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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I may have bought a few amiibo recently
  2. Yeah I dont trust Gameseek at all.
  3. Just started rewatching Linkara's history of Power Rangers series. Its making me want to rewatch all of MMPR but also buy a Megazord finally!
  4. I think Im ok with audio logs when they are used sparingly. Mass Effect games I thought were OK because they were usually just small bits of information padding out the universe rather than important information.
  5. Got Horizon today with some of my Wii U trade in credit. Probably won't start it until I'm done with Mass Effect but I expect with Persona 5 being so long it'll probably be nice to be able to switch between the two.
  6. I'd say its probably worth waiting for reviews and to see if Digital Foundry do a feature on it. Then you can see if there are any framerate issues. If not then I'd go with the Switch version if thats what is interesting you.
  7. I assume its just too expensive. The Vita had a version which could take a sim card and I dont think it was all that popular.
  8. There are still enough reviews saying that its a good game which is rough around the edges so I'm still happy to keep my preorder and expect that I'll most likely enjoy it.
  9. I'd say calling the new Ghost Recon "highly rated" might be pushing it a bit :p
  10. One thing I have heard is that people who have review copies are saying there is a good game in there when you get past the opening hours. Seems like an odd decision from EA to allow people to only play the opening hours and let all this negative reaction out there. I've still got my copy preordered anyway. Mass Effect is one of those series that I would buy regardless just to see the story and universe continue.
  11. I usually leave mine in sleep mode all the time but I think I'm gonna have to start properly turning it off so it doesn't mess with my HDMI switcher.
  12. Shame to see this has been pushed back to Summer 2017. I want my dumb collectors edition!
  13. Is that why you changed your username? To make us feel like you were more human?
  14. Ok then I'm getting these trade in prices: Bayonetta 1&2 - £14 Xenoblade - £13 Tokyo Mirage Sessions - £25 Twilight Princess HD - £16
  15. I think it depends what you want from an open world game as well. I was talking to @Kav earlier about it and couldnt really agree on it but I think thats because I want my worlds to be alive as in a story around every corner etc while Kav was talking about the interactivity of Hyrule in this game. Both valid reasons I think.
  16. Thankfully I've completed Zelda now so I'll see how far I get in my Mass Effect trilogy replay before Andromeda comes out and then move onto that. I should at least finish ME 2 as I'm about 12 hours through that already. Then of course Persona 5 which will keep me going for quite a while. Horizon and Yakuza 0 will come after that. I do also plan to get Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Switch but those are two that will be easy to play in breaks or when watching Youtube so I'll play them as I get them.
  17. Oh yeah I enjoyed searching for the shrines but I think that would be part of a different discussion, they dont really had much to a fully realised world I dont think, more they add a gameplay element for the player in that world. As someone who favours story in games over pretty much all else it does fall on that aspect I mentioned earlier where around any corner I could find a shack which sets off a whole new quest to follow. I had loads of those stories in the Witcher 3 while honestly I found Zelda's world a bit bland. I know a lot of others didnt though. Does make me wonder if part of that is down to previous connections to Zelda and Hyrule. It all means nothing to me while the rest of you may have the extra enjoyment of simply seeing Hyrule so well realised.
  18. I just never had that feeling with Hyrule. It never felt alive. With the Witcher 3 I felt like I could find a whole new story just around the corner anywhere I went. With Zelda I wandered around most areas just looking for shrines or coming across yet another enemy encampment that looked the same as the last one.
  19. Honestly I was the other way around. Apart from climbing etc I absolutely found the open world in the Witcher 3 much more realised than Zelda's.
  20. I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas but I never managed to get into 4. I dont really know what it was but it just didnt click with me the same way as the other two.
  21. See thats my problem. I would probably prefer to get this digitally as well but I've already got the physical copy preordered for £40 and I'm willing to shell out the extra money.
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