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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I've already read his excuses, its all just a lie that he used as an out when he got caught. Im not saying all this to be mean canand. He lied yesterday and is lying today. I very much doubt that Unity screenshot is nothing more than him messing around with the software quickly to get some "proof". He did the same kind of thing to a site yesterday, creating a fake chat log with Chris Sawyer. I'm sorry canand but its not a real game and I am pretty certain it will never see the light of day and the sooner you stop messaging him about it the sooner he will get bored and go back to Minecraft (according to that screenshot)
  2. The guy released a fake Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 announce trailer yesterday, kept going with the lie for a few hours until too many pieces were falling apart so he claimed his account was taken over by his friends. Now he is claiming to be making another game.
  3. You could contact him last night as well. He is just messing around enjoying the attention that you are giving him canand.
  4. Im actually a bit tempted to leave getting my PS4 until next year and just upgrade my PC a bit more.
  5. Last attempt to fix my crappy Internet
  6. Probably Time Crisis 2 for me. I never really went to arcades when I was younger but when I was a teenager that was probably the game I spent the most money on.
  7. Giant Bomb quick look I may pick this up in a Steam sale at some point but im not interested enough to pay full price.
  8. He is now claiming it was all his friends
  9. Oh dont worry everyone, they just tweeted that theyve fixed the problem with the PS4 version so its coming out there as well lol
  10. Its quite funny watching this unfold. Its either (and most likely) a fake or RT4 is in the hands of people you probably wouldnt want it in. People have already found the original video for the trailer, minus the text which was posted back in 2009. The "Indie dev" then altered the description of their video claiming they are working with the guy. They are now also claiming that the PS4 couldnt handle the shaders they were using. Saying the ones they are using are similar to Zombi U and better than the Last of Us.....because thats how devs talk obviously. And of course canand seems to be sending the trailers to every small Nintendo site he can so those ones desperate enough for quick hits are running it with absolutely no research first.
  11. I moved all my movies into dvd wallets a few years ago and threw away the boxes. I ended up regretting it. It saved on space but without being able to see the movies on my shelf I just stopped watching them.
  12. Ive just reached the Fairyground. Im enjoying most of the game and im getting used to the combat for the most part although I still dont think its great. My one real complaint with the game is the main character. I just dont like him. All the "Neatos!" and his Golly gee attitude is getting on my nerves. Im sticking with the game for now, we'll see for how long though.
  13. Yeah I was messing around with it the other day. Heres what my character will be looking like in SR4:
  14. The UK version of Netflix has got a lot better anyway since it launched. I mean we got the Hobbit added this week and the US version still doesnt have it.
  15. Come on guys, theres enough crap and living in the past to go around here!
  16. Yeah Spelunky has always seemed interesting, I'm glad it came to Steam. I'll probably wait until its in a sale though I think.
  17. I think what we all need to remember is that Sega does what Nintendon't
  18. I should really look to renew my PS+ subscription, im pretty sure it runs out soonish.
  19. Every U turn they make on this stuff, while good for the customer still feels incredibly desperate on their part. They may as well just buy everyone hookers and get it over with.
  20. I heard they wanted to go for an older, more grizzled Batman and if that is the case then I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be great.
  21. Im a sucker for new hardware so that would probably be a good enough reason why I preordered it but I am looking forward to Watch Dogs enough that I want to get the next gen version straight away.
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