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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Finally got around to using the free subscription time from Twitch Prime to test out the SNES games. Might take some time to finally complete A Link to the Past.
  2. Been making my way through the Friday the 13th Blu Ray boxset I bought recently. Unfortunately it only has 1-8 as the rest were after the rights were sold so it’s harder for me to get hold of them. Its been interesting working my way through a horror series that’s ingrained itself into the culture but I had never actually seen before. Realised a lot of the assumptions I’d had about it were wrong. Some really cheesy movies with bad acting but for the most part really enjoyable. Moving onto the Child’s Play boxset next. I expect this lot to scare me more. Dolls are creepy enough without being possessed. From what I’ve seen though the puppetry in these is amazing.
  3. Watching Giant Bomb play PSO on their Dreamcast stream. Really putting me in the mood to play it again.
  4. From that list I’m considering Links Awakening and Luigis Mansion 3 but I’m not exactly itching to get either so I wouldn’t be surprised if I get them in 2020.
  5. Coming up on the Dreamcast US launch 20th anniversary in the next few days. Damn I feel old! I had all the consoles from that era at one point or another, mostly through trading one for another with people I think, I’m really fuzzy on those details but that must be it because there’s no way I could afford them all on my own. Anyway, I had the Dreamcast for a bit and played all the usual games but probably never really appreciated it until later, most likely playing stuff with @Goafer. I had skipped a Sega gen with the Saturn so my Sega fanboyism wasn’t as strong as it had or would be. Such a shame that this was the end of Sega as a hardware company though. They were my childhood much more than Nintendo and I still think about that to this day. There’s a reason my Mega Drive collection sits proudly on my shelves while my SNES collection is in a drawer and it’s more than just that Mega Drive games actually had boxes that survive longer than a week lol.
  6. Not the Matchmakers! (mint)
  7. I was happy enough to just a small video for Animal Crossing. Anything bigger and I probably won't be watching.
  8. Swery has confirmed he is writing and directing Deadly Premonition 2.
  9. I love the first one but wasn’t a massive fan of the second when I first watched it. Need to give it another try at some point.
  10. Starting to think that if you just ordered all the games you complain about being steel books messing up your collection then all your games would be steel books and would look fine anyway
  11. No, I’m talking about the snap judgement I’ve made.
  12. We'll see how it goes. I think this just might be one of those times where I'm right in my opinion of the game and everyone who likes it is just not as smart as I am. It happens more than you'd think.
  13. I’ll carry on with it for now but I just didn’t like the new system they throw at you immediately, choosing the time for some trial but having no explanation on if shorter or longer is the easier option and the generally slow start to the game.
  14. Kind of regretting buying this already. I’m really not feeling it.
  15. I’ll move my posts here now. I did end up buying the Switch version. A rarity for me these days but I figured as I sometimes struggle to stick with jrpgs these days then hopefully being able to split the time between the projector screen and handheld will hopefully help.
  16. Bit more info on the battle system https://gematsu.com/2019/08/yakuza-like-a-dragon-chief-producer-further-details-live-command-rpg-battle-system
  17. Hooray for Michael Lembeck. An unsung hero.
  18. This happens after every holiday or half term but I always struggle to go back to finishing at 5pm. 4pm seems to work really well for me but it's a good thing that nobody comes in my office all that much because I've been less than useless this afternoon (only slightly worse than usual I'm sure).
  19. That's a shame. I don't use it enough to bother buying anything extra just so I can use them though so I guess I'll just stick with wired (or sell my Switch )
  20. Does the Switch let you connect bluetooth headphones?
  21. You guys could just buy them digitally, then in the steel case and then finally in the regular cases....
  22. Got my preorder in for the physical collection as its gone down at TheGameCollection. Has anyone bought it digitally yet and had a chance to try 3?
  23. I bought it and it was £34.65. Thanks for nothing guys!
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