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Everything posted by Dufniall

  1. Oh wow, didn't realize gen4 introduced so many evolutions. I really thought a bunch of those were from gen5. I've started playing this a bit more in the last few weeks after a year of not playing it, so was glad I at least got Spiritomb! Still got many gaps to fill in my dex though.
  2. I ended up getting the Alien and the Core Collection packs. Aliens table is great, looks the part too with the xenomorph in the background. I tried Secrets from the Deep as well from the Core pack, not as great but good for the variation. Time to set up some more tournaments for this game!
  3. Heads-up that a bunch of DLC for Pinball FX3 is on sale. Aliens, the Core Collection and the Season 1 packs amongst others.
  4. Wish I could @Glen-i! Even more bad news, I've watched the trailer again and saw some breakdowns of which Pokémon are in it, and there are quite some other generation 'mon there. So chances for Krookodile are up again.
  5. Yeah, saw it as well! I was expecting an announcement for an eShop sale, instead we got this. Nothing for me, good news for those people who don't have a Switch yet.
  6. I only watched the trailer once but I saw mostly Gen 1 plus Greninja (because yeah he's popular, let's throw him in). I wonder if we'll see a lot of other generations in it. It is insane! But I can totally see the appeal of it to the masses. It is Pokémon but different, has Ryan Reynolds, and there is just something about seeing Pokémon in the real world. So be warned. if this hits it means we will see the realistic approach back in the games. Time for Nintendo to beef up that Switch so it can cope with all those hair textures and lighting effects!
  7. *bump* For those interested, Destiny 2 is free until November 18 if you log into your PC Battle.net client. Downloading now, 80GB so won't be playing it soon...
  8. Still room for 1 more or does that unbalance the teams?
  9. My girlfriend asked if I was watching a Disney movie...
  10. @DcubedHave you played Mario+Rabbids? I'm playing that now, and it is a good game, long but not too long with optional DLC to extend the fun. Single player focused and not really an RPG, more of a tactical game. But my guess is you have already played it, done and dusted!
  11. What? Who? Thanks for the games! They were not my finest but very enjoyable. With Zanis I completely forgot what his ultimate did, so first time I used that didn't work out haha. Hated that Valhein in the 3v3 match, with his bloody stuns. Need 8 more kills with Mganga so I'm going for that tonight. After that I'm tempted to pick up Tel'Annas as well.
  12. Wait, there is a musicians topic? I would like to weigh in. I've played classical music for a long time in an orchestra, I played trumpet first and switched to french horn later. I stopped playing however when I moved cities for university. That's when I started with bass guitar. I picked up a Stagg B300 and a 15watt combo amp. A friend of mine asked if I wanted to play in his band, a death metal/thrash metal band which had been going for quite some years but needed a bass player. Being in a band is the reason why I really wanted a bass guitar so naturally I said yes. In the first 2 rehearsals I noticed that 1) This was some technical stuff so I really had to get my game up and 2) a four string was not working in the dropped tuning they were playing! So I got me this lovely thing: A Dean Edge Q5 TAB. I remember seeing it on a website of a guitar shop. It was orange. I called if they still had it. "Yeah, it's the orange Dean 5-string" "Orange? I only have a greenish purplish one." "Ehm, well, I'll come and have a look" So it was green, but played great so I got that one. With this one I at least could get on in the metal band. I've played with them a couple of years and we released an album. Recording songs was very confronting as I had to play all those bass parts without a band covering up any mistakes or sloppy bits. Great experience though. In the end we played one gig, which was our album release/goodbye show. After that I joined another band that was just starting up, a doom metal band. With that we have played various shows, released an EP and an album. Unfortunately we broke up (the album appeared post-mortem), as I really loved what we had going but the motivation just wasn't there anymore with some of the members. I also started playing with some university friends in a rock cover band, and that lead to me buying this one: I wanted a bass that just looks rock and roll, and although some people dislike the balance (it has a bit of a neck dive) I really love to play it. I also upgraded my 15watt combo to a Fender Rumble 100 watt (can be seen in the first picture). Very lightweight but enough power for at home or in the rehearsal room or a small café or something. I also have a pedal board going although I don't really use it a lot. The Limiter/Enhancer and Overdrive I have used with the metal bands, but the rest is mostly for show haha. The tuner is useful though. The other 2 are a ZVEX Woolly Mammoth clone built by a friend, and an Ibanez DE7 echo/delay. I also have a Digitech Bass Synth Wah for the freaky noises. But like I said I don't use them, other then just making weird noises at home. Two weeks ago I've traded my first bass (the Stagg) for a guitar as I wasn't playing it anymore. So I put up an ad if someone wanted to trade and I got a Washburn N1 as a return: I also have Rocksmith with the cable so I'm toying with that in combination with the electric guitar. It's fun to try but yeah it is hard if you want to play other stuff than chords haha. Great reading up on all your stories, gears and experiences by the way! I'm not very techy when it comes to instruments but I'm trying to learn a bit more about the technology, different elements, choices of wood etc.
