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Everything posted by Dufniall

  1. The thing that I noticed in the trailer were: - The shot where your protagonist walks into the stadium, he looks like he is wearing a sports outfit? Pokémon soccer? - When the logos are shown in the end you hear crowd cheering. So again it seems that a stadium setting is going to be a thing. Combined with the theme, I want Pokémon jousting matches. I wonder what they are going to do with the theme, Sword and Shield sound quite competitive, war-themed even. It wouldn't surprise me if competition is going to be a big thing. Maybe Sword and Shield are two factions, or teams, and we will see some Splatfest-like competitions going on, both offline and online. So choosing your version will have a bigger impact. Anyway, time will tell! Too early for me to decide on anything.
  2. Good connection? Yes! No interruption? No dammit! Will rewatch it soon though.
  3. I expect another thing in the free-to-play segment. Maybe an update for Pokémon Quest, or Pokémon Shuffle Switch. I'm hoping for a new Pokémon Trading Card Game game. Something Detective Pikachu related also sounds reasonable.
  4. We'll be playing RE2 Remaster when Microsoft brings its XBox service to the Switch.
  5. Funnily enough Zero is the title I'm interested in the most, as it's the only game out of these three that I haven't played. I've played RE1 on PC looong ago and again on the DS but I may be tempted with a HD version. 4 I've played on the GameCube and the Wii, so I don't even know if I need that again at this point.
  6. Yep, while the US is getting a physical release with 0 and 1 bundled. Guess I could import, but I really don't want to and support Capcom in these silly decisions.
  7. True, it had that real Nintendo magic, and made you use the 3DS even when not playing games. To be fair this was before the smartphone era so I don't know if this would be appreciated by many nowadays as now almost everyone has a multimedia machine in his pocket. In that regard the Switch is more like the DS, which had a modern and clean interface. But even that had pictochat as a social aspect.
  8. Note that when the final DLC drops and the physical release will come out, they will increase the price of the game from €25 to €40. So if you go digital best to pick it up before that. On the other hand, it is also regularly on sale on the eShop so you can pick it up for around €20.
  9. It had a rough start with the high pricepoint and not great launch line-up, but after the pricedrop it went like crazy. I liked the 3D from the beginning, and was amazed to be playing Street Fighter IV on it. But the list of good software is big: Mario 3D Land, Monster Hunter, the Zelda remakes, Resident Evil: Revelations, Animal Crossing, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, the Layton games, just to name the first few that pop into my head. I loved taking the thing with me on my commutes. Not even for playing but for Streetpass: before the Switch came out you could usually find some passes when travelling from station to station. Then going into the Plaza to collect the puzzle pieces or play the RPG. Loved it and it's a shame the Switch does not have a pass function like that. For long trips the 3DS is still my go-to machine. The Switch feels too expensive, a bit more flimsy with the detachable Joy-cons and battery life is a thing. Last year I took my 3DS with me to South America, I've bought Kirby Triple Deluxe for the long plane trip. This year I'm going to Japan and the 3DS is again coming with me, and I've picked up Pokémon Ultra Moon for the occasion. That plus some backlog should keep me busy on the long flights and train rides there!
  10. Pfew, a couple of months. Just quoting myself here from 2 posts up: All the respect for taking the time to finish the DLC and be so true to what they promised in the Kickstarter. But I'm a bit bummed about it, I was really looking forward to playing King of Cards in april, I even planned my playing of Axiom Verge and Shantae accordingly. Now I have a gap in my 2D platformer planning!
  11. *bump* I finished this over the weekend on the Switch. What a lovely game! Pirate's Curse is the other Shantae game I've played, so that is my main comparison. The dances are a fun addition (that, as I understand, return from the older games). The drawn style is pretty and fits the game well. Humour was a bit more conservative this time, although there were some good jokes and puns here and there (Squid Baron is awesome, as was he in Pirate's Curse). So how is the DLC? Is it worth it?
  12. Played the demo this weekend. The game just looks so charming and great, a great new art direction that makes a lot of sense coming from Woolly World. The fact that you can play a stage in reverse is a nice little twist. But the demo level was just too easy, plus I don't think it controls great, especially if you have to aim at stuff in the background or foreground. With the backlog in my mind and other games that are coming, I think I will leave this for the time being.
  13. I played this game a couple of weeks ago. I love what they've done with the reboot. Tomb Raider felt fresh with the new mechanics (although I wouldn't have minded if survival would have played an even bigger role), and Rise of the Tomb Raider really built on that. The Baba Yaga DLC was good, as it is a bit different from the main game. Combat I found easier than in part 1, maybe because of the stronger weapons and arrows like @Hero-of-Timepointed out. The snow environments looked beautiful, but I'm glad the game is not all in the snow as that would have been a bit too one-sided. I think it will be a while before I play Shadow, as I think it would feel too similar to Rise. But it will be played eventually, if only because I think part plays in Peru and I've been there. Plus, you know, it is a great series.
  14. Starcraft Ghost!
  15. Aw man, I've started playing in a new band which is cool. But we rehearse on Thursday nights which is the reason why I haven't been joining the League lately. Seeing all these posts makes me miss the Thursday night shenanigans!
  16. Luckily they will drop 22 SNES titles after tonight's Direct and then all is good.
  17. Wasn't there already an SP version of Metroid? Strange they are putting out another one. Good to see Kirby coming to NES Online, it's my favourite game on the system. I've recently played it on the NES Mini though. I've tried to get into Zelda II but didn't really feel it, but it's a Zelda game I've never played so I should at least give it a proper go.
  18. I was down with the flu for a couple of days this week, which meant I finally got a chance to catch up on some of my Netflix watch list! I watched Fyre as well, very interesting and bizarre what happened there. It baffles me there was no health inspection/safety inspection who called it off. I mean, don't you need a ton of permits for such an event? Good marketing from them, though... I also watched Making Fun: The Story of Funko. I don't collect them and was quite interested to find out what the appeal is in those little vinyl figures. The documentary starts with a history of Funko, but later on mostly becomes a story about how collecting Funko figures changed people's lives and how it has helped them. But no in-depth story about how the business developed unfortunately. Was expecting a bit more. And I've finally started season 5 of Bojack Horseman. God that show is great, although season 4 was a bit less than the first three. Still good though.
  19. Ah yes, the backlog. Well: Nintendo Switch: Snake Pass (about half way) Mario + Rabbids (90% done) Sonic Mania (only completed it once with 1 character) Fire Emblem Warriors (still need to get some of the scenarios finished) Manticore (about 1/3 completed) Dark Souls South Park The Fractured But Whole Breath Of The Wild DLC Shantae: Half Genie Hero Nintendo 3DS: Rhythm Thief (somewhere around 60%?) Steamworld Dig PC: Resident Evil VI Subnautica Bioshock 1+2 Remastered The Witcher III And that is excluding some games that I've completed or are done with for now, but probably will get some more attention later. Also quite some games in my PC list that I've got for free but don't feel the direct need to play them. Edit: forgot about Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros. World Of Light!
  20. Axiom Verge is free until the 21st of February on the Epic Store.
  21. So, any impressions? I haven't picked it up yet, but I'm very tempted, just want to finish 2 other games first (1 from the backlog and 1 for a review). After that I think I'm ready for this game!
  22. For February I nominate @Dcubedto do the curation!
  23. With February starting it's time to finish the game, which I did just now! I completed the game with 2 treasures missing, which let me to a grand total of...
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