Hmmz as I said in the N-Europe news topic: bad move I think... They've built a great concept 'round the bongo's and now they're moving this big franchise to the Wii. I think this is one game which they could make work on both the GC and the Wii, so they should release it on the GC and players who want to play it on the Wii can do so. I mean, this game is obviously not about graphics, and also not meant for revolutionary Wii-controls since it should be played on the bongo's... So let's hope that it can be played by the DK bongs!
By the way can the bongo's be used on the Wii? I actually don't know...
By the way, after reading several years at cube-europe, revo-europe and n-europe, I finally joined the forum ^_^ hope I'll get a warm welcome!