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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. So what do we think, will we see an N64 mini next year from Nintendo? There did seem to be various leaks hinting that they were working on one but nothing has come of them yet.
  2. Daym thats a lorra games. Make sure you post in the Judgment thread when you start that. Maybe someone else playing it will coax me back too.
  3. So roughly how long is the game? Just started it this morning. Definitely noticing stuttering in certain areas on Xbox.
  4. I did end up getting a cheap S for downstairs. Got the Jedi Fallen Order bundle with Fallout 4 and Wreckfest.
  5. There goes Emery from Arsenal. Lasted longer this season than I thought he would. Be interesting to see who replaces him.
  6. Shenmue 4 PS5 exclusive confirmed
  7. Disappointed to not be seeing the black friday sales flooded with PS Classic sales again. I was hoping to pick one up for about 50p this time!
  8. Load of Xbox One deals coming up at the moment and planned for tomorrow morning. Tempted to order one cheap in the morning to leave downstairs as a uhd player and just leave it subscribed to gamepass.
  9. But....everyone???
  10. Thanks Hero, I've just bought the last 4.
  11. Console VR is a bit less niche though isn't it? I was under the impression PSVR did very well for Sony.
  12. We'll find out once they start posting their very special links for us to read.
  13. No I haven't but definitely sounds like aomething I'd like so I'll give them a watch, thanks.
  14. Gawd, ive only played 2 days worth of the game and even i knew that. And you call yourself a Shenmue fan!
  15. Finally after all these years the Showa Era Godzilla movies have a UK release! Can't wait to start watching this collection in HD. I just hope it doesn't take too long for them to release the rest of the movies.
  16. If I see a good discount then I think I might get the Mega Drive mini after all. I still prefer using my actual collection to play the games on the Mega SG but it occured to me that the mini might be nice to leave downstairs tonuse on the living room tv. Amazon even have the Asia region version available (just for £35 more so we'll see if I bother with that)
  17. Well it is basically a Dreamcast game. I guess you didn't have backer codes back then.
  18. I checked this morning after their email and I seem to have one. If you follow their link to fangamer you should be able to find it there. If you don't have an actual fangamer account (like I didn't) then on their page just request your survey to be sent out again and it will give you all the relevant pages including the backer codes.
  19. Well Spurs had an interesting night. As usual, fuck Mourinho. That guy should not have a job in football.
  20. I haven't actually played a lot this year but from what I have, or have seen enough for have an opinion on I would vote for: GOTY The Outer Worlds Beat Game Direction Resident Evil 2 Best Narrative Disco Elysium (purely from the positive buzz I kept hearing) Best Performance Ashly Birch Best Ongoing Game FFXIV Action/Adventure Resident Evil 2 RPG FFXIV
  21. It's a shame because the majority of what I've seen and read claim that the tech itself works pretty well, it's just the the service/store etc going along with it that's not great. It does feel like something that needs to go hand in hand with an actual console like MS' streaming or PS Now. Taking the plunge and just trusting that it will all work, that your internet won't crap out on you etc etc is probably too much for a lot of people.
  22. Speech impediment?
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