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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/01/tomb-raider-next-gen-sequel-confirmed
  2. I was thinking about finally getting Persona 1 and 2.
  3. Urgh, yet another company that is making up game of the show stuff. Giant Bomb dont give out awards yet they are listed in that trailer and theyve just tweeted to confirm that they didnt give Watch Dogs any award.
  4. You are saying that anyone who prefers video game stories to books is ignorant which is ridiculous. Its personal opinion. Im done anyway, this is the same problem you always have in regards to other peoples opinions and im not going to get stuck arguing about it again.
  5. Im probably thinking of the silver one thats £50 then
  6. Its not ignorant at all, dont be so dramatic and quite frankly rude. There is an interactive and visual component that you dont get with books.
  7. Is that the newer version thats around £50? Ive got the cheaper Cerberus version which is still pretty nice
  8. What does it matter? If we like the story then we like the story. I dont feel the need to compare things all the time to gauge how much I should be enjoying things.
  9. The wort part of all this is that I just put Bale into my fantasy football team.
  10. According to my Steam account it took me 48 hours to complete FTL lol
  11. I think water sections are usually the worst part in any game
  12. Its a really good game as well, I got a copy in the Steam sale and have been playing loads of the career mode.
  13. Do you have Playstation Plus? If so Most Wanted is free from today.
  14. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-31-batman-arkham-origins-multiplayer-skips-wii-u
  15. I might get Killzone 4 but it wont be straight away, probably wait for the GB Quick Look for that. I havent really enjoyed any of the other ones all that much but the stuff they've shown from 4 looked at least a bit different.
  16. I preordered mine after the Sony E3 press conference when we got confirmation on the price. I'll be sticking with it and unless we get any other launch games announced I'll be getting Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4.
  17. I think I stopped watching sometime around Turbo ending but then after college I was unemployed for a bit and ended up watching them all the way until the end of Time Force.
  18. Zeo for me always felt closely enough linked that it could have just been another MMPR season.
  19. Personally I loved a good story in a game and without it I have started to get bored when playing games. I enjoy working my way through a level and then having a cutscene as almost a reward for doing so. I recently played "To the Moon" on the PC. Small game, very little gameplay but an amazing story and it was one of my favourite gaming experiences from this year. Two of my favourite games Persona 4 and the Mass Effect trilogy have great stories and use them really well to have you connect with those characters and universes in a way that I never have before with other games. As I said in the other thread, Nintendo games have started to feel a bit hollow for me. Following the same old things time and time again. They were fun when I was younger but I think progression is needed.
  20. I think for me Nintendo have an alrighty variety of games but dont do enough with them to change things up from one to the next. Everytime I played one of their games it just felt like an experience that I'd already had to some extent. The New Super Mario Bros games are a perfect example I think. Not to derail but I feel this is where story and narrative comes in on the other consoles. Nintendo focus so much on gameplay that without a worthwhile story the games start feeling a bit hollow and I start wondering why I am paying full price for the same basic experiences over and over again.
  21. Meh, I doubt I will be touching that part of the game.
  22. YES thats it! Thanks! Yeah ive still got that somewhere around here.
  23. Damn you for this @Murr you've got me searching the Internet now trying to remember the name of the big red badguy plane I've got somewhere around here
  24. I was never loved enough as a kid to have any of the Megazords bought for me. Best I got was a figure from Japan which at the time I assumed was a knock off when I didnt know that all of this came from over there so it was probably something from the newer shows that we hadnt seen here.
  25. As much as I still love all that stuff and want to buy it im just not sure I can. It feels just one geek level too much for me.
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