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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Downloading now so I'll give it a try tonight when I get back from work. It looked a lot of fun when Giant Bomb were playing it.
  2. I just hope that isn't the only way to move saves. I'm not planning on paying for Nintendo's online service and I think it would be terrible if that means I couldn't move saves at all.
  3. Looks like people already have access to the web browser http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=231584527&postcount=18
  4. Persona 5 previews are starting to appear. Excerpt from Kotaku's: http://kotaku.com/persona-5-makes-a-fantastic-first-impression-1793008003
  5. I think MK8DX will be a big seller but I do think it'll lose a lot of the more casual buyers who will just see the number 8 and not see the point in getting it again.
  6. King of Fighters 98 is usually thought of as one of the best fighting games of all time.
  7. I managed to do it in the end, just took a hell of a lot of dodging and spear attacks.
  8. Dying a lot at the moment on the Major test of strength shrine
  9. Does anyone else think the UI looks just a bit odd when on a TV? More than anywhere else this is where it feels like its just a blown up image from a tablet. I think its just lacking a small amount of crispness or something.
  10. Ok to save having to work this out for myself and selling something thats helpful in a recipe later. Are there any items that are definitely safe to sell?
  11. Which dungeon did you guys end up doing first? (assuming you can do them in any order)
  12. I enjoyed A Link Between Worlds more than this one. Not sure about 3D ones but Wind Waker HD probably still beats it for me with its charm.
  13. Hmmm. Stuck at the moment in the first (I assume anyway) dungeon
  14. Done some longer sessions with Zelda in handheld mode today (had to charge the Switch twice). Definitely felt my hands starting to hurt both times. I did also used to get that with the Wii U tablet and my Vita though.
  15. I'm typing this while I'm waiting for a full days rain to pass so I can carry on working my way up to a tower. Not a fun game mechanic and not one I think was needed either. The game can be difficult but fair in other ways, the rain stuff is just crappy.
  16. I mean I hate motion controls anyway but using it in a device where you have to be able to see the screen if you are playing in handheld mode (as I was) is just ridiculous.
  17. Had my first experience with the motion control shrine trials today. Fucking motion controls!
  18. Yeah I dont massively like the size but also having the right thumbstick directly under the buttons never feels right either.
  19. I dont find it comfortable at all. Only time I plan to use it that way is when someone is round and I need a second controller.
  20. Ryan Reynolds has posted a teaser trailer for Deadpool 2
  21. Yeah I've done that. Still not getting anything.
  22. Is there a certain point where the amiibos start working?
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