests to keep up.
  8. bob


    I quite like a soupy mess personally, although it depends what flavour.
  9. Saw Murder on the Orient Express last night. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it, but it probably would have been sufficient watching it on a Sunday evening from the sofa. Anyway, I award the film 6 bobs/10.
  10. There's definitely a work around to delete the bin icon on Windows. I know because my desktop is gloriously empty.
  11. It's probably because I'm horrendously ugly.
  12. Just found this survey by Yougov. Don't know the sample sizes, but some of the results seem to perhaps confirm what Grazza is talking about, i.e. the fact that as the women asked get younger, what they find acceptable changes. Older women seem ok with wolf whistling for example. https://yougov.co.uk/news/2017/11/01/sexual-harassment-how-genders-and-generations-see-/ Personally, I don't think I've ever been sexually harassed...certainly never had my bum grabbed or had inappropriate comments made whether I enjoyed it or not.
  13. I thought you didn't play much multiplayer?
  14. I say "Sk-hed-u-lay" because I like to honor the original Latin pronunciation.
  15. Dude, spoiler. I had no idea Mario was in this game and now my anticipation is ruined.
  16. Yeah, I don't think I could have watched Death Note straight off, it gets very laboured and dull ("Having to explain the logic of each and every decision made by the main characters gets boring). I watched an episode each day while doing the washing up, so it helped. Not sure what I'll watch as my washing up program now. Might take a break from anime.
  17. Finished watching Death Note on Netflix just now. It was pretty good. Could have done with being about 10 episodes shorter though, it did drag.
  18. Now give it back to @Hero-of-Time.
  19. That seems like a very good idea. Glad it seems to be working.
  20. Yes, +1 for [mention=521]S.C.G[/mention] too. (Did I do that right?) Money sent immediately, and I now can afford to eat tonight.
  21. bob


    That 1 screen SD option is such good value. I do wish there was a 1 screen HD option though for maybe £6.50.
  22. Ah, I'll probably wait for it to get a bit cheaper then. Looks good though!
  23. Is the DLC free?
  24. HoT finished the game before the launch trailer hits...
  25. Worth the price of the game IMHO.
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