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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Pale Waves, I came across them during one of my drunken wonderings of Youtube.
  2. Right now i'm focusing on his Chinese movies. I'll start getting the American stuff once Dragon Lord and Fearless Hyena arrive from 88 Films. Still have to pick up Drunken Master also. Then I'll start working on the rest of the Schwarzenegger films.
  3. Somebody help me. I'm going to starve to death due to all the money i'm spending on movies.
  4. Bottom is one I used to watch as a kid, along with Red Dwarf.
  5. I might pick this up when it's cheeper. I've already been spoiled to high hell anyway.
  6. Right now I'm on Corona Extras, stick some lime in there and i'm good. When it comes to wine I'm usually on an Australian white. Got some cans of Asahi in the fridge that I'll work on next but if i can Find anything by Brewdog I'll usually go aheead and bye that, usually Punk IPA.
  7. Only if you want your characters looking like they're on vacation. I use them as cosmetic gear, they're all named as "resort 1" or resort 2, 3, 4 ect.
  8. I refuse to continue untill I get the resort items for a character. Spent about 30 minutes doing "The walls have eyes" time trial to get Dunban's resort items. Got into Satorl Marsh last night and i'm just wondering around doing the quests I can before moving on. I need to go back to Colony 9 and talk to everyone to fill out my affinity chart.
  9. I am. Impossible CPU is kicking my ass in Mankala. Haven't really tried most of the games yet, played some sevens and some mahjong, pool ect. Still alot I haven't played yet.
  10. I don't know. I've never seen it.
  11. Another one to add to the collection.
  12. ...It seems I also have a problem.
  13. Comms error during GP2 race 1
  14. Thanks for letting me know, made a few more purchases. Think i've spent over £100 on Jackie Chan blu-rays today thanks to you.
  15. 88 Films seem to be re-releasing all these old films with a lot of extra stuff and commentary. I'll start replacing my DVD Jackie Chan collection immediatly! first two images might be a little big, sorry about that.
  16. Where are you getting all these Jackie Chan blu-rays from?
  17. Too hung over, couldn't get a price. >_<
  18. Was going to buy this off of shopto but it was the same price digitaly. So I downloaded it along with Xenoblade. I also wanted to play ludo again...along with a few others.
  19. I played the crap out of the first THPS on my PS1 in 1999-2000. I had a GBA copy of THPS 2 that I played but I only ever had a demo of PS1 THPS 2 that I played pretty much to death.
  20. I uh.... I might have spent £2000 on a new OLED TV... 65" same size as the last one. Sony Bravia OLED KD65AG8BU I had to! the blacks are blacker!
  21. Screw it, i bought at 103 i'm selling at 155. Atleast I can make a small profit since turniprophet is saying the price will decline this afternoon. I put over 2 million bells into turnips, i'm not losing my money!
  22. Ah I was late, anyone else got a good price? Buying at 155 this morning.
  23. Nice to see after the broken mess that was THPS 5
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