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Everything posted by Dufniall

  1. Yeah just go while I figure out what's going on. Keep getting communication errors.
  2. Are there post-MK Smash shenanigans tonight?
  3. IN as well!
  4. I think the Summer Break lasted long enough, and it's time to get the Club back into action! Who is up for this? With a little bit of luck we can choose a nice SNES game next month, if we indeed get them in the Online Service. Until then, we can maybe find a nice short game to play this month.
  5. I'm all for sarcastic clapping, and haven't played Mario World and the star road in ages so I guess there would be plenty of this:
  6. I've never owned the WiiU, but I've got enough games I played and want in the list so here we go: - Bayonetta 2 - Mario Kart 8 - Shovel Knight - Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
  7. So basically Team Yell are a bunch of football hooligans They really go all-out Britain here!
  8. A shame that they decided to choose the gen 3 Rattata and make it into dark/normal. Where have we seen that before? Cool that it is getting an evolution though. But I love the region Pokémon so I'm curious to see who else gets a UK version!
  9. Well, that wasn't as big as an announcement as everyone was anticipating. And I can't believe they actually use the term "hangry"!
  10. I liked it, had some trouble with the spin jump bit. Although I find it hard to put a finger on why I had trouble with it. The most difficult jump was with the red wiggler on the vertical rope. The jump to the next one was quite high and the wriggler has to be in the highest position to make it, which is difficult to time. First bit I breezed through though.
  11. That would be interesting, because especially games like Toad/Yoshi/Kirby can be finished within a week for a normal single playthrough. They are games I wouldn't mind checking out but for now I don't want to pay 60€ for. I wonder if this is testing the waters for a game pass-like construction.
  12. So I've finished the single player campaign yesterday, including the final Peach level. Onwards to playing some more levels from over here and to unlocking more clothing. It would be nice if the game would tell you the conditions for unlocking them though. I also came across this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarioMaker/comments/cjr6lq/the_allinone_character_detector/. Appararently the different characters have a slightly different fire flower trajectory, so it is possible to 1) create a path for different characters and 2) create games that can't be finished by certain characters.
  13. I've played this for about 1,5 hours yesterday in co-op with @Sméagol through his buddy pass (cheers for that!). First of all, to co-op with the free version you need a buddy, but also a Bethesda account so if you don't have one you will need to put in your email address. From the time I had with the game it was good fun. The action is nice and fast, and I love the alternate reality 80s. I had some trouble with spotting enemies in the distance though, maybe due to the lower resolution. On the plus side I didn't notice any annoying framedrops. I got a couple of upgrades but it is still to early to say something about how the RPG elements work. I also expected more co-op moments besides the occasional "pull two levers at the same time". There could be a lot more co-op elements. I think all in all I would need to see more from it to get a good conclusion. It's a game I may pick up in a sale, but it's also a game that I would prefer to play on PC. If anything, I think I'm going to try the first two reboot games first.
  14. Make that 8!
  15. Yes, I know, I'm late to the party, but I just want to echo what a great game Hollow Knight is. I've been playing it for the last couple of weeks and it easily became one of the best games I've played in a while. I finished the game this weekend with 86% completion. I still want more, so I'm currently doing the rounds to get the percentage up, currently at 94%. I don't know if I can stomach going to the full 112%, but I still at least want to get the true ending, finish the Grimm Troupe DLC and go for all charms and grubs. But what a game. Great atmosphere, soundtrack and it plays like a charm. The story is maybe a bit too vague and too ambitious, but I love the little bits of lore spread around. And I think MetroidVania is becoming one of my favourite genres. The whole journey of starting out helpless to becoming a powerhouse in the end feels good. I think next up is Metroid: Samus Returns.
  16. Curses! Should have seen that. I... will boot up my 3DS and edit my post later!
  17. This is a tough one for me as well. There are some great games out, but I've also missed on a lot. Zelda: Link Between Worlds and Kirby Planet Robobot for example. I have Metroid Samus Returns and Pokémon Ultra Moon unplayed, and I can imagine one of those would be top 5 material. But since I won't play these games this week, I guess I just base my list on what I've played. - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - Resident Evil Revelations - Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - Super Mario 3D Land
  18. That Shifty Station looks awesome! Is that Marina in the middle? I wish I could play it, but I've got Humpback Pump Track 6 times in a row... level rotation sometimes is super bad.
  19. Got the code for the posters yesterday and ordered them this morning, so I hope they still come! Got some Splatfest games in this morning. Decided on Team Order, first of all to counter all these Area 51 storming millennials who want to see the world burn, but also so I could post this gif:
  20. Resident Evil 6 releases on Switch.
  21. Resident Evil 5 releasing on Switch.
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