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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. https://www.tnp.sg/sports/football/epls-var-be-more-lenient-hand-balls-refs-chief-mike-riley
  2. I think I might start a new collection of bluetooth retro controllers to use with emulators/retro systems. Would be nice to be able to use the proper controllers instead of mostly Xbox pads. I've already got Snes and Megadrive pads so that's ok. Probably Saturn next. I did look at the Retrobit N64 ones but they're the wrong shape.
  3. I'm kind of more interested in ILikeSheds.com
  4. I'll put this in here for now. Patrick Klepek wrote a bit on Blizzcon's opening ceremony. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mbmw83/blizzcon-starts-with-an-apology-but-blizzard-doesnt-change-its-stance
  5. Time for a tablet upgrade as my iPad is starting to shows its age. Decided to switch over to a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6. I was very tempted by the iPad Pro but it was mainly for the drawing apps and while I am going to hopefully do a lot of drawing on this, it's not gonna be for anything that needs more professional software. I just want to use it to practise more than anything. Then things like being able to run emulators was another big draw as with its specs it should be able to run some of the more taxing games.
  6. I’m thinking about getting it at some point myself, apart from the Giant Bomb quick look (which was poorly done) I’ve heard nothing but good things.
  7. The TGS demonstration from Kojima showed quite a bit of gameplay. I just don't think any of it looked fun.
  8. The PS2 was a mixture of great games and probably just as importantly, a cheap DVD player right when that was taking off. Very similar with the PS3 and Blu rays.
  9. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/59nagq/how-outer-worlds-turned-me-away-from-revolution-into-maddening-pragmatism?__twitter_impression=true Patrick Klepek wrote an article about that first big Outer Worlds choice you have to make.
  10. My problem is that I won't vote Conservative, I'd usually vote for Labour but I don't like or trust Corbyn at all and it feels like a vote for the Lib Dems will be a wasted one.
  11. Oh god I know that all too well. So many of these gaming books I never actually got around to reading and they were just taking up space so they’re now in a box at the back of my wardrobe.
  12. That’s awesome @nightwolf, hope it goes well for you. Sounds very similar to mine. We’ve just hit half term and gone past yet another promised meeting to sort out jobs. You really start to realise when bosses just don’t give a shit. My boss at this job before the current one I asked about getting more hours and she just flat out told me there wasn’t enough money. A shame of course but at least she was straight with me. Being strung along by this one for a year and a half with false promises of discussion is just shitty. My current plan is looking for work from home stuff so I can get a chance to relocate to a better area. Problem is of course finding that kind of stuff, especially when you are looking for actual work from home jobs and not just self employed/work for commission stuff. Ah the fun of job searching 😝
  13. Did any of you guys back the Dreamcast book on Kickstarter a few years ago? Every time I get a status email it’s a surprise as they’re so far between and I keep forgetting all about it. This damn book had better be good!
  14. Well I can do a pretty good Tommy Cooper but i don't think it works well when you type it out... Give it a try anyway
  15. I think we absolutely need people calling this stuff out. I think the thing here is that if you don’t want to watch it for whatever reason (negativity/annoying twat) then you do t have to. I think the benefit of having it put out there though is still important.
  16. I hope they send 2 letters. First one accepting the extension request, the second directly to Boris Johnson saying they are doing this just to spite him.
  17. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more to do with the Modern Warfare reboot rather than a single player campaign.
  18. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his message etc and I think he does care about the industry. I just don’t like his schtick or personality when being himself to the point where I don’t want to watch any of his stuff.
  19. Don’t know if it helps or not but before he had his own Youtube channel and at Destructoid he was still an annoying arse.
  20. So what did you guys do for the first big choice with Edgewater?
  21. Starting to think I should have put more points into lock picking. There’s no mini game this time, you just use up lock pick parts and the more points you have the less you have to use. I’m always around 0 parts left. Might have to start putting more in. I tend to put the majority of mine into speech in these games.
  22. I don’t care about Rugby so would like this thread locked please. Thankyou for your time.
  23. Looks like it’s available on the Epic Games Store now as well so must be a timed deal.
  24. Just started playing this as it’s on Game Pass. Seems really good so far. Not surprisingly it’s got a very Fallout feel to it but it’s nice to go back to that style and enjoy it after the disappointment of 4. I’m playing the PC version and it looks really nice, very colourful. I’d definitely recommend people give it a try if they get a chance. It’s been getting good reviews as well.
  25. Meh 😝
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