Yeah I heard about this the other month. I've pretty much dropped all WWE now anyway so it's no loss to me either but as you said they've been with Sky for so long now that it is gonna be weird not seeing it there anymore.
Watching Japan v England at the moment in the women's world cup and I'd be interested to see an inter gender tournament. Something like 5 men, 5 women and the keeper per team and see how it went.
Played past the first boss in Bloodstained this morning. It seems pretty good so far. Need to try and decide which type of weapon I want to use. The whip should really be my easy choice but it has a tiny bit of lag after use that I don’t like.
I’m sure they’ll get better as I go on but my one complaint so far was how generic a lot of those opening demon designs were.
Well I’m 3 or 4 hours into FFIX so far and enjoying it more than I think I did the last time I tried. I’m playing it on my phone with a new controller mount though so the novelty could be helping but hey, whatever works!
I bet the conversation is completely different with crunch in Japan. As you say the standard working hours over there are different already. They'd probably consider crunch hours over here as a bit of extra work.
To be fair I’ve played all but Chrono Cross before so it really should be that one. I’m just on a bit of a FF high at the moment due to E3 and I’ve been meaning to replay Persona 3 Portable for a while.
Im also adding Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition to my list of possibilities.
I can’t decide what to play. I’m in the mood for an RPG so at the moment it’s Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9, Chrono Cross or Persona 3 Portable. Someone decide for me...
At the moment my list would be:
Luigi's Mansion 3
Animal Crossing
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 (maybe)
Zelda: Links Awakening (maybe)
Pokemon Sword/Shield (maybe)
Other Systems
Final Fantasy VIII
Ni No Kuni (maybe)
No. There is a lot of lore in the Witcher series but 3 does a good job making you aware of everything you need to. I think 3 was a lot of people's first Witcher game.
That's exactly what I want. BOTW had an amazing world that for me just felt too empty. I want the sequel to have a great story and characters to go with that world. If they can show that then I'll buy it day one, otherwise I don't know if I'll bother again.
Just finished watching.
Probably just Luigi's Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing for me.
Nice showing of other games for people though. I'm excited for those who have never had another way to try Witcher III to play it.