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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. It probably is too soon but DC have been forced into this by the success of Marvel's shared movie universe. If Bale isnt carrying on as Batman, or his version just wouldnt really fit in this universe they want to build then they have to get another version out there and introduced before a Justice League movie comes around. I think they maybe should have made this a World's Finest movie instead, letting Man Of Steel get its own sequel later but I guess they want both Superman and Batman back again before the JL movie and decided this was the best way instead of making two movies.
  2. I assume its Nicholas Hoult, Beast.
  3. Yeah it took me a while when I first saw the image as well. Its the cheeks and jawline I think.
  4. Thats Anna Paquin, Rogue from the old movies.
  5. Posted this is the Steam summer sale thread but these are the games I ended up getting from it:
  6. Black guy is new I think, blonde looks like Banshee from First Class
  7. Final Flash deals are up so I have bought my remaining games. Here's the games I picked up overall: After I stopped crafting the badges I made about £7 selling the trading cards as well.
  8. Another possible Smallville nod:
  9. Looks like Hank Pym wont be in this and Ultron will be getting a new origin http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/07/22/comic-con-whedon-says-no-hank-pym-in-avengers-2-and-different-ultron-origin
  10. I still think its a shame that the Flash movie never got made back when Wally was still the Flash. I find Barry Allen a bit of a dull character.
  11. Despite whether it could or will happen, its something I would prefer anyway. As I explained when I got rid of my Wii U, I am a lot less interested in Nintendo than I used to be but I'm sure eventually there will still be titles that I want to play but I'm not getting a console on hope or faith anymore (not that I really have faith in Nintendo these days). Plus I have to wonder if it would actually free them up to get more inventive again, just making games instead of every title needing to be that one that turns the Wii U's fortunes around.
  12. Thats a perfectly civil comment, not my fault if you read it the wrong way :P
  13. I wasnt actually making any kind of comment or reply, just posting a Superman/Batman image I love and my preferred logo from the actual Superman/Batman comic.
  14. I hate the encore day of Steam sales, bringing back deals that were the most popular. Well they were the most popular because people already bought them!
  15. I'm not sure you've heard, but he's a journalist
  16. Season 2 trailer
  17. As long as Bale isnt in it then I'm happy enough I guess although I would have preferred a different director.
  18. Wasnt there a rumour that Vin Diesel was going to be Vision?
  19. Who knows, maybe he will still be in it or maybe he will be in Guardians of the Galaxy somehow then that could tie into Avengers 3.
  20. Yeah all I can hope is that Pym gets introduced in this then that carries on into Ant Man. Maybe Avengers 2 will be his origin into superhero-ing. Still though, I would have preferred it if they'd had the Ant Man movie first where we could have seen Ultron being created to build him up for his appearance in Avengers.
  21. Well we have a name for the new Avengers movie. Just a shame it had to be named after one of the worst comic events Marvel has ever put out.
  22. Looks like DC are getting ready to announce the Superman/Batman movie along with The Flash and then Justice League at SDCC http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/07/20/report-warner-bros-is-about-to-announce-superman-and-batman-film-involving-snyder-and-nolan-at-comic-con
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