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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. It was registered at the weekend, I made a Persona 5 thread for it.
  2. Replacement laser for my PS3
  3. Yeah me and @nightwolf ended up playing a couple of hours on this yesterday, it was nice getting back into it so if anyone else wants to join us next time then let me know. We're using a program called Evolve to sort out the multiplayer so you would have to get that but it makes it easier. @drahkon let me know when you are free next as well, its a shame you had to leave early yesterday.
  4. I have no idea if this will work or not but im running server.exe now so try connecting to
  5. I need to try and get some bubblegum so I can train a Collie, unfortunately though it doesnt look like the general store in my seed sells it so ive got to hope to get some in a random drop.
  6. http://www.destructoid.com/atlus-parent-company-registers-persona-5-domain-257662.phtml Absolutely cannot wait for this game! I really hope it lives up to Persona 4. I also wouldnt call any previous talk of Persona 5 "vague rumblings". The devs at ATLUS just straight out confirmed that they were working on it a year or so ago if I remember right.
  7. Its too hot Also, welcome back @bluey
  8. Ive got to say if Sega announced the Dreamcast 2 tomorrow I would turn into such a Sega fanboy, despite knowing that they are a very different company now to when I loved them lol Handhelds I had both for some reason, Gameboy/colour and a Game Gear. Loved my Gameboy Colour for Pokemon Blue but my Game Gear did have the novelty of the TV tuner. Plus whoever my parents bought it off gave them about 30 games so it kept me busy.
  9. Its weird but around here not one of my friends had a SNES, everyone had a Mega Drive. I know Europe was supposed to be a bit more pro Sega but it always seems weird looking back that I basically had no exposure at all to the SNES while it was out.
  10. Lol yep I know. I think sometimes that its because I missed the SNES when it was originally out as I had a Mega Drive. I think the SNES is where they had their best catalogue so anything I played on later consoles just meant a little bit less to me. Dont worry though, I have a SNES now and its all set up and connected to my TV for me to catch up on all those games I missed.
  11. I think that splitting my time between PC and consoles was responsible for some of my apathy towards the system. I did have a PS1 and N64 while they were still out but they never really seemed like anything special after having used a PC before them. The 64 especially I just had a hard time with the murky and oddly flat graphics. Its probably as well that I have never been all that fond of Mario 64, Ocarina of Time or Goldeneye and if you didnt have those to kind of build interest around for the console then it was a lot harder. My N64 was pretty much the machine I played wrestling games on with my friends when we were growing up.
  12. I'd be interested to hear why the N64 was your favourite console. I was only really just coming back into console gaming from the PC around then but I never really got some of the love for it.
  13. You talk down to them, just ask @Hero\-of\-Time in the Wii U thread locking post
  14. I come here to talk about games, good or bad its as simple as that. Nintendo are having a hard time at the moment with the Wii U and that is worth talking about. I'm not just going to stop because you want a more positive conversation.
  15. I wondered when you would bring up that you were a "journalist". You seem to use that as some kind of excuse for talking to people the way you do.
  16. Do you honestly not understand that its the kind of stuff you post that got that thread closed? You are probably the main reason other members dont like to come into the Nintendo section anymore. Nearly every post you make ends up being defensive and people are sick of it.
  17. Oh this isnt good. I was just playing Ni No Kuni when it froze up and now my PS3 doesnt seem to be reading any disks, they dont even come up on the dashboard. EDIT: Looks like the bluray drive has died on me I need to make a decision now if I should buy myself another PS3 or just wait for the PS4.
  18. Yeah I know there were a load of games that didnt use motion controls but the fact that most games did and the console was built around it was just very off putting to those who didnt like them. Its very likely that I would never look back on the Wii fondly because it was trying to take gaming in a direction that I absolutely did not want to go. Im not saying it didnt have some great games but I think for those of us who didnt like motion controls, the Wii will always be coloured by that fact before any other.
  19. I think the motion controls would be a barrier against that kind of nostalgia. Obviously they were fine for a lot of people but for others like myself, they really put me off playing games on the Wii.
  20. I just got halfway through and while I had enjoyed it up to that point, I was just starting to get a bit bored, finding it a bit samey. I'll get back to it at some point though.
  21. If an article from 2011 doesnt convince you guys then I dont know what will!
  22. Been looking through my games list trying to figure out what needs completing. I'm terrible at going through these though, keep ending up playing games that I've already completed before. PS3 Assassin's Creed II Valkyria Chronicles Yakuza 4 Catherine Resident Evil 5 Persona 4 Arena Ni No Kuni 3DS Fire Emblem Awakening Luigi's Mansion 2 PC A New Beginning - Final Cut Back to the Future Episodes 3-5 Cthulhu Saves the World Lego Batman 2 Psychonauts XCOM: Enemy Unknown Far Cry 3 FEZ Fable - Lost Chapters
  23. Decided that despite my misgivings about the combat I still wanted to play the game so I used my GAME reward points to get it for about £6
  24. Such a better way of saying that than "Sony fanboy"
  25. Have any of you found the separate download for multiplayer?
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