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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I dunno, there were loads of people talking about how oddly empty it was last year. I would say this is a direct reaction to that.
  2. It'll depend on the pricing for me. I probably would prefer to get it digitally on the Switch as its a game I expect I'd play more handheld if I had the choice but if Nintendo are charging too much for it on their store then I'll just have to get it elsewhere.
  3. I almost imported it last year. Giant Bomb were big fans of it and it looked a lot of fun.
  4. E3 Opens To The Public For The First Time Ever http://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-opens-to-the-public-for-the-first-time-ever/1100-6447663/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0b
  5. This is all 1-2 Switch will be remembered for:
  6. Possibly. As I said I'm only really repeating what I've seen others say. I'm not interested in it because its motion control crap and not because of any possible lack of content :p
  7. A lot of the complaints I've seen for this is that the games just dont seem to have the same last appeal as something like Wii Sports, even with multiplayer. A lot of people seem to think it would be fun to show once and then thats it.
  8. I want a new Animal Crossing game for the Switch
  9. ...Brexit!
  10. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one!

  11. I dont know what it is about the 3D Marios but they've never really clicked with me. Its one of those things where I played most of them at launch, I can see how well made they are but I tend to drift away from playing them after a while. I think the only one I've completed it 3D World.
  12. The only thing that tends to make you wonder if its smart from Nintendo or not is the fact that the same thing happened with the NES Classic and then the stock people predicted would magically appear before Christmas never did and Nintendo lost out on the buzz they'd created.
  13. Intentional or not we also saw this with the Wii
  14. Yep, still just a Zelda machine for me at the moment. I mentioned it already on this page but that's all I'm interested in at launch (as I'm sure it is for a lot of people) and I was hoping news of the VC would help fill that out.
  15. Does anyone remember what Wii U preorders were like?
  16. I've found my interest has died down again. I'll still most likely keep my preorder but the lack of any additional information from Nintendo so far still means that all I'm getting at launch is Zelda and I was hoping for at least some VC titles to boost that.
  17. I'm on a bit of a retro gaming kick again this weekend it seems. I've already bid on a GBA SP bundle and a Sega Saturn bundle so far and now im scouring ebay for snes and mega drive games.
  18. Yeah I've got some like that. Bloody @Goafer still hasnt returned my Saturn copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga!
  19. I think its still interesting to talk about though. I only ever tried Linux once years ago and I was just so confused that I never went back to it.
  20. Watching Giant Bomb play Paper Mario TTYD at the moment and it's really got me in the mood to play it again. I'd love it to be an early Switch VC game.
  21. I'd prefer it to not use motion controls but I would also love another Warioware game.
  22. I was tempted to go to the Birmingham one but I figured there wasn't much point as I've got it preordered regardless so why ruin the surprise.
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