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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. The Xbox One UI is probably the worst I've ever used. Just terrible.
  2. At least you'll just be able to open up the Switch web browser and load GameFAQs to make it simple... :p
  3. N64 Anthology Book coming out in March that looks like it could be quite interesting http://www.funstockretro.co.uk/n64-anthology-book-collectors-edition Oh apparently the normal edition of that book is already available and a bit cheaper https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Anthology-Classic-Math-Manent/dp/1605849405/
  4. Games Done Quick changed their Youtube channel at one point I think. This one still updates: https://www.youtube.com/user/gamesdonequick They still run Awesome Games Done Quick in January and Summer Games Done Quick in July. We do have a thread for those events as well so you should join us for the next one. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57625
  5. To be honest I think people are just excited because its something new to look over and talk about. Nintendo should have been the ones taking advantage of this, not some lucky guy who got his early.
  6. Here's the video https://vid.me/oQkO
  7. Looks like the gaming press are getting their Switches. [tweet]832313842973634560[/tweet] Supposedly a member of the public has received their's early as well http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1339463&page=13
  8. I'm seriously thinking about getting the DJI Mavic Pro at the moment. I've got enough money saved and this will probably be the only time I could spend it on something dumb so it's really tempting.
  9. People who dont eat pizza with a knife and fork are also monsters:
  10. Managed to get this cheap from GAME. I've been in the mood for a new visual novel lately so I'm looking forward to trying it out.
  11. New Team Thor short
  12. Yeah probably a bit more than I'd be willing to spend!
  13. Apparently the extra who took the photo is now claiming they aren't Klingons but I think that was probably him backpedaling so he didnt get in trouble.....I've also heard he got fired.
  14. Bet you scared the shit out of all the doggers in that area lol
  15. This link explained the game sharing stuff which is the main account stuff @Sheikah has been talking about. http://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2013/10/26/5030872/sony-clarifies-ps4-game-sharing-rules-ahead-of-launch That article also mentions an FAQ on the Playstation website (which isnt there anymore but was for launch) that explained more stuff.
  16. Legend of Zelda has always seemed the perfect series to mix things up a bit with the gender of the main character. If they want to keep it Link but have a character that is basically reincarnated for nearly every game then it would be easy to just make Link female every now and again. ...hell, maybe next time Link will come back as a screwdriver.
  17. Ok story dlc I actually care about then.
  18. I very rarely buy DLC anyway so I cant see myself getting an expansion pass for Zelda. I only really get it when its story DLC, probably Mass Effect games and Witcher 3 are the only DLCs I've bought. Technically Destiny as well I guess but they're more expansions in the old PC term.
  19. Wasnt that done in the Twilight Princess remaster? Just with Amiibos?
  20. I'm happy the treasure chests only appear after you buy or pre-purchase the pass. You dont want it like Assassin's Creed Unity where there were just loads of chests straight away that you couldnt access until you paid more money.
  21. Yeah sounds like Metal Gear Solid 4 where they revist the first game and the graphics revert back to PS1. I think something like that would be quite cool for a Mario game. They could really exploit the theatre group idea Nintendo have spoken about.
  22. Rumours flying around that Affleck is trying to get out of his contract to play Batman http://screenrant.com/batman-ben-affleck-leaving-role/
  23. I've got to admit I was left scratching my head when I looked at that image
  24. I had an RC car as a kid but I couldnt tell you much about it. As I mentioned in the other thread though @Goafer has had me tempted by the Phantom 3 drone since Christmas and him getting one now is only making it worse. I do currently have a cheaper drone which we were messing about with at the weekend. Had it for a year but never seemed to give it much of a try until now.
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