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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. My Dreamcast Kickstarted book finally arrived today. Looking forward to giving it a read tonight.
  2. I hate training courses that link to external web pages for news stories etc. Our catering department is doing one at the moment which im overseeing and they've already been tricked by adverts multiple times on the Mirror and Daily Mail websites. One person even managed to install an extention on chrome that she didnt need. I'm thinking about recommending that we don't allow these kind of courses on School PCs if they can't be trusted.
  3. Sounds like Kairi Sane had a rough night at the TLC ppv with a probable concussion early on. Seems like Asuka and Becky Lynch realised and tried to protect her but for whatever reason Charlotte carried on as normal, even giving her a proper slap after a botched spear. The WWE referees should have stopped the match when it was obvious something was wrong. At one point poor Kairi was basically lying on the floor with tears in her eyes while Asuka had to help her up. Kairi avoiding Charlotte so she could take a shot from the safer Becky https://streamable.com/bcwhk
  4. I've been thinking about this as I usually love making these lists but I've played so few games this year that I think I'll struggle to make a top 5 2019 games list. I might try and figure one out later and then probably just make a top games I played this year regardless of release list.
  5. Flawless logic
  6. Looks good. I think I originally Kickstarted that book but cancelled it when I was low on funds.
  7. They should finally introduce the Dreamcast backwards compatibility. That would convince me to get one straight away.
  8. Doubt I'll be getting one of these until a couple of years after release unless they knock it out of the park right out of the gate with some amazing exclusives.
  9. Really glad I'm not in work today. Pretty sure I'd end up saying something about all this that would make it awkward going forward. I was close on Wednesday.
  10. I was speaking to someone from CEX about these earlier in the year. Apparently they had loads of people buying them then trading in all the blu rays because they were making a profit.
  11. Yeah I did wonder about Code Veronica, just couldn't remember if it came before or after 4.
  12. I wonder if they will carry on with the remakes after this with 4. 3 will end a very specific Resident Evil period.
  13. Good idea. Wait until the others have left before touching yourself. You are attending the wrong kind of parties if you have to wait until everyone leaves
  14. This looked massively generic to me.
  15. Ah the "no, we're still not cancelled" trailer
  16. I like the series, I've just never liked playing them. I do have good memories of watching friends play through them.
  17. Another one I will happily watch others play but never touch myself.
  18. I know, I was just mentioning it because it wasn't on your list.
  19. Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES were both PS2.
  20. To be fair this isnt exactly new. We've had it for most of the Persona games.
  21. God, I thought we were finally free of him???
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