  13. So is that a reboot of Sabrina The Teenage Witch? Liked that show a lot back in the days so could be fun. I'm about 5 episodes in Season 2 of Castlevania and that is a great show as well. The first season really felt as an introduction, and the first episodes of season 2 I was still in dubio if I liked it or just found it okay. But now it really starts to ramp up.
  14. Damn, that sucks big time @Aneres11, especially since you are so careful with it. Only thing I can think of is try to turn the Switch off completely and restarting it, maybe that resets some kind of protocol. Otherwise, do you see any fall damage besides the damaged air vent? If not you could take the gamble and offer it for warranty, as the air vents tend to crack "naturally". If they don't see it as user damage they may fix it under warranty.
  15. I've played a quick game of 3v3 with @Nintendo Fanyesterday. Was playing as MGanga, and the opposite team had a MGganga as well. There is one challenge where you have to kill a boss as him. So that other guy was attempting to killing the boss on the 3v3 map, he was almost dead as was the boss. I went ahead and finished the job, killing them both with a good blow. Good times. Haven't played with (or unlocked) Tel'Annas but I think she has a skill where she increases range, and can attack turrets while staying out of their range. Looks like an interesting character and may be my next unlock! I try to play this game and/or Paladins for 1 or 2 games daily, it's a shame not more people are on board! Although I can't blame them with the amount of (online) titles out on the Switch.
  16. Well, I completed World 4 without too much hassle. But then it became an uphill struggle!
  17. I decided to start with Axiom Verge, that game has been on both my Steam and Switch wishlist for a while. Played it for about half an hour, and first impressions are good! Very Metroid in presentation and vibe, and a great soundtrack.
  18. A big sale is happening now on the Switch eShop: Gaming On The Go Sale (article should be up on the front page soon). A whole lot of indies and some Capcom are down in price. I might pick up a couple of indies like Axiom Verge and Surgeon Simulator CPR. Maybe even Monster Hunter GU, although I also kind of want it physical. Any suggestions what else is good? Edit: www.n-europe.com/news/new-releases-and-eshop-discounts-week-43-2
  19. I think @Shorty and @gekko make some really good points. I think the older installed base may be a bit done with talking about games; instead they just want to play them, discuss them in a private circle or play a lot less games in general. I had the same happening on 2 music forums I was active on as well. The younger generation is not interested anymore in a good discussion. Either content is absorbed through social media (preferably in video format or small bits of text), or if they are interested in the discussion they start a content channel like on Twitch or Youtube. I saw someone say a lot of discussion has moved to Twitter and Facebook, but I never see a constructive debate under for example a news post from a Nintendo channel. Only oneliners, often complaints or HYPE!!1! shouts. Could be that there are more dedicated discussion places there that I am just missing, but I think people just don't want to communicate like that anymore. I agree that discord could be a great addition. It allows for a good mix between slow-chat and discussions, and you can create different channels like threads for different games. "Big" discussions will stay on the forum anyway as you sometimes want to use formatting, images and the likes, or just type 5 paragraphs about a topic. In fact there is already a discord group I'm in with a couple of forum members and I really like the format. Edit: Yeah basically I am just repeating what was already said I see now reading back haha. It is my way of saying, I agree.
  20. Good to hear it runs so well, especially in handheld as that is the USP to getting the Switch version. Still tempted to pick it up.
  21. If that rumour is true, then I have just found my new main character.
  22. I seriously thought this was automatic as @RedShell sends them as well and I never see him playing. Even looked around if I could find the function. Honestly, who puts it there?
  23. Okay, time to get this ball rolling. As nice guys always finish last, it is a dog-eat-dog world etcetera etcetera, I have chosen Team Trick! Team Trick - Vileplume2000 - Nicktendo Team Treat
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