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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Which one, Prison Architect or Euro Truck? Also what message?
  2. Ive got the first one but really struggled with it. The gameplay just felt very bland so I couldnt be bothered to keep going.
  3. Their RRP is £55, hopefully they will be a bit cheaper.
  4. I cant remember, is it going to be cross play or just cross save?
  5. Unless it does something interesting with the second screen (which I doubt as its multi format) then I would go for the Vita version, much nicer screen. Thats what I'll be getting it for.
  6. Just incase you guys didnt know, because I didnt until someone else told me. The spikes in Spelunky only kill you if you land on them, you can walk through them just fine. There are also a load more hidden things that can be done in the game but I cant be bothered to list them or dont know a lot of them. Just remember the most important one is probably saving the damsel so you get an extra heart when you finish a level.
  7. So its a 4 hour campaign on all the other platforms then? :P
  8. I assume the touchpad must be driving up the price
  9. I dont know why more people wouldnt get it on Steam, I know I will be. Its already about £10 cheaper.
  10. Im not sure I will bother getting an extra controller for the PS4, I never did for the PS3. Its not like when I was younger and people would come round all the time to play eachothers games, these days if someone is coming round then I'll just get them to bring their own controller with them.
  11. Been playing Prison Architect a bit. Its pretty good so far but I am struggling to get a prison built by the time my first load of prisoners arrive. I just had 3 run off as their cells were still being built lol Also, I was surprised at how dark the tutorial is straight away, making you build an electric chair ready for a prisoner on death row and then letting you see his backstory through flashbacks. Also also, I am already getting a bit obsessed with Euro Truck Simulator 2, to the point that I am considering buying myself a racing wheel for it.
  12. Reminds me of the PC version of Sleeping Dogs with the hi res texture pack
  13. Did mine yesterday and wrote it all out but the forum died before it could be posted so hopefully this time it goes better Best Newcomer - The Walking Dead Best Online Game - EVE Online Best Indie Game - FTL Best Handheld Game - Persona 4 Golden Best Storytelling - The Walking Dead Best Multiplayer - Borderlands 2 Best Mobile Game - Rayman Jungle Run Best Visual Design - Ni No Kuni Best Platform - Steam Best Moment - Mass Effect 3 Citadel dlc party Innovation of the Year - Oculus Rift Studio of the Year - Telltale Games Youtube Gamer - Smooth McGroove Most Wanted - Playstation 4 Game of the Year - The Walking Dead Also I have no problem with GTA V being on the list. We all know its going to be a strong contender and its out before the voting ends so it would be unfair not to have it on there.
  14. Greenlight anniversary sale starting today on Steam, theres a couple that I might pick up.
  15. http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=47601
  16. I dont think so, there didnt seem to be an option for it anyway.
  17. I was wondering that myself, gonna test it in a minute. Yep it works, you just both choose "Play LAN Game" and it finds the Vita.
  18. Yep. Im just downloading the PS3 version at the moment to have a comparison.
  19. It would be nice to see the Gameboy come back in some way
  20. Yeah I would prefer they stay third party. For one I would like to be able to play some more of their games as its not like I will be buying a Wii U again.
  21. I only just bought it this morning but I know what you mean. Its the perfect "Just one more try" game.
  22. Got myself the PS3/Vita cross play version. I was planning on getting the PC version when it was a bit cheaper but ive been enjoying using my Vita more lately so wanted to play it on there.
  23. You do have to wonder how many Wii U owners who were waiting for it just bought the PC version instead which has been below £5 quite a few times.
  24. Hmmm, not too much for me I dont think. Maybe Harvest Moon and possibly one of the Pokemon if im bored the week it comes out. Batman I'll be getting on the Vita.
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