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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I still need to do that island. My time with Zelda has dropped off a bit since Mass Effect came out but I've got another Link amiibo coming this week so I need to use that in it :p
  2. Guys, nobody cares
  3. So with stuff like this when using the motion controls for aiming, can you reset the centre point? Basically I dont ever play games with the controller dead infront of me facing forward but closer to my lap facing down and when I first started a match in Splatoon 2 I was just aiming down all the time.
  4. A couple more that come to mind are Ratchet & Clank, Doom, Battlefield 1, Star Wars Battlefront and the Metro games. I think my personal favourite will still be The Witcher 3 though.
  5. I'd be interested to go back to The Order, see how that compares. I'll have a proper think for my best looking game later.
  6. I turned the motion controls off and was much happier.
  7. I connected fine about half an hour ago
  8. My video from yesterday:
  9. @Goafer
  10. I think its fine if they want to stop you from changing way during a match but I do think being able to change in a lobby while being able to see what other team members are using for balance should be possible.
  11. Just finished playing a couple of matches. Seems fun enough but probably not a game that would interest me at full price (I never played the first one). I'd consider picking it up if it ever gets discounted and the single player seems ok.
  12. How was the voice chat?
  13. To be fair thats how a lot of Indie games launch isnt it?
  14. I only bought the first season so somewhere during that, I dont remember how far exactly.
  15. I was the same last year. Decided to give Naruto a try after loving One Piece but never carried on.
  16. Getting so sick of work again at the moment. My boss is just a mess. She forgets to ask you to do things and then comes back weeks later asking if they've been done. She doesnt understand all the systems in place for contacting parents and insists I have to get her lists manually so she can email them (then complains when it includes email addresses she doesnt recognise). Everything has to be done right that second and in a massive rush so we keep making mistakes and when I talk to her about that she just brushes it off. Its one of those places where the other staff just laugh it off saying how quirky and like a whirlwind she is but of course they dont have to work with her. I'm still looking for work elsewhere but no luck so far.
  17. ...now I've just come out of the menu from leveling up and my character is stuck in one place, just rotating
  18. Hmmm. More bugs where my team mates just stand there like statues during a fight. I may just knock this down to the easiest difficulty setting. I'm just gonna get more and more annoyed if the game keeps screwing me over like this.
  19. I've definitely had some bugs while playing. Quite a few animation ones where its not enough to ruin the entire game but it does pull you out of a scene. Seeing my character walk like a gorilla was interesting. I've had a quest marker send me to a different area and then tell me to go straight back. Hearing all the other stories about bugs which aren't just animation based is a bit worrying. Not being able to complete quests, completed quests reappearing hours after you finished them, characters spawning in hours earlier in the game than they are supposed to with quest completion dialogue... I expect I'll probably still enjoy it just because its Mass Effect but I think its terrible that the game was allowed to be released in this state.
  20. That a PC one? If so thats not exactly relegated to EA these days.
  21. I know he wasn't. I was talking about being put off by the brand and show in general.
  22. Its nice to see David Yost actually feels comfortable doing this kind of stuff still considering the treatment he got while doing the show.
  23. "I think I really pissed this guy off. Maybe its because I shot him in the face!" Yeah, some of this dialogue is terrible! lol
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