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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Just went to the Island for the first time, caught and collected a load of new stuff then it was all gone by the time I got back to my town How do you transfer the stuff you collected back?
  2. Paid the 20,000 this morning to give my town the wealthy ordinance so from tomorrow I should be able to sell stuff for more. Also started my first project, getting another bridge put in to make things easier. Now just waiting for re-tail to open so I can check the turnip prices.
  3. It just takes practice. I was missing them a lot yesterday but I've caught 5 or 6 today.
  4. Ive got the Varia legs and shirt so far. Not sure if I will be trading them though!
  5. I think this might be another Uncharted 3 situation where I just drop the difficulty down to easy so I can get through the game. The only real difference being that I thought Uncharted 3 had stupid difficulty spikes while its just TLOU gameplay style that I simply dont get along with. This was exactly the reason I didnt bother preordering until a week before but I was swayed by all the glowing reviews, guess I should have stuck with my initial feelings on it.
  6. Just paid off my 98,000 house loan. Lots of fish caught for that one today after buying my turnips this morning.
  7. Different bugs or fish will appear when it rains, or at least some will be more frequent. If I remember right the red snapper appears more in the sea when it rains and thats a good fish to catch if you want to make some money.
  8. Bought myself 500 turnips this morning for 92 bells each and also got my rating up to 100% so was able to get my first permit, pretty good morning so far.
  9. I ended up paying off my second bill to Nook and getting about 40,000 bells tonight ready to buy some turnips tomorrow. Hoping I make a nice profit on them.
  10. I think I remember one of the Giant Bomb guys mentioning that you dont get KK your first week. You have to get unlock a building first.
  11. For me the thing that would stop me getting one if I was actually interested is the 24 hour check in, its just too short of a time. Otherwise I could live with the used game stuff. The actual fact though is that I wouldnt have been buying one regardless. The 360 hasnt interested me in a couple of years and none of the exclusives shown have particularly convinced me otherwise This whole thing has just been a PR mess. They chose to lose a certain percentage of their market that would have trouble with the check ins etc but it looks like they have lost a lot more simply through bad marketing. Obviously there are people that would not have gone for it because they actually understand all the DRM stuff but I think they've gone and lost a lot of the people that wouldnt have really understood either.
  12. Just won my bug-off, 103 points with a something butterfly. Do we know if the usual rules apply here for Joan not appearing on the first Sunday since you've started the game? Im wondering if I should save my bells to buy turnips tomorrow or pay off Tom Nook tonight.
  13. Big Babylon 5 fan then?
  14. When this finally comes out properly do any of you actually see yourselves buying a pair? I do love new tech and this just seems like an almost sci-fi level jump so if they got a bit of a redesign I think I would probably get myself a pair, despite not needing them at all or living a life interesting enough that it would matter. Will Smith from Tested.com recording the Giant Bomb guys using Google Glass: Tested.com article on the glasses: http://www.tested.com/tech/smartphones/456428-living-glass-picking-and-learning-use-googles-project-glass-explorer-edition/
  15. Yeah after I posted that I had one going from right to left as well, dont think it used to do that in the older games.
  16. Has anyone tried catching the bees from trees yet and turn them in? You'd think with them being more dangerous to catch you'd get more points.
  17. I was just wandering around and saw one on a plant so netted it. I think ive seen another one since then but I was too close to the flower when it came on screen so lost it straight away. The only problem with this Bug-Off is that ive caught a few rare ones today and would like to have taken them to the museum but I keep hoping that they'll get me that higher score.
  18. Tiger butterflies tend to take you into the 60s, then just keep an eye out on flowers for a white mantis and for a black butterfly flying around. Those should get you over 80 and the limited edition prize.
  19. Well I'm winning the bug off in my town so far with an Orchid Mantis for 86 points.
  20. Problem for me is that the design of my town has the cliff on the left and not the right so it wont work for me. Oh yeah i wanted to check. Have the rules for the money rock changed? I know in the other games it was random each day but so far both times ive done it the money has come from the same rock.
  21. Yep I will be. Checked the store this morning and it was still the same two tools on sale as yesterday. I just want my fishing rod
  22. Yeah I caught a Tarantula today as well. Don't know how rare they are supposed to be.
  23. Yeah Im talking about the ones that come out of trees and sting you. Now that you can quick select the net with the d-pad its so much easier!
  24. Wow, Bees are so much easier to catch this time around.
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