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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I did try streaming out some on Twitch myself earlier while I was talking to flameboy but I was having issues with dropping frames so had to leave it until I can get the settings right.
  2. Their site has been having troubles again today so you might just have to give it a try again later. I couldnt buy the game the first time I tried.
  3. The listing was a mistake, it still doesnt come with one http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-07-04-microsoft-will-now-include-a-headset-with-xbox-one
  4. Probably Bioshock Infinite for me so far but I did love Tomb Raider as well.
  5. Bought Cube World. We'll have to try and sort out some multiplayer once more of us have it.
  6. Bought my copy of the Cube World alpha, looking forward to playing it
  7. I dont know, the Animal Crossing Island doesnt have Scarlett Johansson.
  8. They sound like the smart ones
  9. Ive just run the Cubeworld demo anyway and it runs fine so I may have to get a copy when the beta goes back on sale, looks like they are having issues at the moment though so its been taken down.
  10. http://kotaku.com/the-atlus-brand-will-carry-on-says-japanese-hq-656284642
  11. Oh yeah I noticed the Yogscast put some videos up for that recently, I meant to look into it.
  12. Yeah I'm looking forward to playing it, heard a lot of good things. Seems that a lot of people were put off by the art and character design and missed out on what I keep hearing was a very good game and story.
  13. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/07/02/the-walking-dead-400-days-is-available-this-week/
  14. I hate the way Microsoft pretty much got away with releasing such poor piece of hardware onto the market but I guess you have to give them credit that once it did break, they had people caring enough to get another one even after that extended warranty was over.
  15. I keep almost buying the game but I keep remembering how I just didnt really like the combat during the demo.
  16. Did a quick google and the main ideas seem to be updating your USB drivers and if that doesnt work then your audio ones as well.
  17. I decided against buying turnips this week and just paid off my loan so as of tomorrow I'll have a basement.
  18. Ive played the game long enough to know that its just not fun for me in the slightest and as I said, just ruining the rest of the game for me. I've sold my copy to Goafer now anyway.
  19. I think I'm just going to watch a Let's Play of this. All I want is the story, I hate the gameplay and just trying to slog my way through it is ruining the bits of the game I actually like because I am so pissed off all the time.
  20. Did you ever have Goafers? He's going.
  21. I guess for me it would be Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies for the 3DS. As for the Wii U there's still nothing I want for it so not exactly regretting selling that when I did.
  22. I need to decide soon if I'm going to sell all my turnips for 166 bells each this morning or risk waiting until after 12 and hope the price goes up again.
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