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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I had issues with its difficulty spikes mainly. I know there were a lot of other reasons but I dont remember them off hand, I'd have to go back through the Uncharted 3 thread to find them and I cant be bothered. Too tired from failing to fix my PS3 today.
  2. Replaced the laser on my PS3 but unfortunately now for some reason the drive has stopped accepting disks at all. I think its the motor but dont really understand why it would go right as im sorting the laser. Im hoping its somehow just something ive done that can be fixed here and now.
  3. Yeah we decided to start fresh
  4. New trailer http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/07/09/new-agents-of-shield-promo-video-focuses-on-black-ops-specialist-agent-grant-ward/
  5. If Uncharted 3 had never happened then this would be a much harder question for me but that damn game just left such a bad taste for me that it sullied the entire franchise for me so while I really did love the new Tomb Raider its still kind of winning due to Uncharted's downfall.
  6. Yeah sure, here you go. https://www.evolvehq.com/ We havent got too much done really. Bit of mining and searching for gold chests but no brilliant loot from them (2 magic mirrors but no mana to use them yet). A lot of the time ended up being me and @nightwolf building a hellivator and trying not to drown while doing it.
  7. They did the Bombcast this week anyway. Not sure I can listen to it though without getting sad again http://www.giantbomb.com/podcasts/
  8. I doubt it, they seem to do that kind of stuff specifically for each game. They've spoken about how blue was the theme for Persona 3 so I expect we will get something new this time around.
  9. Find out how long it will take to complete your Steam backlog. http://steamplaytime.appspot.com/ Mine was 2063.36 for main stories. 4584.33 for completion.
  10. Evolve is a program you download and register for to party up with the people you want to play with. We started off using it to try and get Cube World multiplayer working but it seemed to make life easier for Terraria as well. Im still happy for now to keep hosting unless we get lag problems as I've got the world me, drahkon and nightwolf started but if we do get any issues then im sure it would be easy enough to send that world save to someone else.
  11. I think you just made your choice
  12. I've only ever seen it during full black screens so its never been a proper issue for me anyway. Also no burn in at all on my Vita.
  13. Looking pretty awesome
  14. Yeah kind of. Its basically just an open world rpg where you explore and once they are added will take on quests. I think at the moment its just missions and boss fights that are in.
  15. Yeah I've kept an eye on that for a while now but with how often PC games go on sale these days I find it hard paying over £10 for anything anymore.
  16. Its very possibly starting this Thursday
  17. It had come after a tense week so I think its understandable. Im sure it'll be fine now and then when whatever is needed for the Wii U threads to be brought back is figured out we can try get back to civilized two sided conversations.
  18. Easy, music. I barely listen to it as it is.
  19. No he was a games journalist from Giant Bomb
  20. I feel terrible at the moment. Rest in peace Ryan.
  21. Ryan Davis from Giant Bomb has died http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/ryan-davis-1979-2013/1100-4685/
  22. Is that History of Sonic the Hedgehog book good? I've thought about getting it before but it seemed pretty expensive.
  23. Looks like you were right. Although Bleeding Cool said she was grand daughter but I dont know enough to say which is right http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/07/08/now-we-know-whos-who-in-the-guardians-of-the-galaxy-cast/
  24. I wonder what the game will end up looking like. Apparently the original plan was to use the same engine that they built for Catherine but that idea has been scrapped now. Considering its been a couple of years now though since they confirmed development had started it must be starting to take shape.
  25. That reminds me, I need to get the second Persona 4 Animation blu ray set at some point.
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