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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I think we always expect too much from launch line ups, they're rarely brilliant. The Xbox One's though is better I will admit but neither really have that big game to show it off. Xbox will be closest with Dead Rising 3 I guess. Its a shame that Infamous wont have been finished in time, every account of that Ive read has said its probably the most "next gen" looking game out there so far. Still, I think Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4 will be fine for me, along with whatever PSN games I decide to buy on the day. As for Serebii....does anyone really care what he says at this point? The guy just seems to have become a bit of a joke.
  2. I could never play Minecraft without mods these days but its definitely a massive get for Sony
  3. Did anyone else wonder if somethign went wrong with the Minecraft reveal? Big build up, cuts to people walking down with Creeper heads on then straight onto the next game.
  4. Very weird seeing Twitch on PS4 now as well, I wonder how that came about considering it was MS exclusive at E3. Its been confirmed in the press release that you can stream to Twitch.
  5. Im hoping for early November, let me put a bit more money aside after I spent a load of money doing up my PC.
  6. Its a good launch line up anyway for Xbox fans, I think its possibly missing a strong exclusive though to draw in other people. Dead Rising 3 is close but has never been that game that everyone wants.
  7. I still need to get around to finishing Luigi's Mansion 2. I think i got about halfway through the second Mansion but wasnt really enjoying the mission based structure of it all.
  8. Only ever time I have been exclusively Nintendo was the NES, otherwise for me their consoles tended to be secondary to others.
  9. Ive found Poundland occassionally sells Nerds now so I pick up a few packs when I can lol
  10. It also felt like you maybe should have skipped the middle call with Simon's Dad telling him that he'd found the drugs. I get that it was part of the joke but his Dad calling at every stage of giving his wife paracetamol seemed weird.
  11. Nah I disliked the second comic so much that Im not giving money towards anything to do with it
  12. I dont think I liked any of the Kick Ass 2 comic so im just not interested in seeing the movie. Shame because I loved the first comic and movie but I reallllly didnt like that Kick Ass 2 comic.
  13. Only one I can think of is the more orange coloured version of Fanta that was banned over here but you can still get abroad.
  14. Just finished trying a bit. I think this is definitely going to be one I'll have to watch a few Youtube videos on first to learn how things work.
  15. Bought the Edge of Space early access this morning. Looking forward to trying it out, seems similar to Terraria and Starbound.
  16. How about Lightning Returns then? Planning on getting that?
  17. Did you bother with the sequel?
  18. £4.20 off ebay I did own it when the game first came out but gave up on it way too soon. I have a lot more patience now when it comes to RPGs so I wanted to give it another try.
  19. I hope there is some kind of online pass that will transfer over. Im getting the PS3 version now but I expect when a PC version is finally announced (im wondering if its being held back to be inline with other next gen versions) I will probably get it again on that.
  20. Yes I focused on that comment because that is what I wanted to comment on. It is a short sighted comment that gets thrown around too often. Nintendo are very good at certain things sure but they are not the only ones. If they were gone then changes would just come from elsewhere. Just look at the Oculus Rift, amazing VR hardware that has great potential.
  21. [quote name='Ashley;1599195 The GamePad can provide new ways to play. So far it feels like a giant gaming pad. And so far' date=' I'd say Off-TV play feels like a gimmick to me. Its nice to have every once in a while, but its not rocked my world.[/quote'] Its not even like off TV play is new. The PSP has had remote play for years. Nintendo just made it a key feature and did a better job.
  22. Yes I know, I didnt agree with it.
  23. Its not true at all. There are a shit load of great games on all platforms that arent just shooters or sports games. Plus who the fuck cares if they are. If a game like Bioshock Infinite is also a FPS it doesnt somehow just become less of a game to me. Nintendo makes great games sure but so does everyone else.
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